All Topics / Help Needed! / Attacked by Neil Jenman!

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  • Profile photo of Fast Lane

    Hi everyone,
    A family friend who runs seminars on property investing has been attacked by Neil Jenman. He wont even consider their side of the story, and is making a big commotion about it all. He’s dragging in the press and his government contacts (supposedly) and this has hit them pretty hard.

    They have rock solid integrity and in no way are promoting a scam or something dubious.

    Is there anyone that can give me any pointers or advice to pass on, or if anyone has been in the same situation. Thanks in advance and I appreciate all feedback. G7

    Profile photo of yack

    Why dont you give us general details so we can make an assessment. How long is the course? How much is it? Who is the course designed for? Is it beginners or more advanced investors? Do you think its good value for money?

    It seems Jenman has somne issues with it? But I would like to make my own assessment.

    Profile photo of Fast Lane

    It’s not the course, it’s how it’s being marketed. ie- get rich quick theme, unrealistic etc. They left the marketing to a third party, who has used the persons signature and photo on the material. The person was trusted to do a good job but obviously hasn’t, thus the publicity.


    Profile photo of
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,248

    Who let the material out, did the marketing company produce it with out permission, what is the name of the company you are refering to.

    My opinion

    Seminars are dead – find another way.


    Profile photo of blondie_becblondie_bec
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 91

    This is just my personal opinion so I don’t want anyone to take it the wrong way…… but I think Neil Jenman is a bit of a Fruit Loop!!![ponder]

    What has this seminar got directly to do with him?
    Is he stickin his nose in because he’s scared of a little bit of competition?
    Why has he got a bug up his a*#e about it?

    Good luck with it all g7 and hopefully everyone will wake up to his bull poo (Can’t swear can I?!)
    eventually and he will just fade away!


    Profile photo of melbearmelbear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,429

    I think Neil just likes to get on the news, or whatever. It appears he will attack anybody who shows any interest in attempting to help other people get ahead in their lives.

    Plus, he never seems bothered about letting the facts get in the way of his ‘good’ story[baaa]


    Profile photo of yack

    I would like some more details before i fry Jenman or G7’s mate!!!!!!At this point G7 agrees that his mates marketing has been dubious – so how can you blame Jenman. Read G7’s second comment on this thread….

    <<<<<It’s not the course, it’s how it’s being marketed. ie- get rich quick theme, unrealistic etc. They left the marketing to a third party, who has used the persons signature and photo on the material. The person was trusted to do a good job but obviously hasn’t, thus the publicity.>>>>>

    Profile photo of pelican

    Um, yes Yack, but has Jenman actually contacted G7’s mate and/or attended the course ???

    If not, then how can Jenman claim it’s a ripoff ?? A little premature ??? Or does he just want more publicity for himself again…..

    Profile photo of jparriejparrie
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 17

    Good ol’ Neil again…

    Quite honestly I think his is the pot callng the kettle black. Neil Jenman is happy to condone the poor treatment of staff that work for Jenman agents (approved or otherwise), but is quick to jump on anyone who he thinks is acting in a manner likely to upset some poor member of the general public, who of course can’t think for themselves (so Neil has to help them).

    Jenman is a bit like the “Iron Lady”, he is not for turning. Even if he is wrong (and he is about a lot of things), I have never heard him apologise to anyone.

    As an example, a coleague once phoned the Jenman group and asked for assistance because they were having problems making the Jenman system work. Their reply was to phone their boss and tell them to “get rid of them” that they were “lazy” and “useless”.

    Is it ethical to charge agents thousands of dollars and give them nothing in return? When was the last time you saw a TV advert for Jenman offices? Never. Do you think that he really believes that profile is not important? Only a fool would think that and he isn’t one. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

    Is any of this ethical behaviour? I don’t think so but then, that’s Jenman rules for you.

    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737

    g7… back to your post about your mate…

    Really, your mate probably might have checked the marketing before it became public… I’ve never known of any marketing to occur without the approval of the company. Anyway if it is the marketer’s fault, the public will see that, right?

