All Topics / General Property / Do you invest and play???

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  • Profile photo of kalonikaloni
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 124

    I was talking to some property investor friends
    over the Weekend at a barbie and found out
    although they a making good profits freom their
    investment properties not many are willing to spend on holidays and enjoyment
    So I thought wat are the views of other forumites
    do you go on regular holidays dine out etc??
    We go away on holidays at least 2 weeks a year
    try to go out if we get babisitters.

    Profile photo of wayneLwayneL
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 585


    “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die!”…errr, well, maybe tomorrow will come after all…better stash some loot, just in case LOL

    Profile photo of kay henry

    kaloni- there’s 2 schools of thought on this- the “live on thin air because thick air costs money and you should be investing all your money into more IP’s” (aka the Anita Bell) philosophy… and the “what is money if it’s not to be enjoyed?” (aka the hedonist) philosophy. I subscribe strongly to the 2nd. 6 weeks holidays per year, just went to europse on the CG profits of an IP (first time overseas EVER, and all due to lovely RE- hehe). I go out whenever I want, eat out whenever I want, and don’t live to a budget. Irresponsible? Well, it depends on how you see life. As a hedonist, I see it as play time, and RE allows me to do that :o)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Monopoly

    Hi Kaloni,

    yes we do too. What’s the point of earning a substantial amount of passive income, if you can’t reward yourself for your efforts. We have travelled overseas, and plan to do so again soon (at least once a year, although we haven’t this year…been busy house-hunting). My favourite place in the world is Rarotonga (Cook Islands); we were married there, and we hope to return there at least once every year. We dine out on ocassion (at least once a fortnight), although we enjoy home-cooked meals with family.

    You have to be enjoy yourself, and believe me, we do!!! [biggrin][biggrin][biggrin]


    Profile photo of calvin_thirty4calvin_thirty4
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 556

    How good it is to know that the light at the end of the tunnel is NOT a train but heavenly open sky!
    I want to get a head but all work and no play is not for me. I’ll go bonkers inside 6 months.
    Just cheered me up some! Yesir.


    Profile photo of richmondrichmond
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 831

    What’s the point having it if you don’t enjoy it? I’ve done a few o/s trips… yes they cost money, but what an experience! I don’t think people should deprive themselves of everything… it’s pretty important to enjoy the fruits of your labour from time to time…

    Profile photo of westanwestan
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,950

    Hi guys

    for years i would never eat into the profit on our investing, i was even drivinga 1983 commodore until july last year, and the wife a 1986 falcon. My goal was to really get ahead to the point we could be comfortable.
    that sacrifice i believe has paid off, my wife and 12 year old daughter were fortunate to go to europe for 5 weeks last year and now i’m living in NZ after quiting my job last year. So today we are doing many things we never dreamed possible. In fact i still can’t believe i don’t have to work anymore, i had a dream that i had to get a job a few weeks ago (yuk). The luxury of not working was a goal of mine.

    regards westan

    I find +ve cashflow deals in New Zealand which I sell to other investors. To be on my database send an e-mail to

    Profile photo of Still in SchoolStill in School
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,844

    Hi Kaloni,

    to be very honest, every month i take a holiday, either it be a quick weekender or a full week, this year alone have taken 2 overseas trip, and, so far this year, every month has had a holiday, look forward to nexts month holiday already…


    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
    over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million

    Profile photo of FernFern
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 45

    I got my first IP in 1981 when I was 19 yrs old.
    I’m now 41, all freehold, and I haven’t needed to work for about 5 years, I just look after the IP’s and the kids and keep out of debt (for the moment anyway). I’m not too fussed with expensive holidays away, I’ve travelled so much over the years, its nice just to grab a local beachhouse for a week. I really enjoy just being able to be at home with my family and menagerie of animals, tending the gardens and keeping things simple. My ultimate goal was to be out of the ratrace.

