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  • Profile photo of Geronimo


    Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but has anyone investigated a Phone Network marketing business called One Cellnet?

    I believe it works somewhere along the lines of buying bulk time from the big telco’s and onselling it cheaply to clients/network marketers who in turn sign up new clients, and get paid according to how much time is used by their clients.

    Something like that, check out their website on

    Your thoughts would be appreciated.


    Acute Mortgage Reductions

    Profile photo of LizzyLizzy
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 230

    I think one of my friends was involved in that! If I remember correctly you can’t sms using them! I said NO THANKS!

    But they had excellent phone rates.


    Mortgage Lender

    Profile photo of Geronimo

    Hi LIzzy

    You you still use your own phone and service provider I think, so you can still SMS the usual way, but just use 1 cellnet for the calls and cheap rates.

    I think the only extra hassle is phoning into them first and then being connected through.

    Might look further into it actually as my mobile phone bill will be huge in a few months.


    Acute Mortgage Reductions

    Profile photo of FFCommFFComm
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 627

    ‘3’ offer $500 worth of calls for $99, which is damn good if you live in Syd, Melbourne or Bris/GoldCoast. Also you get a damn cool phone!


    Profile photo of Still in School

    or you can try optus business plans on the $150 and $250 plans, might sound expensive to some, but for the high end users, defefinetly worth your bang for your bucks…

    for the less frequent users, good suggestion start between the $55 – $77 plans a month, but take out the business plans.. cheaper rates and if you can access a fleet network or create one between your network of friends, again the rates get hell of alot cheaper.

    or try “3” that Lucifer_au suggestes, heard they are good, but dont know many or so people who do use their network.


    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
    over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million

    Profile photo of Geronimo

    Got a 3 phone, and it has been great for the $99 cap but it is not going to last forever.

    Actually got a call from them yesterday saying they’re changing their fair use policy, and now the $99 deal has a limit of $500 so it’s coming down.


    Acute Mortgage Reductions

    Profile photo of lifeX

    Yup, i’m with 1cellnet.
    You prepay calls (ie 50 US Dollars). over net.
    You can use with existing optus,telstra,vodaphone whatever service you alredy have.

    You initiate call (by computer=free, by e card thingy=?, by sms for old brick mobiles( ie 25c) or if you have a new mobile use gprs (1c )

    Then satellite calls you back (just like when you ring someone with free calls twice and they ring back. sometimes takes 5 -20 seconds.

    Your call rates are then charged at say 5c for 30 sec (landline to landline STD) or say 11c (mobile to landline). And they do 6 second blocks instead of 30 sec like telstra and optus.

    A bit of stuffing around to make calls, but the call rates at up to ten times cheaper than the best telstra or optus deals.

    They use network marketing to sign people up.
    For instance if you contacted me and i signed you up, i get a small points type commision.
    If you signed up a company that made a lot of calls, you could retire easy.

    If you have access to net or a newer mobile, and are patient. You will save heaps.


    Profile photo of Geronimo

    Thanks LifeX

    Can you give an example of how much you spent on your mobile before, and what you may spend now?


    Acute Mortgage Reductions

    Profile photo of lifeX

    Sure.. i will get exact figures, give me some time to hunt up paperwork.[cowboy]


    Profile photo of JetDollarsJetDollars
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,435

    I only spent $8 to $18 per month on my mobile. I don’t think 1cellnet can help me.

    Kind regards

    Jet Dollars
    [Retire Young, Retire Rich] [strum]

    Profile photo of Still in School

    Hi Chan$,

    however your keeping your call costs down, please share… my fone bill is getting ridiculous now…


    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
    over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million

    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733
    Originally posted by Still in School:

    Hi Chan$,

    however your keeping your call costs down, please share… my fone bill is getting ridiculous now…




    Jet$ probally ‘very’ good at SMS [biggrin][biggrin]


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    Profile photo of muppetmuppet
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 900

    Hi Guys

    however your keeping your call costs down, please share… my fone bill is getting ridiculous now…

    Best way I know is to get rid of your cellphone.

    I don’t have one because I feel I don’t need one.


    Profile photo of Geronimo
    Originally posted by The Mortgage Adviser:

    Friends of mine who use ‘3’ Mobile regret it. They get cheap calls but they always drop out. Their network is hopeless to say the least – EVEN in Sydney.

    Regarding 1 Cellnet, their calls are cheap but they sell through multi-level marketing. Another Amercian internet scam if you ask me. Calls are cheap, as was explained to me, because they go through the internet and not standard lines.

    I do not like this method as it can be intercepted by any good geek with some computer knowledge.

    I use 3 Rob, and it has had a few problems but on the whole has been fantastic. Sounds like it’s better in Brisvegas though than Sydney (come to your own conclusions why). Don’t mind the few hassles when I save about $500 a month on the bill.

    As for using the internet to make calls on 1 cellnet, as far as I can tell, that is only one method. And yes it is run as a network marketing business.

    Not sure about it being ‘Another American internet scam’ though. Have you investigated it fully?

    Thanks for your responses.


    Acute Mortgage Reductions

    Profile photo of karlsav

    Hi there! I thought I would shed some light on some issues and queries bought up here.

    First off, you don’t have to ditch your provider in order to take advantage of 1cellnets cheaper rates. You still need them in order to initiate the call – via sms. The company is running on a licence through Unified Interactive in QLD , the same company that came up with the technology in order to vote on Big Brother. ie when you voted someone via sms to be evicted , you recieved an sms back to confirm it had gone through, here instead you sms a command plus the number you want to call, and you get a call back, wait about 5 seconds and then you will be connected to your destination that you wanted to call – which can be anywhere in the world.