    I for one, am glad that a Jenman exists, and I keep up-to-date with the stuff on his site. I think he’s a nice guy and trying to do the right thing for the community. Some of you don’t think that way- well, that’s ok- the old “agree to disagree” thing :) He’s made a successful career out of trying to sell RE ethically- god- that’s hard to criticise. And he has a Consumer Protection Fund, funded by his RE’s, to assist people who get into trouble with RE- costs the consumers nix.

    People may not agree with what he has to say, but I think he’s one of the good guys.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of yack

    Look – I have been pro – Jenman but I must admit my patience is starting to wear a little thin with him. Yes – I agree he likes his own publicity.

    I am in the process of selling my property through a non jenman agent, but i do quote some of his stuff to my agent just to let him know I do have some concerns eg. i dont want exorbitant (spelling???) advertising. And I am anti-auctions.

    Anyway – to this original post – give me some more info so I can make an assessment. I dont like false claims eg. become a millionare easily nor do I like expensive seminars.

    Profile photo of delboydelboy
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 80

    Go Jump Jenman

    Who does he think he is. He gets on his high horse to put down others for doing wraps, running any sort of property investing course etc, saying they are just making money for themselves.

    What does he do, he charges real estate offices thousands of dollars a year to use his “system”.

    His system is promote Jenman, promote only Jenman and promote nothing but Jenman.

    He is even happy to tell people to not pay his agents any commission after selling their home if they are not satisified. What does he care, he still gets paid thousands from each office every year anyway.

    Will he go away like we all hope. Well have a look around at all the offices that were once Jenman and have now seen the light and got rid of him.

    His so called “system” is dying, so hopefully soon he will go away.

    By the way, if any of you get really annoyed with agents cold calling your phone or knocking on your door, then blame good old Mr Jenman, as that is his “system”.

    In fact, for every cold call each of you receive you should make a call to Mr. Jenman.

    Sorry about all this, just sick of hearing his name.


    Profile photo of pelican

    Getting back to the actual topic here G7….

    It seems that the marketing people have dug your friend a hole…..

    But as mentioned by Kay I think. didn’t he/she vet the marketing, before it went out the door ??

    What probably got Jenman’s back up was the style of marketing….. he then stereotyped the person behind the marketing….

    No surprises there with Jenman….

    So…. where does that leave your friend ? Suggest he screams at advertising people, and, re-hash the whole campaign…. get away from the American style tactics…..

    As far as Jenman is concerned…. Ignore the sod…. He’s only interested in his own press……

    Maybe he should have a read of these…… :

    or this :

    Isn’t it funny how the press ignores these…… Maybe ACA should do a story on Jenman…… DOH !!!!


    Profile photo of DerekDerek
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 3,544

    Hi all,

    In some respects this thread is becoming a pointless exercise and threatens to be an anti-jenman and nothing more.

    To be a little more productive and dare I say it balanced – G7 really needs to tell us who his family friend is.


    Property Investment Support Available. Ongoing and never stopping. PM welcome.

    Profile photo of madhunmadhun
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 29

    If it’s any consolation I’ve never heard of Jenman.

    Profile photo of FFCommFFComm
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 627

    “One of his recommendationsto get the highest price possible appears on Page 24 of ‘The Craft of Negotiation’ booklet produced by Neil Jenman for agents taking his courses. “The golden rule for getting the highest price is Exclude all Inclusions”. It goes on: ‘The Principle of Aces’ clearly states you must not reveal everything you are prepared to give. You need some ‘aces’ to use as concessions. “Some of the best ‘aces’ in real estate are inclusions. You can ‘trade’ inclusions for price increases from buyers. To do this, you must exclude all inclusions from your initial offer of the property.”

    Some things yes (like furniture, etc), but not the basic (curtains, carpets, etc) – that just paints the seller as dishonest. I wouldn’t even buy a property from anyone if they tried to latch that little condition on to me.


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