All Topics / Creative Investing / Wrapping Divorcees….

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  • Profile photo of lozza123

    Hi one and all,

    Does anyone know about wrapping to divorced people? How do they go with refinancing in a year or so’s time? Are there any bank restrictions?



    Profile photo of pelicanpelican
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 454

    Hi Lozza,

    Should be fine…. Banks refinancing do not check as much… as long as there is a record of on-time payments made to you then the bank will accept that….

    Does this mean, you are close to selling your wrap house ???



    Pelican Investments

    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737


    Almost 50% of first marriages don’t work out in Australia, and greater than that for 2nd marriages. Banks don’t care about people’s marital status (in fact, if you write “single” on your bank application, you’re considered less of a risk. If the person who is buying your place has child support obligations, then that will reflect on how much a person can afford to loan or repay, but “divorce” in itself will have no impact.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of lozza123

    Thanks guys… I just thought for some reason that there was some “issue” about divorcees and loans… maybe that was in the good old days!!

    Scott — I wish. But we do have one guy coming out on Sunday morning, he is a self-employed gardener and a divorcee, with a pretty good income and a big deposit. Here’s hoping. But he hasn’t actually seen the house yet. It seems that when people drive past first, they never call back for some reason.

    I must admit, I’m getting desperate. I need to set a deadline on this, because the interest is over $1100 a month.

    Lozza [smiling] — Still smiling (only just!)

    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1,612
    Originally posted by lozza123:

    Does anyone know about wrapping to divorced people? How do they go with refinancing in a year or so’s time? Are there any bank restrictions?

    Hi Lozza,

    Guess the only time marital status may be of interest to the banker is if he/she was hoping to ask the applicant out on a date! [inlove][inlove]

    Just kidding!!!

    I asked a Bank Manager friend the same question once, and he replied “It shouldn’t present any problem, we (the bank) are concerned with people’s ability to service the loan, not each other!!!” [blush2][blush2][blush2]


    Profile photo of lozza123

    Ahem….. OK then!![blush2]

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