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  • Profile photo of yack

    Anyone gone to his free seminar? I received a postcard in the mail from breakfree events. As usual I ignore them nowadays after attending a few free ones only to be asked for thousands of dollars for more seminars.

    Jenman reckons he is another Henry Kaye.

    Anyone going or gone?

    Profile photo of Still in School

    Hi Yack,

    yesterday, i attended the free midday seminar that was held. Did get to meet and shake hands with Robert Allen, but he is another Henry Kaye…

    (he walked into the audience, shook many of our hands, and was sucking up… you know, the type that would introduce himself and greet you with his handshakes… and with his fake $1 million dollar US Bills)

    … problem is, he got at least a minimal of 50 audience members, from the session, in which i was in, to sign up and workout some type of payment plan of $5000 each… and he believes he can guarantee you, that he can turn you into a millionaire in one year….

    …. another one of his, nothing down stories, sorry but, i didnt like him at all, after the way he had the audience at the end of their seats, with his slick marketing skills, he got them to sign up and most likely secured them into his $5000 deals he was offering…

    … but, i do definetly see… the ASIC and ACCC catching on to him very soon….


    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
    over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million

    Profile photo of Celivia

    I hope so, sis!
    Jenman, in his newsletter, said: “After all, not too long ago, he was Henry Kaye’s partner.”

    Profile photo of Still in School

    Hi Celivia,

    funny you mention that… there was a gentlmen, i was sitting near by, who seemed to know a thing or 2 about property…

    so.. quickly a conversation, striked up… and you wouldnt believe who this guy was….

    … he was one of, Victor Ollis… sales reps… unbelievable… and im very surprised still that V.O. is still operating those free property weekenders…. i dont know what it is, about these seminars… but they always seem to attract the bad crowd… that then use the same principles and techniques they were taught… and then go out and rip people off…


    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
    over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million

    Profile photo of Celivia

    Hehe sis, maybe V.O.’s gang is following you coz you made their life so hard on that bus tour with all your revealing questions.[party]

    Profile photo of lozza123lozza123
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 81

    I got the same postcard in the mail, and was seriously considering going tonight…..

    I haven’t read any of his books.. can anyone tell me more about what Robert G.Allen is about?



    Profile photo of pelicanpelican
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 454

    I know this is slightly off topic, but have been reading Robert G Allen’s book “Nothing down for the 90’s” I must say that so far, I have learnt nothing new at all….

    This is despite the fact I have heard so many people saying he was great…….

    too much hype perhaps ? Or have I been reading too many books !!! hehehehhehe…..


    Pelican Investments

    Profile photo of alan_chong5533alan_chong5533
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 7


    I went to Robert G Allen’s evening seminar last night. He has lots of property strategies which most people on the forum would be familiar with (ie flips, options, wraps, lease options, conversions, making money on the internet, stock market trading).
    You can read his book ‘ Nothing Down for the 90s’ which has good material.

    He’s now preaching making millions the enlighted way (meaning do it ethically – give money to charities, win win results, asking your higher power what they want you to do and achieve in your life, achieving good news stories).

    All in all, he is very successful and willing to teach others. Everyone has an opinion of a guru’s marketing and personality but the real question you should be asking is ” Can he give me the tools and strategies to implement to be successful ?”

    Having said that…the America gurus certainly come across “differently” to their Aussie counterparts, thats for sure!

    Each to their own…find a guru you like, and see if you can IMPLEMENT !

    I could elaborate a lot more but…I need to get out there and..IMPLEMENT :-)

    Hope that helps.

    Profile photo of 1Winner1Winner
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 477

    Well what do you know… ONE voice of reason, thank you Allan.
    If there is a powerful book around that will press you to go and DO, that is “The one minute Millionaire by Mark Hansen and Robert Allen”.

    There will be always people who feel uncomfortable with others people success, and try to knock it in many different ways, not the least using morals, ethics and other measuring sticks they conveniently avoid using on themselves. (I get the “It is easier for a camel to get through a needle than a rich to go to heaven” thrown in my face by outspoken atheist all the time [blink])

    Remember that if someone is making more money than you are, it is because he knows something you do not. Learn from the one that DO and start DOING.
    Let the judging to God himself.

    May God prosper you always.[biggrin]

    Profile photo of Hux001

    I agree with Alan and Marc. I went today in Melbourne and I knew he would get around to the “pay $5000 to come to my special course and learn” scenario. However I also picked up a few interesting tips in the 2 hours and went away with a bit of a battery charge.

    SIS he got a lot of candidates signing up with him today, I reckon well over 50, but hey for some of these people that may just be what they need to get themselves going.

