All Topics / Creative Investing / Investor Club in Melbourne
Is anyone interested in either starting or recommending a wrap club in Melbourne?
Hiya Superdomo
In February we had a “Wrap lunch” with about 12 people, which we held at the Old England Hotel in Ivanhoe.
I’m planning on hopefully organising another one fairly soon. It’s not an official “wrap club”, but most of the attendees were very knowledgable about wraps.
I can send you a message when we have the next one..?
Thanks Lozza, maybe you could email me on when you get one up and running? Much appreciated.
Hi Lozza,
Lets get another meeting organised. I was thinking about it just the other day.
Maybe we could say Sunday the 18th July. That gives eveyone 4 weeks warning and it is after the school holidays.
What does everybody think? You are all welcome.
Greg.Sounds good to me. Suggest lunchtime maybe somewhere central?
Not central because then it’s a pain to park anywhere…
Keep smiling
FelicityHi all the above,
I haven’t wrapped but would love to come along to the meeting to learn more, etc.
Please, if a meeting is held, feel free to pm me and I’ll make the time.
Many thanks,
PS Location in Melbourne no problem!I’m up for another, and the venue last time was great, although a bit far for some.
It’s my turn to buy JB a drinkie with an umbrella in it.
whoever confirms the place and time, just post it on here – then whoever rocks up, rocks up.
“If You never never ask, you’ll never never know”
That sounds like a great idea. I too am still at the learning stage, but would be quite interested in attending.
If you would be so kind as to post the details, that would be great.
Don’t forget there is a Wraps Association that has regular meetings around the country, Melbourne inc.
Steve McKnight
Remember that success comes from doing things differently.
**********Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO
https://www.propertyinvesting.comSuccess comes from doing things differently
Ok so here’s a suggestion for Sunday 18 July. Southern Cross Hotel at 78 Cecil Street South Melbourne, right by the market, do a fine Sunday roast by all accounts. 2 roaring fires plus bags of parking.
Nice work Superdomo!
Now that we have a venue lets commit to it.
I remember that last time the hardest thing was deciding on a venue – with a last minute change, because the one chosen does not trade on Sundays [blush2]
Anyway I think Superdomos suggestion is a fine one and I will be there… What does evryone else think?
Lets make it a great day. Looking forward to meeting new people/seeing old people again. Yay!
Hi Grreg, FW & SkippyGirl (my newly acquired wrap friends!) plus everyone else who posted;
Well, I’m gonna have to check my availability on that day, ’cause my hubby is making a movie and I’ve volunteered to do all the catering for the cast & crew. I never get a weekend to myself anymore!
South Melb is not particularly handy for me, but the food sounds good so I shall do my best to be there.
Last time we had 12 people. I did try to count numbers, so that we could make a proper booking… As it turned out, the Old England wasn’t overflowing anyway if I recall.
The sad thing is, my wrap deal fell through and I’m getting rather miserable about it right now. I planned to be able to tell you all how great I was doing, rather than just discussing the same house all over again!!
Oh well – something to aim for I guess!
Cheers all,
Lozza [biggrin]
Curses, I was too slow, I should have suggested a nice restaurant in the Dandenongs! You guys are determined to make me drive miles and miles.
At this stage I think I can make it.
Also, I know last time it was a criteria of attendance that you were at least in the process of doing your first wrap – is that still going to be the case? If it is that should be made clear upfront I think.Keep smiling
FelicityHey Lozza,
does your hubby need any actors. Id be happy to give up my investmenst to become an actor….[biggrin][biggrin][biggrin]
“If You never never ask, you’ll never never know”
I think you have a good point there Felicity.
The last lunch worked out so well I think we should keep things exactly the same – If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!We should keep the criteria for those attending to either have done or be in the process of doing their first wrap(s).
If people want to let me know if they can make it, maybe a bit closer to the date, send me a PM and I’ll make a booking for the appropriate numbers.
Greg.Hey I don’t mind admitting I am new to the whole concept of wrapping.
My original request for information on any existing wrap club was to seek some face to face discussions on the processes involved – all in a convivial atmosphere of fellowship. Who knows – maybe even set up some partnerships, or open up other avenues of possible investment?So with all this in mind, can anyone please explain why it is therefore a condition of entry to have either done or be in the process of doing their first wrap(s)?
The reason some wrap experience was required, was so that everyone who attended would be able to share experiences and learn from each other.
I know I’ve been to meetings before where as a more experienced wrapper I spent the whole time answering questions from newbies (no offence intended!) and basically came away not learning anything myself.
The organisers of the original lunch felt that by restricting attendance, they were therefore more likely to attract a group of more experienced wrappers for a social chat, rather than a couple of wrappers and lots of newbies.
That was my understanding, anyway! Perhaps someone else can elaborate or correct me if I’m wrong.
You can always organise a separate event for all comers if you choose to! Alternatively, make sure you get to the next meeting of the Wraps Association, that’s one of the best places to learn about wraps and also network with wrappers of all levels of experience (I don’t think there’s a date for the next one yet).Keep smiling
FelicityHi superdomo!
The Vendor Finance Wraps Association (VFA) meetings are great for info. Have you checked out the website? I have found the forum there very useful.
I don’t remember the discussion when the original meeting was organised – but the lunch did go very smoothly and I think it is fair to say that even when you think you know enough to do your first wrap there is still a lot of stuff you learn along the way.
Depending on what your job is and what your property experiences have been it can be a steep learning curve for someone starting out. It is easy to see that people in this position can have a million questions – some of which when you look back are quite silly, but seemingly life threatening at the time.
Now imagine a few desperate people with life threatening questions and a few slighly, but not much, experienced people with them trying to have lunch and a chat and you can probably see what can happen.
I went to sales promo evening for a wrap presenter last year where Felicity briefly stood up and told of her experiences. At the end of the night I saw her get swamped by about 20 people! Some of them probably recognised her from this forum – but I didn’t have the heart to go over there and introduce myself, as she looked like she was going to be stuck there all night as it was.
Good news is he apparently survived to wrap another day…[exhappy]
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