All Topics / General Property / Residex Reports

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  • Profile photo of skpola


    Has anyone had any experience with Residex Reports?
    I was looking at “Best Rent Opportunities – Eastern States”. If it delivers all it promises it is cheap at $220.

    Profile photo of 1HotValuer1HotValuer
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 73

    I didn’t know Residex had rent reports, we use Residex for sales information.Could be helpful. I use Property Investor Magazine for generalised rent values across Oz. Or for asking rents in any given locality.

    Profile photo of GazumpedGazumped
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 13

    Hi there,

    Just look at real estate websites on your set area for general rents fo set number of beds and building type and cross reference to sales prices. Speak to the agents dirrectly also.

    Also look closely at the Residex site and see how they do their property price predictions. No scientests are employed, they just look at a plotted graph and extend the line past the current month to predict the next few months. Many Buyers agents will tell you that it isn’t worth a cent and they don’t touch it.

    You need to get out there. There are no shortcuts and you can not rely on figures.

    Profile photo of skpola

    Residex have a comprehensive explaination of how they predict price movements. It becomes very involved and I must admit I was lost.

    The report is current as at the Dec 03 quarter which makes it pretty much redundant given it is nearly 6 months on.

    I know I need to be out there looking but I figure anything that will save time is worth looking at. I’am looking at re-entering the investment property market after a setback through divorce.

    Though work I travel extensively in the South of NSW and have yet to find +cf properties, am I missing something?


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