    Second – I don’t belive this to be a pyramid scheme or scam. For 2 reasons 1) For something not to be a pyramid scheme there has to be a real consumable product , in this case , cheap mobile calls 2) for the product to be deemed real and consumable , it must satisfy the question “would you buy the product if there was no money to be made” . Furthermore I don’t belive this to be a scam – its cheap mobile calls , I have physically seen my commissions in my bank account – wheres the scam?

    Ill give you an idea of how much I have saved on my mobile bill with figures and usage on how I used to spend previously and how I now spend.

    on a plan –
    I was spending roughly $450 – $500 a month allocated to the following: –
    1) Id send about 420 sms’s a month – 420 x 0.25 = $105 on sms alone
    2) Id spend a further $350 approx on calls @ 40c a minute PLUS flagfall (sometimes the calls would only last a minute or so)

    NOW on 1cellnet tihs is what i do

    I have since changed from my vodafone plan to vodafone prepaid (all my downline have done the same and as such we can contact each other for free using voda to voda free time). For Every $100 recharge on vodafone prepaid you get 360 FREE SMS PLUS the $100 recharge PLUS a certain amount of hours free time to vodafone fones. YES you do have 2 months to use your credit otherwise its forfeited if youdotn recharge – you CAN recharge iwth just $30 and you still get to keep your credit – however I haven’t had to as I hvae been using roughly $100 every 1 month. so NOW lets look at the figures

    For $100 recharge I get my 360 free sms + 400 (4 sms for every $1) which makes a total of 760 SMS messages I can use over 2 months.

    I still send my 420 or so sms and I make my calls using 1cellnet via the text system or online on the interface. My flagfall is no longer there ( you can call the 25c sms fee flag fall if you like) I havent had to recharge my 1cellnet account with any of my own cash – i have recharged it from my bonus account, and even then I have spent roughly $250 AU dollars in the last 4 months on calls.

    So I have gone from spending $450 – $500 a month down to $100 every month or so , plus the $250 in calls since I have joined….

    Since January (when I joined 1cellnet) I have spent a total of $250 + $500 (on vodafone prepaid) = a total of $750 over 5 months as opposed to $400 a month = $2000 over 5 months a total saving of $1600….

    As well as being able to keep in touch with friends (and my parents) overseas.

    ADD to that I have made a small income on the side from sharing my savings with my friends – no scam here I can see.

    If anyone is after more information, please check out my website , I am based in Perth Western Australia.

    Profile photo of Geronimo

    Thanks Karl

    Do you find it a pain in the ass to text to make a call though?


    Acute Mortgage Reductions

    Profile photo of karlsav

    Not at all! I have to wait probably an extra 10 seconds to make the call , but once you get used to it , its no problems at all. If you have one of the newer phones there are 2 ways you can quickly make the call. 1) you can insert a number from your phone book into a text message , so all you need to do is either start saving your numbers with the +61 at the start, or if its in the familiar format of 0404123456 , all you have to do is insert the number , delete the 0 and add 61. 2) there is an interface you can download onto your phone if you have a GPRS phone, which accesses your online phone book with all your stored numbers – that costs roughly 1 – 2 cents to initiate the call.

    What it comes down to is – the small change in habit of making a call is saving me close to $400 a month on my bill, its well worth doing. Also the fact now I can make an overseas call from my mobile phone cheaper than it is for me to call within Australia.

    If you want more info, or if you would like to test the system, I can actually register your number on my account and you can use it for a day or so to see how you like it. You are able to register unlimited numbers within Australia to use the one account + one overseas number. Some families I have in my downline are all using the one account , so kids who have prepaid can SMS the command to call either mum or dad and it automatically rings mum or dad. Really quite handy for parents that don’t want their kids chewing up prepaid credit. email me and I can sort it out for you.

    Profile photo of lifeX

    You beat me with figures, I am waiting on next phone bill still. No 1Cellnet(2months ago)was $240 Last phone bill was 1/2 and 1/2 1cellnet=$175 (using sms still) My next bill will be mostly GPRS connected calls.

    I have the GPRS connection.
    To make a call with NOKIA 6230, it takes

    45 seconds to log onto 1cellnet and access

    10-15 seconds to type in number and call(quicker if you are phone savvy)

    10-15 seconds to wait for satellite to call back.

    Then you hear other persons phone ringing.

    REMEMBER, you still have to pay for 1cellnets call rates in addition to phone bill. This is in US Dollars, so be aware!!!!!!!!

    Karlsav, what are the current join up fees? I started as an ORIGINAL affiliate for $150 BUT STILL LOST $30 OF THIS TO SOME THINGY I DON’T USE.



    Profile photo of karlsav

    Ye I joined up at the pre launch phase as I could see the potential in it. Initially the calls were only getting through about 60% of the time as the whole world was using the ONE platform in sydney. Now that there are 8 platforms around the world calls go through 99% of the time.

    Ye I know what you mean about the Pc to Phone balance, I’ve used it a couple of times from a net cafe that has the headphones as it works out cheaper than using the phone to phone balance – so it is handy in that respect. You have to look at it in the big picture, I don’t mind paying that $30 for the phone to phone balance once off if its going to save me $1600 over 5 months on my total phone bill.

    Profile photo of lifeX

    Phone Bill dropped to $136 (optus), and i have been making a heap more calls. Probably used $50us Dollars in this time.

    I agree Karlsav, it is much more reliable now.

    With the gprs connection, i can see how many 1cellnet credit i have.

    It’s worth a try guys, if you are patient. GPRS is no good for calls on the run though.



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