All Topics / Creative Investing / Investor Club in Melbourne

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  • Profile photo of HurricaneHurricane
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 10

    Hi all

    Have to say that I aggree with Felicity and Greg re who comes.

    Count me in for the 18th. Re venue, I am fine with Sth Melbourne, but please consider that there are a number of Wrappers travelling from the hills or far outer east. Although I lived the closest to the last lunch I was the latest to arrive Hmmmm…. Anyway unless there are no new suggestions for venue (here is the opportunity to speak up loud and clear if you want the lunch closer to your place with specific venue alternatives)otherwise lets go with sth melb.


    Profile photo of Grreg

    Hi Ray!

    I am open to suggestions and I think South Melbourne is a good choice all considered as it is pretty easy to access whichever direction you come from.

    Also there might be people from sunny Geelong or that end of the land who might like to join us too. I guess we’ll see what people propose and if nothing better comes along we can stick with South Melbourne.


    Profile photo of FWFW
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 478

    By the way, I just thought I’d add that I don’t mind answering questions, I do it frequently! But sometimes it’s nice to talk about other things.

    Keep smiling
    Felicity 8-)

    Profile photo of BarnseyBarnsey
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 70

    Hi Guys
    I understand the need to restrict entry to this kind of even. As mentioned, I would probably ask all sorts of “dopey” questions. I have done quite a bit of research on wraps (Ithink!), but it would be great to have a bit of a chat with people who have taken the leap. Perhaps there would be an opportunity for a “Newbie’s” meeting somewhere on the eastern side of the city (I hope there are a few like minded types in Gippsland).

    Profile photo of superdomo

    Well a room has been booked for up to 20 guests at the Southern Cross Hotel from 12 noon on Sunday 18 under the name of Wrap Club.

    Profile photo of Grreg

    Just a reminder folks that the lunch is this weekend! Sunday 18th July.

    Hope to see you there [biggrin]


    Profile photo of superdomo

    Yes indeed and your host at the hotel is David Morley on 03 9696 1536 [thumbsupanim]

    Profile photo of yack

    How did the meeting go?

    Profile photo of lozza123lozza123
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 81

    Hi Yack

    Only a small group of around 7 people turned up for our lunch at the Southern Cross… but it was still good, because I got to meet some new wrapping people. [specool]

    Felicity, of course, is always a wealth of information. I can’t help feeling she got a bit bombarded, but hopefully got something out of it for herself too…(?)

    Ah… and JB the Man of Action did fly in briefly too. He is always full of interesting ideas.

    Thanks Superdomo for booking somewhere for us. Sorry I didn’t get to meet you on the day. [glum]

    Hope to see you all again at the next lunch!

    Lozza [biggrin]

    Profile photo of Grreg

    Hi Yack!

    It went well – all be it with few people.

    However the optimist in me says that this was actullay a really good thing because it allowed everybody to get to know one another better than they otherwise would…

    Superdomo thought we might have seen you there…hopefully we’ll meet in the near future…

    For those interested Michael Gruber, who produced LoanAlert, sent me some info packs to hand around at the lunch – of which I still have a pile left.

    He did mention a discount for people at the lunch, but you’ll have to check with him if this still applies. (I am not getting anything out of this. I have not even used LoanAlert myself. I was just doing a favour for him and Yuchen). So if you are in Melbourne and are interested in a one of the little packs let me know. Otherwise you could contact Michael directly for more info.


    Profile photo of yack

    Maybe one day. But wrapping is not for me at this stage of my life.

    Profile photo of vicgirl

    There’s so many threads here so I only found this too late…a pity as it would have been great to meet new people with similar interests…hopefully next time…I’m an Aussie turned Kiwi investor, training to become a landrat in Victoria….[baaa][evil4]

    Profile photo of Grreg

    Hi Vicgirl…welcome to the forum…keep an eye out because we will hopefully be having another lunch down the track sometime and it is always good to meet up with like minded people…[biggrin]


    Profile photo of vicgirl

    Thanks for the welcome Greg, I’ll be looking forward to it….

    Profile photo of _steve__steve_
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 2

    I may be a bit late with this reply, but if there are any further Wrap Club meetings/dinners I would also like to come along.

    If anyone wants to let me know my email address is


    Profile photo of JULES1JULES1
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 147

    I am not getting responses to my emails or my postings about where this group meets. So don’t expect an early reply.


    Email Me

    Profile photo of ToolsTools
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 363

    This post is 12 months old…could explain why noone is reading and responding!

    Profile photo of rmittlal1rmittlal1
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 12

    Hi All the wrap experts,

    I need help to start on wrapping. I have a property which is being subdivided. Hope subdivision would be over in two months. The front house is valued at about 250k (East Melbour e Lilydale area) and rented for $240/wk. Weekly rent is too low for any meaningful installments with a low deposit.

    How do I start?

    All help wouold be appreciated.


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