All Topics / Opinionated! / $600 bonus

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  • Profile photo of diclem

    Hi people,
    Those of you with kids would most likely have qualified for the $600 per child government bonus. This is one of those rare times when I am grateful I have four kids[cap] Of course I’m kidding, I think….anyway…
    The question is, what are you planning to do with it?
    Some options….
    Invest for the kiddies
    Put it towards an IP
    Pay off some of your PPoR
    Buy a big screen TV (Apparently they are walking out the store doors!)
    Blow it at the pokies (This is popular also!)
    Any great ideas?

    Sue [biggrin]

    “Be careful not to step on the flowers when you’re reaching for the stars”

    Profile photo of kay henry

    diclem :o)

    How about supersize the kids and take them to mcdonalds until they eat $600 each worth of maccas? [hair2]

    kay henry

    Profile photo of diclem

    Not a bad option, as cooking is not my favourite pastime[party]
    Probably best to vary it a little, make up a roster…KFC, then Hungry Jacks, pizza, fish and chips, maccas, chinese and then the local all-you-can-eat restaurant.
    That covers the whole week[specool]
    Then my kids would propbably look something like this

    “Be careful not to step on the flowers when you’re reaching for the stars”

    Profile photo of Rugbyfan

    It’s not fair, I don’t get it.

    That sucks!

    I was looking forward to a weekend ski trip.[biggrin]

    “Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a handsome and well preserved body, but better to skid in sideways, thoroughly used, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming . …… Hell, what a trip !!”

    Profile photo of Monopoly

    Yeah sure, why not contribute to the already escalatinng childhood obesity epidemic!!![glum2] [blush2] Just kidding folks, I know my daughter would jump at the mere whiff of a hefty feast at maccas!!! [wacko]

    Here’s a more lasting alternative: $600 would get them an awesome new bike, keep them fit, happy and healthy (all at the same time)!!! AND with school holidays upon us… would help to keep them entertained outside, and out from under your feet..YAY!!! [thumbsupanim]


    P.S. FYI – “Supersize” is not available in Oz and has recently been abolished by McDonald’s in the US due to the current world obesity crisis; sorry kids!!!! [glum2]

    Profile photo of kay henry

    hey diclem :o) Good idea about the multi-fat-food approach. They’sd be hefty little buggers if they had all those goodies :)

    Have you seen that “Supersize Me” movie, diclem? I am itching to go and see it- it’s totally fun-looking.

    And yes, Monopoly, i agree with you about obesity. It’s a real worry. Being obese or having children or a partner who was obese would be very distressing, I imagine.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Monopoly

    Thanks Kay,

    I’m glad to see you (or anyone else) didn’t think my comment was not anti-maccas or that I was picking on anyone who goes there. I love the stuff too, although with their yummy salads now, I don’t feel so guilty (not that I need to, but better safe than sorry I always say)

    As you can see (members pic) my hubby WAS overweight at one point (certainly not obese) but healthy food and lots of out-and-about in that (clean???) air works wonders!!!



    Profile photo of yackyack
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,206

    Yeah we got our cheque a few days ago. So the two kids have now bought Mum a sewing Machine for around $400. Then we are off to see Shrek II. The rest goes towards our trip to Canada later in the year.

    Profile photo of diclem

    nah, haven’t seen the “Supersize” movie, I’m scared it will put me off take away….as I said before, I don’t like to cook![lmao]
    I’m a great mother[jealous], nah I’m not really that bad…
    My sister saw the movie though, and was quite put off, but she’s always been a bit of a wet blanket. She’s my older sister, and more like a mother than my mother!
    I don’t believe maccas is good for me, but from what I have heard there were too many variables in this experiment to be reliable.
    Just my opinion,
    Sue [cigar]

    “Be careful not to step on the flowers when you’re reaching for the stars”

    Profile photo of Rugbyfan
    I have avoided posting in this thread for obvious reasons.

    Why is that Rob, you are entitled to your opinion like everyone else on this forum.

    I happen to agree with some of what you say. I’m sure I’m not alone.

    P.S. I like Macca’s!

    “Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a handsome and well preserved body, but better to skid in sideways, thoroughly used, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming . …… Hell, what a trip !!”

    Profile photo of melbearmelbear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,429

    But Rob, if you listen to the Treasurer, you need to produce 3 kids for the good of the country. At the moment I’m happy for somebody else to take on my quote – Sue’s done her bit and then some, so that takes a bit of pressure off [biggrin].

    I don’t think $600 is going to encourage people to rush out and have kids – it’s a one off. But I do think young single mums are given far too much money.

    My cousin’s 16 year old son has a baby, and his girlfriend is expecting their second – her third (she’s 25 I think). He lives ‘with his parents’ and claims the sole parent for their joint kid, she lives with her other kid, and gets the sole parent. I think the 16 year old gets paid $600 per fortnight – so he’s not interesting in working. My aunt ripped into him because he gets more than her husband (now RIP) got on the pension, and he’d worked and paid taxes for 40 years!


