All Topics / Help Needed! / Can any give pointers on how to study efficiently

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  • Profile photo of ScreminScremin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 448

    Derek, as much as I use the multiple intelligences theory from gardner and blooms taxonomy for questions, I don’t think it is really that relevant to studying. It is hard enough to comprehend when putting it into practise than to study that as well as the course too!

    As much as i value that theory, I really can’t see it helping someone study. It is more for someone planning something than studying something.

    Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

    Profile photo of js2js2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 758

    <<It is hard enough to comprehend when putting it into practise than to study that as well as the course too!>>

    That’s right, I don’t want to have to learn something to comprehensive in order to study.

    Sorry about the above thread I was getting off track [biggrin].

    For instance I have finished the first assignment page. Well, almost. I’ve layed it all out and re-capping. I have just got to finish off a few question sections in curtain questions! How do you learn four pages of text?

    I can call up the Tutor once I’m able to learn the pages content and confident to learn and remember it. For the exam at an arranged time.

    Profile photo of DerekDerek
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 3,544
    Originally posted by Scremin:

    Derek, as much as I use the multiple intelligences theory from gardner and blooms taxonomy for questions, I don’t think it is really that relevant to studying.

    As much as i value that theory, I really can’t see it helping someone study.

    Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

    Hi Steph,

    Not at all – The Theory of Multiple Intelligences has a lot to do with study.

    In short it highlights that there are different strokes for different folks when it comes to knowledge acquisition.

    As such Jaffa needs to work out what he is – sure he will need to read the text material and then he will need to commit it to memory – how closely aligned the ‘commitment to memory’ process he uses is to his ‘preferred intelligence’ will determine how effective his study regime is.

    [email protected]

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    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
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    Jaffasoft, as suggested already, when studying it
    is necessary to have a quiet mind, and not be disturbed by things like the tv blaring away.

    A memory system is definitely a help. The ones you see advertised on TV may cost you (ouch) say $ 400-00 or so.

    However there are definitely books available which disclose the method. A book may set you back say anywhere between $ 10 to $ 30.

    I can see where you are coming from and I would suggest you go to your local healthfood store and ask for Gingko Beloba. It is a herb and it definitely will make a difference to one’s memory.

    If you have to learn signs (as you mentioned) another way would be to look at the signs one at a time and say aloud (in a singing type of manner) what it means (so put a tune behind it).
    Do it the same way children (used to) recite tables at school.

    Arggg, you probably are too young to remember that. I don’t think they do that any more. Instead they teach children how to use a calculator.


    Profile photo of aussierogueaussierogue
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 983

    the key to effective study is to enjoy it!! – then you wont want any distractions anyway!!

    Profile photo of LizzyLizzy
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 230


    Read that article, it must appeal to you as a programmer! To me, huh?[blink]

    Still trying to get program to work – I think I prefer my software, it does most of the same stuff. Yours does not have function for different rates of stamp duty for first home buyers.

    Still it is comprehensive and must have taken alot of time to make!

    Good luck with your study!


    Mortgage Lender

    Profile photo of js2js2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 758

    Yeah, better to stick to software, if that’s what your used too. I will get that when I can efford it.

    Well, can efford it, but don’t want to expenditure on to many things.

    What’s the differant rates on Stamp Duty for first home buyers?

    Profile photo of LizzyLizzy
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 230

    Hi Jaffa,

    In NSW there is no stamp duty for First Home buyers up to $500K, then tiered to $600K

    In QLD there is none up to $250K and then tiered rates up to $500K.

    Other states are probably similar…

    Yeah my software is nice an user friendly, thankfully the company pays for it! (That’s the company my company franchises off so not mine :) )


    Mortgage Lender

    Profile photo of holdencommodoreholdencommodore
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 88

    the agents rep course is easy, just get it over & done with, then concentrate on the harder stuff that seems to be more important anywayz :)

    (“,) $$$ HoLdEnCoMmOdOrE $$$ (“,)

    Profile photo of BusyBeeBusyBee
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 8

    I found that the best way of staying focused on the task is if I can summarise the essentail points of each topic onto one A4 sheet!! This way it is a bit of a “challenge” becasue I acutally have to understand what I’m studying and I stay interested in the topic and not get distracted. Also, it is easy to memorize A4 sheets but seeing as you had to really understand the topic before you can summarise it on limited space, it’s actually not that big a task to remember it. The bonus is when you are in the exams, most questions are aimed at the speciifc topics covered in the course, you can just reporduce your A4 diagrams/flowcharts and get pretty much full marks. Go to a library so there are no snack/TV/internet chat breaks… if you have to stay home…try some crazy Mozart music…apparently it helps with neural firing?!
    Good luck!

    Profile photo of Ali GAli G
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 99


    “I HEAR YOU!!”

    I am half way through 8 years of full time study and can feel your pain!

