All Topics / Finance / New Zealand Investment Properties
If you need any assistance for financing NZ IP’s contact me direct at [deleted].
I have many investor clients in NZ and are also dealing with Australian clients. I am a member of NZ Property Investors Association.Terry Meredith – Mortgage Link BOP Ltd
Hi Terry,
I couldn’t access the site…any help
“If You never never ask, you’ll never never know”
My email is
Website is [deleted] if this is what u want.Hi Terry
To save yourself a lot of unnecessary e-mails/phonecalls, can you post some general info on what you are able to do for Australian Investors who wish to purchase IP’s in NZ.
Some general info on LVR’s, max Int only terms etc. would be appreciated.
Acute Mortgage Reductions to the forum Terry.
I believe the forum rules do not permit advertising. Therefore, I have deleted your contact details.
You are still encouraged to help other forum members but perhaps you can do this by responding to specific questions rather than posting a “here I am” email. This would be more subtle.
Any problems… feel free to contact admin.
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