All Topics / Forum Frolic / Andrew Johns to Rugby

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  • Profile photo of JetDollarsJetDollars
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,435

    If AJ switch to Rugby then I just have to learn new things ie. to watch and learn rugby, but now I have to defer it.

    Kind regards

    Jet Dollars
    [Retire Young, Retire Rich] [strum]

    Profile photo of sizzling_ducksizzling_duck
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 129

    Johns would’ve been an ordinary rugby player, plus he would’ve spent even more time off the field as his back gives in after the first big ruck he gets stuck on the bottom of.

    As for the ‘tahs, they need to learn how to beat the Reds before they can make the semis [medieval]

    Fortunately they are not trying to poach Lockyer, who was clearly voted the best player in rugby league well ahead of Johns… who was third I think.

    Profile photo of baloo
    Originally posted by The Mortgage Adviser:

    All I have to say for all those who were happy to see the ARU turn their backs on Rugby juniors to import expensive League players is….


    Rathbone eh ? What junior development did the ARU do for Rathbone ? He’s another import, South African in fact. His only tie to Australia is his Grand Father. We poached him from SA with $$$$$$

    So how would Johns have been different ?

    Profile photo of melbearmelbear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,429

    Radike Samo is another that was poached from another country – Fiji.

    I don’t know how we expect these other countries to improve if we steal all their good players and call them ours…


    Profile photo of baloo
    Originally posted by The Mortgage Adviser:


    I was of the opinion Rathbone grew up and played here. My humble apologies.

    No need to apologise, but it might be an idea to check your facts before using Size 6, Red, Bold font to try and make a point.

    As for Oz stealing players, we have a few imports in the current squad, not only Samo.

    Fijians- Lote Tuqiri , Radike Samo
    Tongans- George Smith , Mark Gerrard
    Maori’s -Jeremy Paul , Morgan Turinui
    Sout African – Clyde Rathbone (Rathbone actually capatined the SA Under 21 team)

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