    A few (not so) quick pointers which may assist you:

    1) Stay calm. The higher your stress levels, the less effective your study will be. Can’t shake the anxiety off? Laugh at yourself! Really – it is JUST an assignment/exam/whatever – what is the worst that could happen if you don’t pass??

    2) Learn the basics (this is the theory behind mind mapping I believe). How can you learn the detail when you don’t understand the essentials? Someone once explained this to me, and it has really simplified my studying since. Can’t figure something out? Look at an introductory chapter, your first set of notes for the topic, or if you still can’t figure out where to start, shoot off a brief email to your subject coordinator. Then when you go to study the detail it will make so much more sense.

    3) Break tasks down to smaller chunks. (This has already been covered.)

    4) Explain what you have learned to anyone who will listen. Your dog or cat will do. You will find that whilst you may think you know it, you don’t really understand it until you are able to explain it to someone else.

    5) Cash permitting, buy yourself a huge whiteboard and put it up on the wall near your desk. Sketch out complex concepts as simply as you can, use different colours, and look over it frequently until you are able to redraw it with ease.

    6) I don’t know one student who does not cram, so learn to do it with the best of them! The important thing here is NOT to do it frantically. Be methodical. Pull out your subject guide and write down a list of the topics to be covered. Scan relevant chapters in the textbook quickly at first, reading all the subheadings so you have a general idea what you will be learning about. Figure out which topics are the most important and concentrate on these (it is easy to be distracted by minor things). Most importantly, if you have revision questions or past exam questions – DO THEM. The majority of lecturers are not very creative when it comes to exams and questions are often recycled. You will be generously rewarded if you take the time to do them!

    7) Can’t get going? Break your work up into very small, distinct tasks. Put an egg timer on your desk and set it for 15 minutes. And GO! 15 minutes per task!! It does not matter if you do not finish each one, you will be amazed how much you can achieve when you are under pressure because the ‘clock is ticking’. I passed a very quick 4 hours like this the other day and felt great at the end of it. Just give it a go once – and I am sure you will be converted!!

    8) Remember, you are human, you need to eat, breathe, drink, exercise and have a social life. Reward yourself with time off.

    I hope this has been of some help to you. All the best with your study.

    Ali G

    Profile photo of Guided thinkingGuided thinking
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 2

    Hi Jaffa !
    Well my technique for studying or reading anything in fact that may start off as a challenge, is to put out a request to the Universe for help.
    I believe that we all have access to the “Universal Mind” and that knowledge is not exclusive to any one person. Everything that anyone “knows” is in the Universal Mind. Great authors and writers do not have exclusive rights on “their” information, they have just learned how to tap into this great resource ~ the good thing is that we all can do so. First of all ~ it helps to become “open” in our thinking and to develop “blind faith” (if we can perceive it, we can conceive it). Most of us use our thoughts negatively and beat up on ourselves, when we could be using the following technique. It is quite simple. A lot of techniques to make studying easier, require just that ~ studying. Once you learn this technique which I am about to tell you ~ you can use it for everything in your life not just studying. We are like magnets, what we think about we attract. So here goes :
    Whenever I begin some new task I quieten my mind and ask the Universe to help me. For instance :
    “Please reveal the contents of this book to me in a way that is enjoyable & easy for me to understand” If I am exercising “Please make this exercise pleasurable with only a positive effect on my body”. When having to make a difficult phone call “Please deliver a positive outcome for all parties involved in this conversation”.It takes a bit of practice, but in the long run it is a great tool in tapping in to the Universal Mind. I believe that we only see 5% of everything, and 95% is hidden. It helps to lose the Ego, as the Ego often gets in our way. We like to THINK that information sometimes starts and ends with us and love to take the credit for various things, but if we start by believing that some of us have just developed our skills in “Channeling” information from the Universal Mind ~ then just think of the information we have access to ~ we don’t have to read every page of every book, or even surf the internet day in and day out. We just have to quiet our minds and ask the Universal Mind. Sometimes I buy a book and read just a few lines and understand what the whole book is about just by doing so. It works like “Light Speed”
    For Religious people they may call this “Praying”
    A long time ago I had difficulty reading the St.James bible ~ was like trying to read in a foreign language ~ think you might know what I mean! and someone told me to prayer (to Christ) before reading the bible and ask him to reveal the contents in a language that was easy for me to understand. It worked!
    Recently my daughter was reading the Simarillion (forerunner to the Lord of the Rings…..)and had tried the first chapter 13 times and was becoming increasingly frustrated. I showed her how to use this technique and after one try of the first chapter, the whole book was revealed to me ~ I found this out after she completed the book and told me that what I uncovered by only reading the first chapter was what the whole book was about.!
    But you don’t have to be Religious to do this, but it won’t work if you are sceptical or don’t believe that you have a “spiritual” side to you.
    Spirituality is a Energy source after all and tapping in to the Universal Mind is just a “connection” to a Higher “power”.

