All Topics / General Property / o.k. Guys… Admit It..

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  • Profile photo of jamestkjamestk
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 23

    this ought to close this topic… a renter and 200% proud of it. i get to rent a 1 mil + home, 5 mins from Sydney city centre for only $600 per week. after renting out 2 rooms and having my business (home office) pay rent i pay less than $100 per week personally. obviously this frees up all my income to buy IP’s. why the hell would i commit to a RIDICULOUS mortgage for a PPOR in Sydney (not deductible) when i can rent one for virtually zero dollars??????? in the next few years i will probably sell all my IP’s and buy my Nth Shore PPOR with cash. PPOR loans are a rip off especially in Sydney. obviously those of you with families may find it difficult to rent i understand but renting is a bargain!

    btw i understand everyones sitch is different but i think its fair to say most PPOR loans will own you rather than you owning them. so, i like to own my investments rather than them owning me :)PPOR loans make me feel trapped ???

    Profile photo of GeronimoGeronimo
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 167
    Originally posted by yack:


    I lived at home till mid twenties, spent 2-3 yrs living in a shoe box in London with a household full of kiwis and aussies. On my return home rented for 18 months then decided I wanted my own pad.

    Ah yes Yack, the good old days! I did 2 years in London in a 3 bed shoebox with 7 other Aussies and Kiwis. Now wonder I drank so much!!


    Acute Mortgage Reductions

    Profile photo of Mobile MortgageMobile Mortgage
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 913
    Originally posted by Geronimo:

    Originally posted by yack:


    I lived at home till mid twenties, spent 2-3 yrs living in a shoe box in London with a household full of kiwis and aussies. On my return home rented for 18 months then decided I wanted my own pad.

    Ah yes Yack, the good old days! I did 2 years in London in a 3 bed shoebox with 7 other Aussies and Kiwis. Now wonder I drank so much!!


    Brendon & Yack,
    I did 2 years in London(Queens Park)with a house load of Aussies & Kiwis also,
    What year was your tour of duty?

    Mortgage Broker
    Ph:1800 820 500

    PLEASE note comments made should NOT be taken as specific taxation, financial, legal or investment advice. Please seek professional, specific advice.

    Profile photo of Scremin

    Cremin and I could probably beat you all on the London stakes…

    We lived in a joint that 13-15 maybe 16 people inhabited on a regular basis… My personal hell and 5 weeks of my life I totally wish to erase…

    Bloke on top floor was dealing all sorts and ppl were coming and going at all hours of the day/night… Door was always firmly locked…Shudder…[eh][crying]

    But… to answer the question..Cremin and I are still renting and are about to get into our first place… Only for a couple of years then maybe back to renting…


    Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

    Profile photo of Fast LaneFast Lane
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 527

    I rented for $35.70 per fortnight in Mosman, NSW.
    Overlooking Balmoral Beach, courtesy of the RAN.
    Although the bathroom was down the hall!


    Profile photo of Scremin

    Hee heee.. to add to my post, we rented in the ritziest suburb of PErth (Dalkeith) in amongst big ol’ mansions in the crappiest student house in the area.($67.50 p/w) Excellent memories especially the neighbours pool late at night whilst very drunk…. Bog laps around Circe circle, huge parties…Sigh… the good ol’ days….

    Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

    Profile photo of SuperTed
    Originally posted by Supa Freak:

    Why ST is there a paternity suit you can’t account for?

    We wern’t naughty girls….

    It was the late eighties


    LoL Noo0ooo0 to the paternity suit SF.

    Late eighties and no naughty girls..different eighties to what i remember [biggrin]

    Profile photo of JackFrJackFr
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 34
    Originally posted by Still in School:
    any investors out here want to admit, they were once a tenant before..

    (come on guys, dont hide.. but who here, ones once a tenant..)

    seriously what’s to admit, 95% of places are cheaper to rent then buy… why wouldn’t you rent? Until you’ve reached success in my view the only sensible way to buy property is for investment purposes…

    Profile photo of yackyack
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,206

    Scremin Mobile Mortgage Geronimo
    <<<What year was your tour of duty?>>>>

    I was there late eighties early nineties. My first 12 months was in Bayswater and the next 18 months was in Tooting Broadway (bottom of Northern line).

    At one stage we had close to 15 people. About 4 dossing in lounge and another 4 dossing in the backyard in a camper van. I had my own room with the closet in the hallway.

    The parties we had were great. Too old for that stuff now. The kiwis were mainly from down South – Gore or something like that. The carpet was always soaked after each party. We live accross the road from the pub so after it closed we always went back to our house.

    I recall at one stage we had the coppers knocking on our door. They said there was a drug dealer in our street and they were in the process of watching his place and were wondering if they could use our place as a base as they noticed there were so many people coming and going from our place. So for a day or two we had these coppers using our bedroom to watch the dealer over the road.

    I had a work meeting in London last year and the place has not changed. It seemed the same as it was 15 yrs ago.

