All Topics / Help Needed! / Can any give pointers on how to study efficiently

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  • Profile photo of js2js2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 758

    Can any give pointers on how to study efficiently?

    I’m embarking on intensive study via correspondence, amongst other things and want to allow time to study efficiently, with how to organize time and effective ways to handle the study!

    Any pointers from Uni students and or I guess anyone who has studied.

    Count The Cash

    Profile photo of LizzyLizzy
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 230

    Discipline… it’s taken me many years to learn how to sit down and concentrate. Get rid of all distractions, pencil out time in your diary and just FOCUS… do NOT let yourself divert from the task at hand.

    The main objective is to eventually make it a HABIT, habits die hard, so it is excellent when you create GOOD HABITS!

    I have many good habits that I am very proud of consciously manufacturing, self improvement is all about being self aware and honest about yourself.

    Good luck! (and get off the internet and go study! [grad]

    Liz Wilson

    Mortgage Lender

    Profile photo of AceyduceyAceyducey
    Join Date: 2003
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    I’m a cram studier, so can’t really offer much support from my perspective. Mostly I did my study in the final two hours before going into an exam at uni.

    All I can suggest is tha you talk to the body you are studying through or some of the other unis round the tracks. They all have recommended books on study techniques that are quite good – provided you study them closely ;)



    Profile photo of js2js2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 758

    There’s some late owls on here.

    The course is Real Estate For Agents Representatives Off-Campus. The initial first one, which runs for 55 hours.

    Boat licence co-oncides with this time. And studying land development, which will probably consume a lot of time.

    I’ve got a short attention span and deffanantly need to focus.

    <<do NOT let yourself divert from the task at hand.>>
    I deffanantly need to do this.

    You can’t tell me to stay off the Internet. I just spent two weeks away and didn’t use the Internet at all, only an hour and a half. I just got a chance to get back on.

    I am in the group email and advisory list to correspond to and with other students.

    Profile photo of LizzyLizzy
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 230

    Hi Jaffasoft,

    I, of all people cannot tell people to stay off the net, I’m an addict!

    One really good study technique for exams was to learn how to use mnuemonics, I’m a self taught mneumonic (memory peg) fan. It’s an excellent way to study a concept just once, and never forget! I even makes studying fun as your making up stories in your head and attaching pictures to it. Yes there is a danger of going completely bonkers![lmao]

    Liz Wilson

    Mortgage Lender

    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
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    Get outta da forum and hit them books!!!!![biggrin]

    Just kidding Jaffasoft!!!!

    Discipline, discipline, discipline………I believe it has been mentioned already, but can’t be emphasised enough.

    I obtained one of (2) undergrad degrees, and one post grad degree via distance ed, as I had commenced studies whilst living interstate for a while, before returning to Melbourne, because I wanted to stick with the same Uni.

    I have friends who did their PhD’s at the same time as I did, only they did theirs by distance ed; so it can be done.

    Good luck, happy studying, and you’ll do just fine!!!!


    Profile photo of NEWGENNEWGEN
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 151

    Two very important things you need to remember when studying for long periods:

    – Have regular breaks during study sessions. Keep active during the week.
    – Eat healthy and keep a regular/balanced diet.

    A healthy body is a healthy mind [thumbsup2]

    Profile photo of js2js2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 758

    Yes there is a danger of going completely bonkers!

    I like the idea of that. Remembering is a hard thing to do for me. I’m sure I’m dislexic. A teacher told me once, though none other teachers picked up on it, so i don’t know if that teacher was wrong.

    Theres’ something about pictures, i can remember everything when i’m travelling. The post office said to picture the four digit pin code! I looked at the numbers and vissalized the numbers as the patern of a star. And i never forgot how to use it.

    Get outta da forum and hit them books!!!!!

    The best thing to get away from an internet addiction is to leave your house.

    Yes the diet, I’m gunna have to get a women to help me with that, i tend to starve. And need to improve in that area.

    Thanks, some good advice given here, i hope i can use them!

    Profile photo of woodsmanwoodsman
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 714


    In the middle of a double mastesr degree and I have found for myself that the best way to get work done is to head out to the uni library. Give yourself an afternoon (3-4 hours or more) with definite goals you want to achieve by the end. Whether that being getting additional refernces, note taking off a reference, borrow books or whatever.