    I’ve also heard the One Minute Millionaire is a good read.

    Profile photo of fostonfoston
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 111

    I am going to his seminar in Brisbane tomorrow night, hoping to pick up some helpful tips. There was an article on ‘Today Tonight’ tonight which most probably will not help his cause any, will most likely increase attendance figures as people will want to see what he is about, particularly as Neil Jenman has had his say and reckons he is another HK.

    Profile photo of Hux001

    I think he deserves a bit more credit than HK. After all he has written several best sellers and appears to have wide acclaim amongst other well known respected gurus.

    Profile photo of geo

    WOW[blink][blink][blink]…well guys what do say,

    I went to his midday seminar yesterday in Melbourne and yes I did sign up for his big seminar in Sydney.

    Well, money comes and goes and I also met someone who was at Steve’s seminar on my table in fact who is also going upto Sudney for his big seminar in July. I do have 7 days to withdraw so I will consider it.

    Kind Regards,

    “If You never never ask, you’ll never never know”

    Profile photo of yack

    My advice – get your money back.

    What does he really know about Australia.

    Surely he will just rehash the stuff that Steve explains in his Book and seminar.

    Use the $5000 as a deposit on your first property.

    Profile photo of Hux001

    Hey Geo I reckon go for it. At the end of the day it’s not just the information you receive, it’s your decision to take action.

    I thought some of his stuff was good – but will probably digest some of his books first.

    Profile photo of KristineKristine
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 100

    his seminar is $4,000 i went 2 the midday show i thought the free seminar was well worth my time just gets ya brain working….re inforces some things you already know and yes i did learn some stuff great presenter has a bit of a personality to boot…although a little 2 clever for my liking with marketing….come across a little shifty like you felt like you were getting something for free but we know how wrong that is…i suppose it depends at what stage of your life you are at as to if you attend his seminar…to the people that signed up do what you feel is right you know in your heart what is good for you everyone is different dont allow negative chatter from others to enter your head

    Profile photo of geo

    Thanks Hux and Christine,

    well if we pay in total before the 4 day seminar in Sydney – its only $3,000 and it includes a whole year of mentoring every Wednesday.

    Haven’t told my mum yet – she’d go crazy. Every day, I walk in with some products – books, tapes and sometimes I walk in telling her, “Im off to Sydney in 3 weeks” or “Im off to New Zealand next month” – she worries…oh well – mothers hey…[evo][evo][evo]

    one thing I was curious about…Neil Jenman. How come every time a guru comes to town, he jumps at their throats. He satated on Today Tonight recently that he is scared for his life and hides away at home. My personal opinion and its just my personal opinion is that he should focus on the success of his own business. I agree with Marc1

    Let the judging to God himself.

    Cheers all.
    Take care and God Bless,

    Kind Regards,

    “If You never never ask, you’ll never never know”

    Profile photo of yack


    Please update us on the course. At the follwoing stages.

    1. Just after doing it.
    2. 3 months after doing it
    3. 6 months after doing it
    4. 12 months after doing it.

    I would like to know if at any stage your view of the courses value has changed over this time.

    Profile photo of geo

    sure Yack,

    unfortunately im a forgetful man – so you’ll have to remind me. Thanks.


    “If You never never ask, you’ll never never know”

    Profile photo of wezwazwezwaz
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 192

    I’ve read his book, “The One Minute Millionaire”. There’s certainly a bit of inspiration there, but how practical is it? I’ve also had emails telling how he had a challenge to make $24,000 in a few hours on the internet, or something similar. That to me smacks of a rip-off…you know, advertise and sell a bit of flimsy info about how to become rich and get people to pay $29.95…you know the kind of stuff. It’s an age old ploy. Even scammers on the street do it when they ask you for $2 to buy a cup of coffee…a bit here, a bit there, until they’ve accumulated a tidy sum.

    Go to the free seminars to motivate yourself and maybe pick up a few ideas, but forget parting with thousands of dollars, unless you are sure you will really learn something you can IMPLEMENT to recover the cost. A seminar shouldn’t cost any more than a few hundred dollars. Why is their information so valuable that it should cost thousands?

    An old line that is always trotted out is: if you think that’s expensive, try ignorance. Don’t fall for this crap. For example, I could say my seminar costs $100k and give you the same old line. There is a limit to what information is worth. And most of it can be found in books anyway, as well as using your own trial and error.

    Lot’s of people are looking for the Holy Grail at these seminars. It ain’t gonna happen. We could all do without the hype that goes along with them.

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