Hi ,any one help me with some information, I have never done a wrap…
I have a property I have bought for $170000
would like to wrap it.
what is a normal wrap price ? what should I expect? thanks to all who can help me.[biggrin]
I am learning every day and love reading all the different opinion’s [cowboy2]its not so EZY when you dont know how to start .[buz2]
Sell the property at say $195,000 charging the wrappee 9.25% over say 25 years.
You make your repayments at 7% on the $170,000 and receive P & I at 9.25% on the higher installment price. Put the extra monthly payment directly into your loan and repay the debt that much quicker.
To those that answer’d my question thank you, I am slowly getting the idea.
I love the L letter you put it on and your Learning take it off and your Earning…just better watch where I take it off or I will be BUSTARD…[bobby].
EZY []
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