All Topics / Opinionated! / What are your thoughts about this ?

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  • Profile photo of hotshot

    Va bene marco
    non cappisco perche lei a bisogno di fare questa richesta in un’altra lingua pero si ti fa di piachere allora perche no?

    Profile photo of 1Winner1Winner
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 477

    Wow Hotshot, nice going![cap]

    Si batte la sella per non battere il cavallo…[eh]

    May God prosper you always.[biggrin]

    Profile photo of gatsby

    Thanks Marc1(2,3,4,5,6..?),
    Finally got to put an avatar onto my name!
    PS Now I’m an IT expert!

    Profile photo of gatsby

    Also Marc1 and Hotshot,
    I couldn’t work out the Greek or Latin so last night I found the only ‘teach yourself a foreign langauge’ on CD. I turned it on before I went to bed last night, however the bloody CD kept jumping. I woke up this morning and now all I can do is stutter in Spanish!

    Profile photo of hotshot

    hey gatsby i speek 5 langages just my english riting not the best but getting better! [biggrin]

    Profile photo of gatsby

    Hey Hotshot,
    You’re 4 up on me dude!

    Profile photo of WAF

    Hi all,
    I know that some members of the forum meet for seminars get togethers and other events but Steve what is the feasibility of replacing an Avatar with the individuals actual uploaded digi photo? Wonder what a difference it would make if any to the forum? Funny how the way we picture someone is usually never the way they appear when we eventually meet them.


    Profile photo of kay henry

    Some of us look *exactly* like our avatar, WAF. Why, dont you?

    kay henry

    Profile photo of WAF

    Actually kay henry I am blonde, but hey you can’t have everything


    Profile photo of kay henry

    It’s ok to be blonde, WAF. I am green.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of WAF

    And so you are kay henry. I am also one step closer to being an established forum contributor. How many posts do you need again?

    No really I think it would be nice to see everyones handsome smiling faces[biggrin]

    Profile photo of kay henry


    Here’s a link which has about 20 members’ pictures on it.

    (Note: Members can still send their pics to PropertyGuru- he’ll chuck ’em up for all the world to see :)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Monopoly

    We don’t all look like our Avatars WAF. Oh well, as you say, you can’t have everything hey????? [lmao][winking]

    Profile photo of WAF

    Monopoly, not so sure about that yours looks exactly like you from propertyguru pics!

    Profile photo of Monopoly

    I wish!!! [blink]
    Don’t think so WAF, for starters I’m not a redhead, but thanks all same!! [blush2]

    Profile photo of hotshot

    yes she dos dude better! [biggrin] welcome back jo! [inlove]
    i pick mine coz it makes me look oldar & i like the goaty coz it kinda like i wear mine to! [suave]

    Profile photo of pelicanpelican
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 454

    Hey sweety (JO ! ) Your back !!

    lots of new faces here, and life seems to be back to normal…..



    Profile photo of Monopoly

    Don’t know about that Pelican; don’t go counting your eggs just yet!!! Oops sorry, that’s for chickens isn’t it??? And you’re a……??? (Yeah I know, not a duck) [laugh4][laugh4][laugh4]

    [blush2] Thanks too Hotshot, you’re sweet!!! [blush2]

Viewing 18 posts - 41 through 58 (of 58 total)

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