All Topics / Forum Frolic / Hang over solution?

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  • Profile photo of js2

    Hi Everyone,

    I’m having a party, on the weekend. And I was thinking of handing out something that fixes a hangover. Then we can go around again [biggrin].

    I don’t do all that much drinking, but this weekend I can see myself getting, Mmmmm, how should I put it? In the Old terms ‘smashed’, or very drunk.

    Anyone know any good ways to: If not stop a hang over just improve it or make it a bit better!

    Profile photo of Fast LaneFast Lane
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 527

    Stay up all night drinking and dont sleep. Just have a quick nap the next afternoon if needed and a normal nights sleep the next night. You can never wake up to a hangover if you’ve never been to sleep! [sleepyanim]=[sick3]

    Profile photo of redwing

    Agree with G7

    Dont sleep !!



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    Profile photo of js2

    “Stay up all night drinking”

    Yeah I might do that.

    I guess another one’s not to drink. But that goes against having a party. So on this occassion that’s inevitable!


    Are you able to fly in REDWING , I know the property next door has a crop dusting Airstrip [biggrin].

    Profile photo of redwing

    Morning Jaffasoft [biggrin][biggrin]

    Have a *wedge*..a drink of water between drinks, keeps you hydrated too, alcohol leeches a lot of potassuim from your body too…Hey maybe have Banana Daquiries [biggrin]

    Enjoy your party !![strum][fez][headphone][hmmm] and No [sick3][upsidedown]

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    Profile photo of js2

    Good morning RedWing,

    “No” Ohh come on RedWing, come on down and play the guitar for me.

    Good idea “Bannana’s”, full of potassuim.

    Only since I’m educated now that you told me.

    I remember a cycle race that had some fenominal amount of bike rides in it, and they bought for them 10,000 Banana’s. They had nothing else but bananas [laughing].

    So I guess do what the monkey’s did [biggrin][party] [tongue].

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    Profile photo of Mortgage HunterMortgage Hunter
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3,781

    Have a huge drink of water before bed.

    Go for a good sweaty run in the morning and drink more water.

    Eat something greasy. Cold pizza from the box you find under the coffee table is perfect.


    I have never had a hangover but saw these work for others when I was in the Army.

    Simon Macks
    Mortgage Broker
    0425 228 985

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    Profile photo of redwing
    Originally posted by MortgageHunter:

    Have a huge drink of water before bed.

    Go for a good sweaty run in the morning and drink more water.

    Eat something greasy. Cold pizza from the box you find under the coffee table is perfect.


    Then Throw up-feel better and GO AGAIN..Ha ha[blink][sick3]

    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
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    Profile photo of drhappydrhappy
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 22


    I never feel crook till I stop drinking. You can work out the rest.

    Cheers Deano

    Profile photo of bigbenbigben
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 62

    Hi All,
    Well i have got the best hangover cure however it is more of a hangover prevention.
    Berroca! Have 1 berroca at about 5pm then another just before you start drinking. Then as another said have a few drinks of water in between and in the morning you will not believe it! I have now been doing this for 6 months and have not had a single hangover. The secret is to have the berroca before you go out not the next morning as all the stuff that the alcohol takes out the berroca puts back in…
    Just a quick storey i spent $120 on alcohol last saturday night and mos of that was on bourbon and coke maybe a few tequila’s but seriously i got home at 4am only to sleep till 9am woke up and felt fine! Doesn’t stop you from feeling tired though…bugger.
    Try it next time you will be amazed![cigar]

    Sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can

    Profile photo of xxxxxx
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 31

    Have to agree with some of the previous posts about water and Vit B.

    Hangovers are caused by dehydration caused by alcohol which is a diuretic (something that makes you pee all the time).

    Make sure you drink at least a big glass of water before going to bed along with a Vitamin B. Alcohol kills Vit B (which is water soluble) and replenishing it will help immensely.

    Berocca is basically a Vit B complex.

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 708

    Dear Jaffasoft,
    When it comes to hangovers the only way to improve it or make it a bit better is, ‘just get really drunk the night before!!’
    Beer gutsby!

    Profile photo of melbearmelbear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,429
    Originally posted by MortgageHunter:
    Go for a good sweaty run in the morning and drink more water.

    I have never had a hangover but saw these work for others when I was in the Army.

    Simon, I’m so jealous. I haven’t had a big drinking session for quite a few years now, but one of my last hangovers was as a result of my 21st. I was sick as a dog all day Sunday (my actual birthday), and didn’t fully recover until after I’d been for a lunchtime run at work on the Monday (when I used to be reasonably fit).

    To avoid hangovers, I now rarely drink at all – works for me[biggrin]


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