    My next home project is getting a wind turbine installed. Did I say simple?[rolleyesanim]

    Profile photo of DDDD
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 508

    Got the bug when my wife dragged me to a few seminars, did the off the plan unit think and sold it a year later $60k up. Paid off the house. this was 3 years ago. We have jus sold an IP1 years after buying it and made $85k on a $100k purchase. Life is looking good and im 42. New house in Coffs we move into in a month. I love property with a passion I never found in any employment. I still have my computer business and it is more of a hobby now than ever. its good where i am now. Not as good as some, but I am genuinely pleased to see so many people bettering their lives in these forums.

    I scuba dive, pistol shoot, race HO slot cars and have 4 tracks I link up. Im a big kid…and guess what so is my wife. Our kids are super fun and we are enriched by their lives too. Now through property we have more time and muula to enjoy time with them and face the future with big smiles.


    Don’t sweat the small stuff,and it’s all small stuff!!

    Profile photo of kay henry

    DD- good for you :o) I love property with a passion too. You’re in good company [biggrin]

    kay henry

    Profile photo of ANUBISANUBIS
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 559

    We certainly don’t scrimp and save for property. We both have jobs with pretty good incomes so we can invest and have fun with travel, buying luxuries or cars etc.

    I can enjoy it much more now than when I’m 80 ;-)

    Profile photo of TringTring
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 24

    Hello All;

    I’m still new to the game, so at the moment it’s all work for me.

    Regards – Start

    Profile photo of Monopoly
    Originally posted by start:

    Hello All;

    I’m still new to the game, so at the moment it’s all work for me.

    Regards – Start

    Oh well, as the saying has it “you gotta start somewhere” [lmao][lmao][lmao]

    Welcome Start, sorry but I couldn’t resist!!! Anyway, hope you stay long, learn heaps and prosper.



    Profile photo of yackyack
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,206

    I try and find a balance.

    I have a well paid job that i dont really enjoy ( well there are good and bad days) – so I’m not like Westan – eventhough I would like not to work.

    We have done Merimbula the last 2 yrs and did the gold coast last year and even took my parents. Later this year my wife and kids are off to Canada for my sister in laws wedding and we are going to pop in London for a week. The tax return (negative gearing), frequent flyers (2 flights) and property profits will pay for it.

    A friend of mine who owned multiple rental properties was recently divorced with a 4 year old. He was tight. So balance is important to me.

    Balance is the key word in my life.

    Profile photo of maximusmaximus
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 189

    Hi all. Great topic, as I believe that the “not working” part is what most of us here are trying to achieve. To those that have managed to get themselves to a position of not working (Fern, Westan), if this is not too personal a question (will understand if it is),how much were you making from your property investments before you decided to give your jobs away. For me, I would be happy if I could make approx $1,000 per week from I/P’s and try to build it up from there.

    Profile photo of kay henry

    Looks like most of us live the lives we’ve always led, really. I have always gone out to dinner and spent money on consumables- that hasn’t changed. For those who stay at home a lot, it seems like they still do. We all probably went on holidays and did our hobbies all our lives – even before our great wealth :o) Has life really changed for any of us?

    kay henry

    Profile photo of AceyduceyAceyducey
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 651

    It’s simply too boring to spend all your time ‘playing’ – particularly when most of the people your own age are off in their wage-slavery all day….or when you have young kids!

    Better to spend the time productively on things – giving back in the particular manner that suits you, doing some ‘work’ that you enjoy, having 50 hour long marathon PC gaming sessions (er…scratch the last one ;) )



    Profile photo of melbearmelbear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,429

    After many years of putting everybody else above me, and putting all spare cash towards investing, I’ve finally worked out that to stay sane I need to spend time doing stuff just for me.

    Now the only problem is how to break the habit, and work out what I want [blush2]. I’ll get there….. eventually.


    Profile photo of IbuycashflowIbuycashflow
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 274

    “If you enjoy what you do, you never have to work a day in your life”

    Property to me is financial freedom – I can do pretty much what I like, when I like.

    Kids, who mentioned kids – better rephrase that aforementiond comment. I can do pretty much what I like when the kids let me.

    I fish and scuba dive, play squash, dine out regularly with the family, and when we holiday, because my living is derived from property, the holiday is tax deductible as well.

    As far as saving for retirement, I am more prone to “Spend the Kids Inheritance”


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