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  • Profile photo of Monopoly

    Oh gonna be like that hey??? Fine….”blow it out your bubble” then!!!!! [laugh4][laugh4][laugh4]

    Profile photo of pelican

    I’ve finally after a bit of searching found my new more appropriate avatar !!!

    YAY !![lmao]

    Although the Homer one was also ok, cause I usually walk around going DOH !!!!

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763

    Isn’t that a duck??? Quack!

    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Monopoly

    “Mine, mine, mine”

    Oops, sorry that was the seagulls (not Pelicans) from Finding Nemo!!!!!

    Kinda reminded me of how I feel at every new property (purchase) settlement!!! [laugh4][laugh4][laugh4]


    Profile photo of pelican

    Quack Quack…. will keep searching……

    Damn life is so complex……. the relentless search for the perfect avatar…… Sheesh !!!

    Profile photo of CeliviaCelivia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 886

    Awww Pelicaninvestments, I think your avator is cute, leave him!!!
    It can still be a pelican…he just dressed up as a duck- for fun!
    AN he doesn’t say quack, quack, but DOH DOH. How’s that, will ya leave him be now???


    Profile photo of hotshot

    Hey dude it looks like a pelican to me!!
    Anyway ducks dont have long beeks do they so yeah its a pelican.

    Profile photo of JetDollarsJetDollars
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,435

    just wanna show my avatar here.

    Kind regards

    Jet Dollars
    [Retire Young, Retire Riches] [strum]

    Profile photo of pelican

    hehehe.. thanks guys.. appreciate it…

    Confirmed, I’m keeping the “duck” er “peliduck”

    DOH !!!

    Profile photo of 1Winner

    How do we choose our avatars?
    As you scroll through the many choices, you will find one that seems OK. Does it mean you can explain why you did so? Sometimes you may sometimes you probably don’t know. Other times you are probably better off not knowing.

    Our subconcious mind holds memories of every single event in our life from birth to today. Retrieving it may be a problem but they are there allright. And they play a part in our decisions all the time.

    Including an avatar.
    Steve, could you be a sport and give Pisces back his right to post? I am sure you and others can be bigger than holding on to petty little disputes. We have lost enough good contributors, and this in the very short time I have been around. [thumbsupanim] OK? Yes?[specool]

    May God prosper you always.[biggrin]

    Profile photo of 1Winner

    I hope my request is not an ab asino lanam situation.

    I want to say, absente reo, that people have been debating and getting hot under the collar ab aeterno. Now, ab imo pectore, I am convinced that accipere quam facere praestat injuriam.

    So Steave, if done ad captandum vulgus, ad hoc, or, ad honorem, it does not matter to me, what is important is that you can forgive Pisces lapsus calami, and show us the spirit of lex fori.

    Remember errare humanum est, forgivness is lingua franca. And . . . Malum consilium quod mutari non potest.

    If to the above you think: Omnia mihi lingua graeca sunt (It’s all Greek to me)
    I would be glad to translate. [wink]

    May God prosper you always.[biggrin]

    Profile photo of hotshot

    yep marc man that sure does sound greek to me so how bout you tranlate for us ozzies?
    anyway how come pisces dont ask steve to let him back himself how you have to?
    im sure steve would feel better it cums from him yeh?

    Profile photo of wayneLwayneL
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 585

    I thought it looked more like latin

    Profile photo of SonjaSonja
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 338

    I agree with Wayne, Latin for sure. I studied it for 6 months in high school (1982) and only recognise the smallest fragments. So how about a translation Marc. What’s with the Latin anyway? Not many people can hold a conversation in this language these days. I have to say that I wish I’d followed up on it when I had the chance.


    Profile photo of 1Winner

    [biggrin]Yes the quotes are latin quotes.
    The expression it’s all greek to me, is also a latin quote that has survivied to this days.

    Let see how we go …

    I hope my request is not an ab asino lanam situation.(Ab asino lanam, trying to get wool from a donky, like water from a stone, impossible).

    I want to say, absente reo(in the abscence of the accused), that people have been debating and getting hot under the collar ab aeterno (forever). Now, ab imo pectore (from the bottom of my heart), I am convinced that accipere quam facere praestat injuriam.(It is better to suffer an injustice than to do an injustice)

    So Steave, if done ad captandum vulgus (to appeal to the crowd), ad hoc (for a specific purpose), or, ad honorem (for no material advantage), it does not matter to me, what is important is that you can forgive Pisces lapsus calami (a slip of the pen), and show us the spirit of lex fori(law of the forum, originaly the law of the country).

    Remember errare humanum est (to err is human), forgivness is lingua franca(french language, meaning the universal language). And . . . Malum consilium quod mutari non potest.(It’s a bad plan that can’t be changed, attributed to Publilius Syrus).

    And for you to find:
    Multi famam, conscientiam pauci verentur. (Pliny)
    …. Yet…Mea mihi conscientia pluris est quam omnium sermo. (Cicero) and I hope so it is for you.

    As for why am I asking for Pisces re-instatement?
    Simple : Justitia omnibus. (Justice for all)

    May God prosper you always.[biggrin]

    Profile photo of hotshot

    man i know im not overlee bright but geez i knew it wasnt greek i was just quoting what marc1 said about the greek!
    even i could see it wasnt greek!
    learn to read ppls! [angry2]

    Profile photo of gatsby

    Yes don’t let the lack of an avatar fool you, it’s still ME! Gatsby!!! I’ve just returned (literally) from a week climbing mountains in Dargo high country. I don’t have an avatar because I’m that bloody computer dyslexic that I don’t know how to add one. GeeeeeeeeeeZ! You’d think that real people look like cartoon characters in real life? I mean sure, I had the hots for ‘Wonder Woman’ in the cartoon when I was 9!!!!, but lets get real here as adults! This Freudian thing about ‘choose an avatar on a subconcious level????? Even Freud said, “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar”. Anyway, it’s good to be back on the forum after a week away. Back at work next Wednesday (Errrrrrgh!). I think the real question shouldn’t be ‘Why don’t people use an avatar?’. I believe the real question I would like to know is why do some people use so bloody many to hide behind?’ Anyway, it get’s a bit ‘me, myself and Irene’!

    Profile photo of WallFlowerWallFlower
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 205

    Yo Georgie Porgie !!
    The beauty of the internet is that we can all pretend to be what we are not or what we wish to be. Some people use this power for evil and not good. Me for instance…HA !!
    I sense most of the successful business women on this forum have those cutsie avatars. The dowdy housewives have masked super heros!! Analyse that.

    Profile photo of gatsby

    My dearest Wallflower,
    I just re-read my last post. OK, yes I admit I did have a crush on the good looking one in Scooby Doo cartoon (I think the other one with glasses was called Helen?). Anyway, getting back to ‘Wonder Woman’. I could never work out the ‘invisible’ plane she flew? After her adventure she would somehow find it as you masked super heroes do. But tell me this Wallflower. Where do you put the keys when you’ve parked the plane? Under the invisble wing? More to the point, how do you find the wing after the adventure to get the keys to start her up? Are you going to the conference? I promise to wear a G- string if you do!
    Your eternal spoting partner,

    Profile photo of 1Winner

    Hi Gatsby.
    You want an avatar?
    Nothing easier.
    Make sure you are logged in.
    Scroll to the post above, (your own) and click on your name.
    You will be taken to your “profile”. scroll down and you will find a series of windowns to put information about yourself. one of the windows is a list of avatars. Choose one that you like and voilá, all your post will now have a face.[buz2][fez][thumbsupanim]

    May God prosper you always.[biggrin]

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