All Topics / General Property / o.k. Guys… Admit It..
Hi Guys,
just an interesting topic..
any investors out here want to admit, they were once a tenant before..
(come on guys, dont hide.. but who here, ones once a tenant..)
sisalrightie.. i will be first to admit..
yes, (deep breath…)
i was a tenant before, actually for quite a long time…
sisYeah me too. Even cleaned up the overgrown yard. Mind you I don’t think I did the carpet any favours – my washing machine overflowed while I was not at home – twice!
“Looking forward to the day when I can tell the boss where to go”
The wife and I have spent most of our time in rental accommodation – work related so not by choice.
derekjones1@bigpond.comProperty Investment Support Available. Ongoing and never stopping. PM welcome.
Yes I’ve been a tenant (a very well behaved one at that[tongue])for many years. But…[hmm] hasn’t everybody rented at some stage?
Actually, I don’t know anyone who has NOT been a tenant.
sis, funny question really. You’re 21- most guys your age are tenants or live at home- what’s to admit?
I am still a tenant- do I need a support group for it?
and Celivia, I bet you were a naughty tenant who trashed places just for fun… but then came home each day and tidied it up again- hehe
kay henry
While not quite an investor yet, I rented for something like 20 years in more places than I can remember.
One of the best was a house I shared in Christchurch where the landlord lived just over the back fence. They had a large vegetable garden and would often throw veges over the fence for us in season. [chef]
One of the worst was a house I shared in Christchurch where the landlord lived just over the back fence (yes, same one). We had to go round there every week to pay the rent and they had these two HUGE dogs that weren’t particularly friendly. [evil3]
sis – any reference here to Tinkerbell’s post in Help Needed? if so, my answer is on record.
(yes, but i didn’t inhale!!)
If you don’t ask, the answer is no!!
renting is a bargain – not many other things in life are funded by the taxman!
Extensive list of ‘Off The Plan’ property available for sale in Perth.John – 0419 198 856
Yes, I’ve been a tenant. I like to think that I am a better landlord because of it … I know what used to upset me when I was a tenant (landlords ignoring maintenance requests being the most annoying) so I make sure I treat all my tenants really well (fair rent, all repairs attended to straight away). They must like it, they seem to all want to stay long-term. cheers, investorgirl
Hey there SIS,
Here’s a tenancy agreement of a different kind, that may put a smile on your face at the same time.
I am a tenant…..
I paid entry costs (or at least my parents did) when I arrived to my new place of residence, I will have to pay on termination of my lease, and am continuing to pay all the way through (i.e. taxes, bills, food, etc etc etc). I can sub-let and bring others in with me, I can choose to stay or go, however should I choose to leave, I cannot return.
My landlord, the big guy upstairs, and my housemates/roomies are people just like you.
Our lease here is infinite, so let’s make the most of it by being kind to each other and work together towards a harmonious co-habitation for all.
P.S. Oops, forgot to add……Me personlly; I moved out of home at 17, rented for 6 months while I was looking for a house of my own, and then bought my first PPOR two weeks before my 18th birthday.Interesting SIS.
Never been a tenant went straight from mummys home to 1st investment prop which became PPOR.
As AusProp hinted there are some bargains to try out (rent).
I will be a tenant soon so I can see if i like an area before buying into it for new PPoR
Originally posted by AusProp:renting is a bargain – not many other things in life are funded by the taxman!
True John
And don’t you find it funny that you need the biggest room in the house for the home office?
Acute Mortgage Reductions posted by Geronimo:
And don’t you find it funny that you need the biggest room in the house for the home office?There was an article in Sunday’s Telegraph (which I can’t find a link to) about how the tax office is about to focus on investment property and home office deductions, amongst other things.
So it may be worthwhile ensuring that any such claims are valid and can be supported. The article indicated that they would particularly be looking at capital expenses (improvements) claimed as deductions and home office claims for non-deductible costs.
Originally posted by Still in School:Hi Guys,
just an interesting topic..
any investors out here want to admit, they were once a tenant before..
(come on guys, dont hide.. but who here, ones once a tenant..)
sisYou make renting sound like a bad thing [glum]
Hi Newgen,
sorry, i didn’t mean it to be a bad thing, statistics show, that 93% of people have been a tenant, at one time or another.
The topic only came to mind, remember a part in Steves book, where he mentions, about a particular guy, who was a tenant, but would shoot out the light globes, with a sling shot or slug gun and who would fixs his motor bike inside the house.
Like Monopoly’s story, i shared a place with some friends, the worst part was, dividing up the rent, to what we thought was equal share.. and then finding one of your mates.. going through you food in a fridge that you all shared.
grrr… thats right.. there was always, that mate, that couldnt come up each week with their share of the rent, or went through everyones share in the fridge.
I lived at home till mid twenties, spent 2-3 yrs living in a shoe box in London with a household full of kiwis and aussies. On my return home rented for 18 months then decided I wanted my own pad.
Ahh renting…..early twenties, good job earning lots of money, sharing a house with three other gorgeous girls, lots of friends and spunky boys,
Those were the days…
SFOriginally posted by Supa Freak:Ahh renting…..early twenties, good job earning lots of money, sharing a house with three other gorgeous girls,
Ummm just out of curiosity how long ago was this??[biggrin][biggrin]
Why ST is there a paternity suit you can’t account for?
We wern’t naughty girls….
It was the late eighties
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