    I am lucky (or unlucky, not sure which?), that I live by myself, so I don’t have the distraction of family or other people, but I tend to get side-tracked easily at home. (Law & Order junkee and with Foxtel, playing them everyday, I need to get out of the place, so I can function).

    Being physically active, good diet and a balanced social life is what I have found to be also imperative.

    All of that takes time to develop the
    1. prioritisation between, work, study, exercise and friends/family
    2.discipline to execute it repeatedly

    You can put something in a diary but it doesn’t make you do it.

    Chunking things down into smaller intervals worked for me as well. I initially, looked at a one week block of time and put down everything I needed to do. At the end of the week, I went back to confirm what I had and hadn’t done.

    Number of items complete/number of items needed to complete. A simple KPI. I then was in competition with myself to better each week and then ultimately maintain.
    (see, you are right, you do go a little stir crazy).

    Good luck with it.


    Profile photo of waz11waz11
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 35


    I agree with Lizzy. Memory techniques really open your mind to be able to remember endless amounts of information. When practicing these techniques I used to be able to remember 100 inanimate objects by number, forwards, backwards, in and out of order in under 2 minutes! These techniques become so helpful when studying.

    Also look at mind mapping which can become quite useful.

    Isnt it funny how you have to spend so many years leanring but you are never really taught how….


    Profile photo of js2js2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 758

    Yeah, I think Lizzy toached on something, that would be good for remembering.

    I did some research to try and fine more of an explaination on mnuemonics, now that i had a change to re-cap on the thread! And there wasn’t much i could find in the major search engines in the way of links.

    It seems it’s all about signs, i found some sites and ironically it is about boat and sailing rules and they have found this to be the best method for boaters. But also applied to other learning practices. It seems the boating community has taken it on as one of the best ways that they could do it, to learn boaters on the water!

    Found an interesting link here about,’The Brain and Learning’.

    I think i might make a Time Table, the same as in school and instead of classrooms perhaps right in locations to where to go study and how much time to spend on each thing (and that’s variable of coarse).

    Georgisj, thanks for the insight, and stay strong.

    Sales Representatives, LOOK-OUT here comes Jaffa [biggrin].

    Profile photo of DerekDerek
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 3,544

    Hi Jaffa,

    You also need to work out how good a text based learner you are. While so much material is presented in written form it doesn’t necessarily mean it is the best way of learning.

    Based on your ‘teacher’s’ comment I would suggest you may be better off reading the material and, instead of writing it down and rereading, draw pictures, flow charts, tables, graphs, mind maps, brainstorming charts, diagrams, labels, talking to others about it, reteaching someone else, group study sessions, and so on.

    Consider a regular pattern that suits you – are you a morning/mid day/afternoon/night owl person (when do you do your best work?) – this is in all likelihood your best study time. Consider having some one beat music in the background on a low level so that it doesn’t intrude into your consciousness.

    There is also research thats says a review immediately prior to bed is most likely to help embed the new knowledge – just don’t have a TV show in between.

    And finally be confident.

    [email protected]

    Property Investment Support Available. Ongoing and never stopping. PM welcome.

    Profile photo of LizzyLizzy
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 230

    Hi Jaffa,

    Late at night in my uni days I would watch bad late night TV like that guy who uses mneumonics… as I was poor I decided to figure it out myself rather then spend money on his videos! hee hee. My techniques are probably simpler but they work.

    There IS something about pictures, WHY? Because our subconscious only works in pictures, and not words, anything we see goes into the subconscious, thats why changing concepts and information into pictures STICKS alot better then words.

    Try to get some books at a library about it… you basically have to create an outlandish picture story in your mind, so that you can go through all the steps of the concept one by one where each has it’s own picture that connect to another picture through an action. The more it moves, and the crazier it is, the easier it is to remember, hence the fun part.

    Try to create some memory pegs in your mind to.. these are where you can start the mneumonic stories… OK this is digressing… do you have AnY idea what I am saying? [blink]

    Liz Wilson

    Mortgage Lender

    Profile photo of LizzyLizzy
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 230

    LOTS of articles on mnemonics [specool]

    Liz Wilson

    Mortgage Lender

    Profile photo of DerekDerek
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 3,544
    Originally posted by Lizzy:

    Hi Jaffa,
    There IS something about pictures, WHY? Because our subconscious only works in pictures, and not words, anything we see goes into the subconscious, thats why changing concepts and information into pictures STICKS alot better then words.

