All Topics / Finance / Straight answer from mortgage broker! *frustrating

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  • Profile photo of AceyduceyAceyducey
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 651

    Check your CRAA at least annually & ALWAYS before a spate of loan requests (it’s free).

    That way you can ensure that no spurious or incorrect entries end up on it…and you have a good feeling for what you may need to justify to get a loan through.



    Profile photo of BonbeachBonbeach
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 214

    Thanks again for your replies… :)

    But im sorry, THIS mortgage broker DOES need to be shot. [biggrin]

    I contacted Terry from Discover Home Loans off the website, and he had an answer for me within days AND STILL before the “other” broker did. She had the application for exactly 6 weeks and 1 day before giving me a definate approval. This is not good enough.

    *loads gun*

    Even after she got an approval through, she said I still had to come up with an extra $6000 myself! I advised her that I never HAD $6000 in the first place to just “throw in”. She then went back to the bank and they approved $5000 of this but i would still need $1000. Not such a big deal but definately a pain in the Ass…

    Luke [cap]

    Profile photo of ezy.home.loans23320

    I have a silver Bullet if you want to borrow it…
    its EZY..[cowboy]

    Profile photo of ezy.home.loans23320

    No my coment was not ment for any one on the forum
    I think if a broker does the wrong thing for a client they should get the bullet.
    We the brokers are working for our clients and should know our business , if We the broker is new at the job, we the broker should have a
    person looking over our sholder untill we the broker can stand alone, after all We the broker are dealing with peoples money.
    we the people who answer questions on the forum do so because we like helping people, we give advice which is our own idea from our own experiances,and knowledge. some times others disagree , other times they agree .
    all information is worth looking at digested and disgregarded as the reader decides , I think all opinions should be checked against others opinions….if there was an accident in front of 10 people , when asked they would all have seen differant things.
    please I would not presume to think others opinion’s are not worth the same consideration
    as I would like for my own,
    I am Ezy [buz2]and I do think the bullet should be given to the broker who does the wrong thing for his/her client. But no I did definatly not mean it for you or any one else on the forum. [blush2]

    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    >>I have now put up a post asking for references for a decent mortgage broker. *fingers etc crossed*<<

    Devilcv8, the moment you realise that the broker is a bullshit artist (for example when he makes absurd claims how he gets impossible loans by standing over lenders), run for your life as you are likely to deal with a pathological liar.

    Dealing with a nutcase may cost one heaps in waste of time and costs and worse.


    Profile photo of The Mortgage MasterThe Mortgage Master
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 5

    It is interesting to see all the comments from the various brokers out there squabbling!

    ps. I once got a client a loan in 2 hrs 59 min[specool]

    Tom Murphy
    Mortgage Adviser
    If I can’t do your loan no one can.

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