All Topics / Creative Investing / Wrap Kits, which one?

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  • Profile photo of delboy

    Hi All

    I know some of you have purchased Steve’s wrap kit. Is there anyone who has purchased any of the other wrap kits on the market.

    Does anyone know how they compare?

    Can you get as much out of a $500 wrap kit as you can out of Steve’s, as I am told Steve’s is very in depth.

    Your Thoughts?


    Profile photo of yackyack
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,206

    I would not worry about wraps in this stage of property cycle. Why sell a property to a wrappee when in all likelihood at the moment the property value will probably fall. Now is not the time to be wrapping.

    Profile photo of delboy

    Thanks for your thoughts.

    I personally think now is a Great time to wrap.

    Just think, prices dropping, vendors finding it hard to sell, you can negotiate a better selling price, then pass this onto your wrapee, which creates a win win for me and the wrapee.

    Don’t think the market is going to keep on dropping. As you said, it is cycle, and thats all it is, it will go up.

    So your wrapee buys in low and makes even more $$$$$$.

    Now anyone any thougths on wrap packs?


    Profile photo of lozza123lozza123
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 81

    Delboy —

    Didn’t know there WAS a $500 Wrap kit!! Who has that?

    I have Rick Otton’s Wrap Pack (cost me about $2500). I think it’s worth the investment.

    Lozza [biggrin]

    Profile photo of delboy


    Yea there is one, I got the link off one of the posts on this site. .

    They have been doing wraps a while now, but apparently it only applies to QLD.

    I didn’t know that wrap kits were state specific.

    What about the one that you got, you say its worth the money, would you say you have made you money back on it?

    How are you going with wraps, many under your belt?


    Profile photo of Richard Taylor


    Thanks for the plug your cheque is in the mail.

    Just to correct your post our website is

    Wrap kits are not State specific however our Qld Wrap Kit includes a sample Installment Contract for wrapping in Qld and all other relevant documentation to comply with the UCC.

    Not much good to you if you are wrapping in NSW.

    We have been providing Vendor Finance so like to thnk we know what we are doing.

    Also the Shared Equity wrap kit will be out by June 30th.

    Cheers Richard
    richard at

    There is no such thing as a problem.
    Just a solution waiting to be found

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of delboy

    Aaaahhhh don’t worry about the cheque.

    Just make sure you get the address right for the wrap kit that is in the mail.



    Profile photo of Carlos_2Carlos_2
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 4

    Richard, you may like to correct th website address in your post. Your correction of the wenbsite address given by Delboy is incorrect.

    Just remove the dot behind “au” and it will be O.K.


    Profile photo of PinniePinnie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 5

    would also be interested in any feedback from purchaes of Wrap kits and results obtained to date?

    Profile photo of Richard Taylor


    Appreciate that. In sending Delboy his cheque i got my .’s mixed up.

    Cheers Richard
    richard at

    There is no such thing as a problem.
    Just a solution waiting to be found

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

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