    Liz Wilson

    Hi Liz,

    A educational researcher has identified eight (and rising) intelligences that various people use when learning.

    Gardner (the researcher) advocates a multi-sensory approach to learning with individuals focussing on their strength areas.

    Recommend a google search on ‘mulitple intelligences’ for anyone who is interested.

    [email protected]

    Property Investment Support Available. Ongoing and never stopping. PM welcome.

    Profile photo of js2js2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 758

    Liz what you you say if i said i was just working offline? Would i get away with it?

    I just completed a LapTop pack you can download for laptops. Here’s the download it’s The Calculator!

    You heard it here first.

    Try to create some memory pegs in your mind to.. these are where you can start the mneumonic stories… OK this is digressing… do you have AnY idea what I am saying?

    No But I’m hanging around the edge and think I’ve nearly got it.

    Does that mean I have to get pegs and hang them on a clothes line in my mind like photo developery with pictures to tell the story and then develop the concept of what i think it is in my mind?

    That web site looks great. How could you find dat and I couldn’t [hmmm].

    Profile photo of LizzyLizzy
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 230


    I agree, from a management background I have done a few courses on the ways different people learn. I’m a doer – I have to do it to learn, some people have to see someone else do it, and some have to read instructions carefully to understand, it’s interesting how different people are, and how much it helps to learn about how your collegues work.

    Still I am resigned to the belief that ultimately our subconsious works with pictures, and they just seem to gel when we use them for helping our memory… see what I’m saying? Maybe it’s good for this, but ultimately we need to absorb the information to start with by audio, visual etc, whatever works for you. For storage purposes it’s alot easier to remember with pictures – trust me on this one if you havn’t discovered it yourself yet!

    Jaffa – yes you’d get away with it [tongue] – what does this calculator calculate? (before I download [hmmm])

    Um sort of on the peg thing. They are like permanent memory starting points. Like 1 is a bun, 2 is a shoe, 3 is a tree. You can always refer to the Bun to start off concept no. 1 that you were trying to remember… the bun is attached to the first picture somehow…

    I did a search for “mnemonics” on google. I swear by google – what engine you using?

    Liz Wilson

    Mortgage Lender

    Profile photo of melbearmelbear
    Join Date: 2003
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    Originally you were both spelling mneumonics, which I think is where Jaffa became undone with google. I thought the word looked strange, but I thought I didn’t know the technique, so it must be spelt right. Once Liz said mnemonics, I’m sure you’d find lots too Jaffa. [:)]


    Profile photo of LizzyLizzy
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 230

    Damn Melbear – your a smarty pants! Yes it is mnemonics, my google corrected me! I should have told Jaffa but too much of a blonde, didn’t make the connection.

    hee hee

    you should be a spy melbear[suave]

    Liz Wilson

    Mortgage Lender

    Profile photo of js2js2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 758

    That explains that.
    <<What does the calculator calculate?>>

    Depends how curious your mind is. 0 and 1’s is it’s primary calculation, this article reads more. Which was found with the ten wrongly spelt keywords in web sites, keywords, of “mnuemonics” compared to other 450,000 I found once I read your second thread. Unknowingly and still oblivious that it had been spelt wrong [blink]!

    The Calculator download package is an easy to use calculator, not to be afraid of, don’t be scared, it’s not a bomb from the mafia division; I will walk you thru it in a minute.

    Once the user inputs there own information into the array of input fields, i.e. The purchase price of house other purchase costs, rent, and mortgage is taken into consideration, and other variables such as other costs associated with buying and running an investment property.

    The need for a downloadable package arose from wanting to be able to use, ‘The Calculator’ Offline for Laptops. But also doubles as something to use for PC’s, it have become fairly versatile and or dynamic is probably ‘the word’ for it.

    Now I Walk You Thru It.
    To install the download you simply press on the link to get it going. It will begin to download a file, you accept to save the file onto your desktop or PC, whatever you like to call it!

    You then need WinZip to open the package, if you don’t have WinZip. It’s…well. Commonly used by let’s, say millions of people. Click on this link(s) to get to them.

    Ok so two steps.

    Step 1). Download package Click here!
    Step 2). If unsure what to do Click to read instructions here!

    Give it a go Liz , i would be interested to know how you go and how you went with it!

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