All Topics / General Property / Found a new area for +ve deals

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  • Profile photo of afloat

    Hi all,

    I am not promoting property for sale, I am letting people know of an area that is very viable for positive cashflow investment.

    I have been reading many postings on various forums for quite a few years and there are is so much great enthusiasm and encouragement from seasoned property investors.
    Yet there is a lack of sharing where to target new areas.
    I am letting people here know of where there is great opportunity, in my opinion, to purchase. I am sharing with you all.

    I have determined capital growth by looking at recent property sales in the areas I am targeting. Looking ahead at the target areas and the yet to be completed government regeneration gives me vision as to what I may expect for the area as a whole. Areas that have completed their regeneration, like Salford Quays, have had impressive CG’s, which when it is related back to the new areas currently under regeneration is some guide as to how this area may perform.

    I am currently purchasing my first property in the Manchester region and as far as CG performance, I am going on previous sales of similiar property in the area.

    I have no idea at the moment of what a ” chain set up” is.

    Investing in the UK or NZ or Victorians investing in Queensland. My guess on this is that everyone has set their own guide lines as to where and what they invest in. Is it best to follow the flock? Only each individual can answer this question.

    Time to knock off


    Afloat – head above water

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    Hi afloat, I thank and respect you for sharing.

    4 million people plus?

    like the population of NZ. i certainly haven’t kept quiet about the great deals you can get in NZ.

    “Just look at the Oasis band, imagine having them as tenants? Scary.”

    Hmmm….are you saying the reason not to invest in Manchester is because Oasis are from there, and there is a chance that they might rent your house?

    I doubt that, they’re millionaires…they own beautiful London homes in St johns’ wood, primrose hill kinda places.

    i don’t really see where you were going with that???

    but I admit, they’re not the beatles, I’ll give you that…

    joy to the world

    Profile photo of dannads

    guys, call me silly but what are the 999 year leases you talk about? [confused2]

    I am very interested in this, the returns look awesome!


    Profile photo of Administrator

    Areas to invest like New Zealand, the U.K., Japan, forget about them.

    The flavour of the month is now …………… Denmark.


    Profile photo of afloat

    Hi Dannads,

    999 year leases were made available on large tracts of land, by the crown, to wealthly businessmen/industrialists in the early part of last century. Leases were offered to give these businessmen/industrialists “cheap” land to be able to build their factories and workers homes upon.
    About the 1950’s the lease due payable on individual property was £2 which still stands to this day.

    The first property that I’m buying still has 890 years to run.

    The returns are typical in the target areas according to my situation.

    And yes Mini, 4 odd million in the Greater Manchester region certainly wouldn’t go un-noticed if they all went to NZ at once for a 6 week holiday, or do you reckon you could hide a few away.
    And like yourself Mini, I too am not keeping quite about the oppurtunity available for others to go march forward and conquer!


    Afloat – head above water

    Profile photo of IbuycashflowIbuycashflow
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 274

    Your question on “chain set up”, it is where people entered into contracts to purchase subject to them selling their own property first.

    I’ve seen instances where there have been upto 4 contracts in place. None of the properties can actually sell until the last one in line settles. Sometimes they end up in a conditional agreement as well.

    Getting involved in a chain of contracts can add a lot of time onto deal. Great if you can fix the price when you’re buying and let inflation kickin.


    Profile photo of Administrator

    Thanks, Jeff


    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    pisces, joke, or for real? re: denmark?

    sorry, I’m half german, and sometimes I can’t tell when people are taking the pI$$…

    I heard it was one of the most expensive countries in the world to live???

    joy to the world

    Profile photo of afloat

    Hi all,

    Am off to the other side of this planet at the end of the month again.

    Anyone want to get together and bang heads/ chew the fat regarding th UK ?

    Still lots to learn


    Afloat – head above water

    Profile photo of iluvpropertyiluvproperty
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 4

    Howdy afloat
    well done…..!!
    Have you looked at properties in other countries ie. Japan. USA etc

    Profile photo of Administrator

    >>Pisces, joke, or for real? re: denmark?<<

    I was only skylarking Mini basically because last weekend Denmark was in the news because of Princess Mary.


    Profile photo of dannads

    Yeah Afloat, I’m keen to talk more about the UK.


    Profile photo of afloat

    Hi Dannads,

    Either PM me or fire away for any more general information questions.

    I am going back to UK on 26th of this month. More ongoing homework to do.


    afloat – head above water

    Profile photo of melbearmelbear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,429

    Hey afloat, I’m guessing that your ‘research’ trips are going to be on the exxy side? Is that claimable against the income over there?

    Are you buying in your own name, or a structure specific to UK?


    Profile photo of richmondrichmond
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 831

    This is an article off the bbc website from 2002…


    Profile photo of Administrator

    Thanks for that new perspective Richmond.

    It just confirms how dangerous it is to buy sight unseen, relying on a spotter’s say so.


    Profile photo of pulse69pulse69
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 5

    Hi Afloat,
    I just want to clarify how you are buying these properties. Do you buy sight unseen? do you have an agent or someone else over there or do you fly over to check out properties?

    Profile photo of SalubriousSalubrious
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 252

    If it sounds to good to be usually is………..

    We are all made from Stars

    Profile photo of shaunwalker

    i have been looking into buying Ip’s oversea’s. basically the way dolf de roos does it. it is very fiddly (and possibly expensive) and you have to set it up correct before you even look for an IP anywhere.
    heres how it works (i think)
    1. set up an offshore bank account, and international business company (IBC).
    2. get accountant in whatever country you are buying in to set up trust.
    get accountant to notify the tax department that you are there as a non resident for tax purposes, this reduces your tax to 15%
    3. no idea how to borrow the money in another country without a job there. i assume you dump money into your offshore’s company bank account and go guarantor (please dont quote me on this)
    4. profits from IP (after expenses etc) are sent to offshore bank account where you can keep the money there to refinance later in a completly different country. or send profits back to australia
    5. once profits hit australia, your australian accountant applies to the ATO for a reduction in interest (i cant remember what its called) and you pay the other 15% tax here through your australian company.
    6. the IBC (offshore company) is used to protect your interests in australia. ie if your tennant in the UK sues the company you are still protecting your other assets around the world.

    I know this isnt exactly the right way to do it. i still have to nut out all the bits and pieces i know i have forgotten.
    somehow i think you need a REALLY GOOD accountant for this one..
    anyone know if i’ve missed anything?

    Lead, Follow or get out of the bloody way

    Profile photo of shaunwalker

    forget my last post, after speaking to afloat on the phone, he has explained how to do it simplier easier and cheaper.

    Lead, Follow or get out of the bloody way

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