All Topics / General Property / Asta La Vista!
Probably the wrong forum for this, but anyway. I’m off for a week to QLD for a bit of refocusing, R+R and a general break to refuel my mind. Many thanks to all on this forum for your kind support, suggestions, advice, fun and games, etc. Take care and good luck investing and I’ll be back bigger and better (maybe even as the Great Gatsby!). Better go now as who knows, Im liable as usual to be up until morning on this site. Once you log on, it’s like a drug! Time for a bit of detox and to smell life’s roses on the way!
Take care all,
Gatsby!Rock on Gatsby the great!
Enjoy yourself in Qld :o) Look forward to your posts when you get back.
kay henry
Hey Gatsby,
Great chatting to you; look forward to another long yarn sometime soon. [winking] Enjoy Qld, don’t forget the “slip, slop, slap” [sunny]don’t want you coming back all toastie!!! [whip] ouch!!!
Cheers, [tongue]
It’s b….y freezing up here. Was 21 degrees yesterday! Had to put my beanie on!
I bet you’re only coming up for the glorious amber XXXX nectar Gatsby? NOT! Still tastes like cat’s p..s every weekend!
Acute Mortgage Reductions degrees… *freezing*
[cap]Yeah got so cold the other night (14 degrees) I had to sleep with 2 blankets and again my beanie!
The weather is terrible here in QLD!
Acute Mortgage Reductions
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