    Profile photo of wilsonkaywilsonkay
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 52

    Because not everyone can seperate their emotions from fact!
    I mean heck, it’s the great Australian Dream to own your own home and since we don’t like waiting for things we go out and get ourselves a mill stone around our necks by the way of a mortgage.

    Renting makes a lot of sense to me providing you save your money to pay cash for a house later on down the track. ummmm..but I am not sure if the wife would agree :-) She likes to make nests.
    It’s different for everyone.

    Profile photo of Shirley_2Shirley_2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 87

    When we were first married, we rented a nice 2-bed, furnished flat right on the ocean in Qld for $15 per week…..used to listen to the waves crashing in over the rocks at night….and we could buy half a loaf of bread and a bottle of milk for 31c, delivered.

    Yeh, OK, we’re now in our fifties so it was a long time ago! Wish we’d started investing then.


    Profile photo of JetDollars


    I am still a tenant and very proud of it. I think I am a good tenant. The landlord is oversea and I look after the property very well.

    I hope all the tenants in my properties will do the same….it is a hope….and at this stage….no drama at all.

    Kind regards

    Jet Dollars
    [Retire Young, Retire Rich] [strum]

    Profile photo of MelodieMelodie
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 7

    Hi Im Melodie and I am a tenant .. Cos someone has to be [biggrin]


    Profile photo of PurpleKiss

    Yes I used to be a tenant once too. I also think it helps you understand tenants needs once you become a landlord.

    The worst problem I had was a landlord who wouldn’t fix the lock on the toilet door, consequently you couldn’t close the door, if you did then you were automatically locked in the toilet. Not fun when you live by yourself. I forget how many times I asked for this one little thing to be fixed and it never was. I had to keep a screwdriver in the toilet, just in case I got locked in!


    Profile photo of JetDollars
    Originally posted by PurpleKiss:

    Yes I used to be a tenant once too. I also think it helps you understand tenants needs once you become a landlord.

    The worst problem I had was a landlord who wouldn’t fix the lock on the toilet door, consequently you couldn’t close the door, if you did then you were automatically locked in the toilet. Not fun when you live by yourself. I forget how many times I asked for this one little thing to be fixed and it never was. I had to keep a screwdriver in the toilet, just in case I got locked in!


    If you live by yourself then it is not neccessary to lock the door, but coz door need to by fix.

    If the landlord don’t fix the door then you don’t pay the rent…try it.

    Kind regards

    Jet Dollars
    [Retire Young, Retire Rich] [strum]

    Profile photo of SuperTed
    Originally posted by PurpleKiss:

    Yes I used to be a tenant once too. I also think it helps you understand tenants needs once you become a landlord.

    The worst problem I had was a landlord who wouldn’t fix the lock on the toilet door, consequently you couldn’t close the door, if you did then you were automatically locked in the toilet. Not fun when you live by yourself. I forget how many times I asked for this one little thing to be fixed and it never was. I had to keep a screwdriver in the toilet, just in case I got locked in!


    Why did you close the door if you lived by yourself? Did your cat have a roving eye[biggrin]

    Profile photo of PurpleKiss

    Habit! Stopping habits is not easy and even if most of the time I remembered, it would be the odd occassion where you’d close it automatically without thinking.[dunny]

    As for not paying the rent, well, that was not my habit. Moved instead, so it became someone elses problem.

    Anyway, I can see the funny side of it now, but basically them not fixing that one problem lost them a good tenant.


    Profile photo of melbearmelbear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,429

    I’ve never been a tenant[biggrin]… not a paying one anyway. I lived ‘out of home’ for six months in my grandparents house while waiting for the papers to be sorted so I could buy it, but then I moved back home…

    Then I moved in with my partner for four years (no rent there, but lots of hassle[thumbsdownanim), then I dumped him and moved back home[specool].

    Was going to move out so I could have my dogs with me two weeks ago (to rent from my brother), but in the end my other brother moved in there instead…

    Why leave home? It’s sooo cheap, and Mum does my washing and ironing, and cooks my dinner…… I’m only 29, so I’ve got 6 years to that magical 35 that people keep talking about that the kids will stay at home til.

    Actually, I’m waiting for Mum and Dad to retire down the coast, then I get the whole house to myself[thumbsup2]


    Profile photo of js2js2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 758

    I’ve rented and payed every cent to the %^&$#ds but as of today, or this week I have been moving over into a HouseBoat I have biult. So no power bills, no rent, just gas and internet :)

    Kissing Goodbye to any rent to any land lords. But if the situation occured where needed to rent again for whatever reason. I would! It’s handy that you don’t have to choose your own property to buy. And life would be pretty tough without a landlord in the beggings. Getting a job getting a place to live. etc.

    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737


    Do you have to pay mooring fees etc, for your houseboat? If so, are they expensive? Are there any other expenses, oir just maintenance on the boat? I guess you’d have to keep it “registered” or something??

    I’m cluless on this stuff [mellow]

    kay henry

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