    A good Affirmation for everything is :
    “How does it get any better than this?” If you ask this often ~ you will be shown by the Universe how it gets better for you.

    A final tip : You will get better results if you do good to others ~ and live in the “light” and not have “dark” thoughts. Some people call it Karma. Some call it “Cause and Effect” ~ Whatever you put out you will receive.
    If you want knowledge give knowledge (help others) If you want love ~ give love. If you want to be healthy ~ have healthy thoughts and healthy food.
    Dont worry about Discipline and Time Management, just ask the Universe all day for help and funny enough you will be disciplined and time managed without much effort. The only discipline you need is to keep asking for help and having the blind faith to believe that you really will be helped.
    it works! I have had friends ring me and tell me that the following saying has changed their lives:

    “How does it get any better than this?”
    “Everything comes to me with joy & ease & glory”!

    Use your spirit more ~ not everything is in your head!

    I am a great believer in “loving” everything I have to do. I believe that if you do anything with a positive attitude and make a conscious effort to “enjoy” what it is you are doing, the work become a pleasure instead of a task and the task become a lot easier.

    Good luck ~ Jenny
    “How does it get any better than this?”

    Your Wealth is in good health!

    Profile photo of Guided thinkingGuided thinking
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 2

    Just a footnote……some people learn by memorising and other learn by seeking to understand.
    The memorisers often tend to get maximum High Achievement results. However when faced with having to think on their feet, they come undone. They then have to go through the whole process of thinking to come up with an answer. Whereas, the more practical folk who need to “understand” what they are learning and often don’t get very high results in exams……are often more practical in their application and can problem solve on the spot.
    So first you should establish whether you are a “Memoriser” or Whether you need to “Understand” what it is you are learning. You can only be you, so make sure you don’t compare your study habits with someone who is different to you.

    Your Wealth is in good health!

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 708

    I think you’ve already passed your course with High Distinctions after reading so many replies and tangents that have branched off from your post. They are however IMO all great ideas and valid. Personally I thought Ali G’s reply was the best. (And Ali G, if you stay online, later I’ll get your details and email you an autographed copy of my latest book on personal development entitled , ‘I Gave up Hope on Life and it Worked!’). Take all the above and put it into the melting pot and use what works for you. For me, yes it was mneumonics (we had to study mneumonics so we had no choice!). Correspondence must be a battle for you but I found for me, strength was in the grope (I mean ‘group’, sorry!). Study groups helped share, answer and reinforce ideas. Maybe you can organise this online or via phone? I used the best time in my circadian rhythm to churn out my best work (between 10pm-2.30am). My room looked like John Nashs’ office out of the movie ‘A Beautiful Mind’. I had my room wallpapered in formulas ‘literally’ when studying stats and research methodology so I couldn’t avoid being exposed to it. This also works well on the toilet wall. I also believe Ali G’s right about cramming. It should be used as an adjunct, not as a sole study method in isolation. Often the night before an exam it somehow squeezes out some ‘creative mental muscle’ to write an exam. I think it’s because at this point the stress of ‘nowhere to run to’ forces the ideas to come out. Probably the best way to study and pass is so simple yet is probably the number one reason people fail (apart from performance anxiety) is because they don’t ‘READ WHAT THE QUESTION IS ASKING’. I’ve often written what I though in my mind was a great essay for example and only got a pass (just!). The reason generally was because I didn’t answer what the question was asking of me (eg ‘dicuss’ requires a different response to say ‘what are the differences,…). High light with a marker these main important terms in a question and keep going back to them as a point of reference when you feel you maybe going off track (hell, I wish it worked for me!). And lastly, when you sit down and are about to begin studying, isn’t it amazing how ‘that book shelf’ that is in a heap SUDDENLY needs your total attention to be totally reorganized? That dog you own that you never walk SUDDENLY requires a life saving walk for an hour? Procrastination is the biggest killer. Never, ever forget to reward yourself after each study session or when you have achieved a study goal (eg pass an exam).
    Good luck,
    Regards Gatsby!
    Oh and if you are studying via correspondence, don’t feel tempted to hitch back to Campus! I didn’t have a car doing my first degree so I would often hitch. One day one of those huge semi trailer trucks that carry about 6 car yard vehicles on the trailer pulled over and told me he had no room in the cab and said just jump inside one of the cars on the back. Well this guy must have really been into picking up hitch hikers because he picked up 5 more. It was great. WE ALL HAD OUR OWN CARS!!!! Then he went 113kms and hour and WE ALL GOT SPEEDING TICKETS!

    Profile photo of samurisamuri
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 17

    I am not sure what you want to study, but 40 to 60 minuteds of intense study folowed by a short break always helped me.
    memory technique books can be very useful depeding on your topic……….cant remeber where I put mine!

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