All Topics / Help Needed! / Property Investing in NZ

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  • Profile photo of atomicatomic
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 4

    I’ve been hearing and reading a lot about the great returns and opportunities NZ offers.
    Would like to hear from anyone who has also done research about this topic.
    I know there are a few companies specialising in selling NZ properties in Sydney, but I am against about buying property without first seeing it..
    Has anyone done any investing in NZ?
    Any good contacts you may want to share?
    Any help is appreciated


    Profile photo of MyydralMyydral
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 259

    Hi there atomic. If you do a search of topics from the last couple of days, these has been a thread started dealing exactly with this subject.

    BTW – do you read a certain magazine regarding maximum power computing?


    “Looking forward to the day when I can tell the boss where to go”

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    Hi there,

    I’ve not only done research on NZ, I LIVE it!! I am talking to NZ property experts almost every day, be that rental managers, building inspectors, agents, my bird-dog-on-the-ground business partners, or lawyers. i also subscribe to property investing magazines about NZ, news sites, I am on the mailing list for a couple of other bird-doggers (checking what the competition is doing and making sure our deals are still the best!! hehe!!)
    not to mention having together with my two business partners about 15 deals on the go in various stages of completion which we are helping our clients purchase. And to get to that point we’ve got quite a good system in place if i do say so myself, and a lawyer who can keep up which our clients mostly choose to use (but don’t have to) because they’re so excellent.

    I reckon because of the above and spending months in NZ every year, and having lived there and travelled it for most of my life, I’ve also been really good at picking areas which are going to ‘go off’ heaps of times, one went up 127 percent in a year, others have doubled, and what’s more they’re still +ve CF (or were when I picked them.)

    people say I’ve been ‘lucky’ but I find that insulting as if they’d done what I’d done they’d be ‘lucky’ too. it’s easy to say that after a place has gone off 127 percent in a year but to me it was easy and logical to predict that it would go off if you make it your constant business to keep your ear to the ground as I do. I do really put the time in about NZ property.

    basically, if you don’t want to buy sight unseen jump on a plane and take a week or two and drive around. You’ll have fun cause it’s such a cute place and the driving isn’t that bad because unlike Aus NZ is compact and not remote. you’ll get an idea of what you can get for the price in various places – and you’ll see the kind of tenants you’ll get and basically do what we do – talk to people and look at zillions of properties.

    In NZ The furthest you could be from a major city and international airport would be a few hours and even then you’d be in a glorious holiday resort area anyway. Flights are super cheap at the moment. so why not take a trip and get the vibe and feeling for the place.

    If you *are* comfortable having some experienced investors who purchase for themselves (and how – my business partners have probably purchased about 10 times the amount of properties in a few months that the average person owns in their whole lives – !! ) – and me, well I’ve got three and will buy another three or four this year – and I’m really slow compared to most investors I know!

    -so if you would be comfortable using a bird dog then there are people such as myself and westan who i would recommend. I wouldn’t recommend some of the others (the fancy web-site ones) as they charge way too much for not enough help/info/service/flexibility of contract in my opinion.
    Also if you take one of the $4000 people’s deals and you have to go instantly unconditional and ours you don’t so they’re heaps safer.

    but then again don’t hold it against us if we end up getting a website too one day, hehe

    We are getting a lot of repeat business too, as we are finding our clients are often buying not just one property but many!

    I’ll stop the rambling now-

    joy to the world

    Profile photo of benson

    Hey mini do you have to pay steve a fee for that ad you just posted ! [biggrin][biggrin][biggrin]

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    I dunno benson, I guess it’s a fine line between being able to answer a question because i know this stuff – not only because I had to find it out for my own investing but also because i have the answers all ready written on my computer that I almost everyone who wants to buy in NZ but hasn’t yet wants to know this stuff. So yeah, I do have this info at my fingertips, because i have clients. So I can just go into the guff and copy and paste for everyone here and maybe help someone for free.

    While I’m not trying to hide that’s what i do, on the contrary, I’m proud of it! –
    i think it’s OK to talk about ‘this is what i do and why I do it and what i have found’ – I don’t know if this is advertising?

    or what the answer is – what I am and aren’t allowed to talk about and in what way. I guess that if any moderator has a problem with it just remove it.

    there have certainly been discussions about bird-dogging from the kind of people that haven’t bought in NZ yet but would like to. I.e. most of our clients would fit that description. Others already have bought in NZ and are using us just to get more deals cause we’re on the ground there.

    I only started bird-dogging because once I put spare deals up here for free (remember that thread??) and i got absolutely swamped with replies. And cause people asked me to find deals for them. So in a way the market made me a bird-dog rather than me trying to force my service on the market. We’ve never advertised for clients, and i don’t want to. i really want to attract people who will find us through word of mouth or property investing circles, rather than just a whole lot of ‘members of the public’.

    Am i talking myself into a corner here?
    Probably! Anyway, hope you’re well!


    joy to the world

    Profile photo of benson

    Hey Mini,

    I am sure you do a great job, I was only teasing [biggrin]. Im sure people could do a whole lot worse than contact you if they were interested in looking at some deals in NZ.

    Best wishes,


    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    hi benson,

    well didn’t I just get sucked in then! hehe!!

    So ummmm…




    joy to the world

    Profile photo of salacioussalacious
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 373


    I am currently here in NZ (Shiver) and have briefly looked at realestate windows and their are some good prices, i am in Invercargill.

    Travelling to Queenstown in a couple of days for some snow boarding and will look at more property on my travells.

    Great place MiniMogul,beautifull country.
    Back on computer in a couple of days.

    Profile photo of gocatsgocats
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12

    I’ve purchased this year in Invercargill sight unseen using Westan and all went well despite some tight deadlines. I suggest you use there recommended legal people in Balclutha as they are excellent. Purchased for $74k rented for $160p/w when rental demand had slowed a little due to the onset of winter.

    Go Cats

    Profile photo of westanwestan
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,950

    Hi Gocats

    good to hear that all is well with your IP., good comments about rental in Invercargill with the onset of winter anyone buying there must ensure your home is well heated or it may sit vacant. Hopefully the next intake of students in July will taker up some of the slack in the 2brm market. One of our clients emailed me some info about a large Multinational that has just set up office in invercargill focusing on the area as a growth center.
    GoCats on 74k you would already have some capital gains on that home. With the new freezer works opening soon it will have soome more growth. And the propose oil drilling can only help the area.
    Nice to see your footy team doing well, glad i’m out of the country with the way the Tigers are going, i might have to return to Oz to coach them, i doubt anone else would take up the job[biggrin]


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