    Profile photo of Celivia

    Re single mothers, may be the answer lies in education. Well I’m talking more about teenage pregnancies here.
    I think a lot more could be done in the area of sex education. I know they have programs like drug and sex education (my own kids took part in these programs) but these programs may not be intense enough for many teenagers.
    I believe that the rate of teenage pregnancies would decline if the programs would be more individualised and intensified.


    Profile photo of sizzling_duck

    Rather than a straight cash ‘injection’ which seems to create this whole ‘evil single mum’ issue how about just way higher tax thresholds for those having kids and actually earning money?

    The issue of cheaper just getting welfare than working when kids are involved just doesn’t help the system nor does it really help the kids who have a really bad example being set.

    Handouts almost never work, it in most cases only makes a situation worse.

    Profile photo of sizzling_duck
    Re single mothers, may be the answer lies in education. Well I’m talking more about teenage pregnancies here.
    I think a lot more could be done in the area of sex education. I know they have programs like drug and sex education (my own kids took part in these programs) but these programs may not be intense enough for many teenagers.
    I believe that the rate of teenage pregnancies would decline if the programs would be more individualised and intensified.


    In my opinion, after the education into sex ed and other silly little stupid policies the incoming state government (Goss) had to put into the schools just were a waste of money. You can try to educate someone but they got to have the interest and intellect to want to learn from it.

    Its almost like you have to create exams just to be classed as ‘capable to be a parent’…[satan]

    Profile photo of Celivia

    [/quote] In my opinion, after the education into sex ed and other silly little stupid policies the incoming state government (Goss) had to put into the schools just were a waste of money. You can try to educate someone but they got to have the interest and intellect to want to learn from it.[/quote]

    I agree. However… this is the case for every subject.

    There will, for example, be pupils who don’t have the interest to learn maths.
    Does that mean the maths program has to be dropped or that there’s no need for improvement?
    Or does it mean there is room for improvement until these pupils will have a better grasp?

    Even if a minority of pupils benefit from these sex education programs, it is worth it IMO, as it will have a future ‘domino effect’ on their own kids and grandkids.

    Hmmmmm [ohno]….If they EVER gonna have kids after participating in this very much improved program hehe [party].
    Oops, oh well this IS the frolic forum![upsidedown]



    Profile photo of everdineeverdine
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 119

    I agree with some of the various comments.
    Having worked in a high school with 5th generation unemployed students, gave me a reality check. Education is important, however many of these students have no intention of working, they see no benefits in it. Unfortunately the only people they know who work are their teachers, for whom they have little respect.
    Somehow the education system is not teaching them life skills they need – basic reading and writing, money/change, health/hygeine and social skills. It’s very difficult for teachers who do try to do this at high school level, as by then the students have found people at Centrelink, or other agencies will do it for them.
    It is a whole society problem and the children themselves are not to blame, as they have little
    understanding that there is a “better” way. Sure some have a burning desire for change and forge their way to a new life, but sadly some cannot see or find their way out of their “webs”.
    IMHO people who receive benefits should be accountable for using it wisely and learning to budget and pay their bills. Most of us who work for an income have to go without on occasions to pay an account, dentist bill or whatever.
    Many people who I have seen that receive benefits, spend it on purchases they can ill afford and then can go to various agencies to get cash/groceries, so while I do not want to see anyone be cold or hungry, I think part of the remedy may come from making people more accountable for what they receive.
    Sounds good on paper anyway.
    There’s no easy fix.
    I’ll get off my soap-box now!!

    PS when we buy Maccas aren’t we supporing a great property investing idea??

    Profile photo of JetDollarsJetDollars
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,435

    I got a 2 years old daughter, and I don’t get it. This government suck…..

    Kind regards

    Jet Dollars
    [Retire Young, Retire Rich] [strum]

    Profile photo of diclem

    Ok, my post was mean’t to be a positive one, where people could put up some valuable ideas on the best way to use their bonus (If they got it)
    And maybe have some fun with it along the way [blush2]
    Seems that by having four kids and getting my bonus, I have rubbed some people the wrong way.
    Just for the record, I’m not a single mum, my kids all have the same father, who I have been with for 21 years and married to for 15, and I’m only 35. Sorry, I happen to like children.
    We are self employed, and I am responsible for all the paperwork, so sometimes I do stuff envelopes…..
    I’ll get off my soapbox now….
    Sue [biggrin]

    “Be careful not to step on the flowers when you’re reaching for the stars”

    Profile photo of kay henry


    Don’t feel bad- i loved your post, and I still think you should supersize those kids!! :o))

    The most loving people have great kids, and I bet you raise really lovely kids, Sue. I don’t know why this post became a slag off of single mothers- too much watching today tonight and a current affair, i guess. And Sue, it doesn’t matter (to me) if you have ten kids to ten different fathers- all it means is you’d have a diverse looking set of children :)

    I did eat mcdonalds last night- a big mac. I reckon I eat mcdonalds about once a year, pizza once a year, kfc once a year. I love the taste of those foods- totally yummy :)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of WallFlowerWallFlower
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 205

    I Love Maccas
    I love Shreck 2
    I love my Funky new boots
    I love The fact that little Johnny has paid for the SD on my IP
    I love my Five (yup count ’em) children

    Anyone got more that 5 children(got a friend who has 7)

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