All Topics / Help Needed! / Due Dilligence. Information and inquiries

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  • Profile photo of OutbackJack

    I am a mustering pilot in the great NT. I know of several places where there are good +$flow according to th 11 sec rule. I am wondering if anyone could help we with info on things such as population trends in these areas and how to find them out. I think these are critical in towns close to me as the places I am looking at have extreemly small populations.

    I contact several councils and I am getting a little wary of all the positive catch phrases I am hearing about future developments in these towns as when I think back, I have been hearing them for may years. One town in western NSW was predicting that it would be the biggest inland city by the year 2k. Hmmmm well that was 10 years ago and I think they are at about the 4000 pop. mark now.

    If anyone has any hints on due dilligence I would love to hear them.

    Good day to all.


    Ps any statistical web sites would make me very happy indeed[bonjour]

    Profile photo of kay henry

    Jack :)

    I am not so sure about statistical websites- dunno. I guess you could pay for ABS stuff, but generally, you can find all the stuff you need just by roaming around the web. These are some of the checks I do. Say I was looking at Bourke, in NSW, and I wanted to find out about it. I would go to and type in “bourke nsw” as keywords. So I would read everything possible I could about the town. The articles should lead me to other links, but if they didn’t, i would type in the following keywords:

    “Bourke council plan”
    “Bourke employment” or perhaps “unemployment”
    “Bourke population” and perhaps add “decline” or “growth”
    “Bourke crime” or “social problems”
    “Bourke industry”
    “Bourke floods”
    “Bourke median house price”
    “Bourke tenancy vacancies”

    Really, i just use as my search engine for everything. That makes up most of my due diligence. Council plans will only discuss future plans, so if something is included in the local council plan, then it is not hearsay- you can take it as fact. Pretty much every aspect of every town is now on the net. Make google your friend :)

    Best of luck with it Jack- really, you don’t much have to get out of your chair these days to find out pretty much all you can about a town. Inquiries about an individual property, of course, has its own set of “must-do’s”

    kay henry

    Profile photo of OutbackJack

    Thanks Kay, very useful indeed. Just wondering about API mag. I take it as being Australian Property Invertor/Investment?

    Too big it is not. Think, you must not.Want, you must not. Do you must. (Yoda)

    Profile photo of kay henry

    Mister Jack :)

    API = Australian Property Investor. It’s the best mag under the sun, I reckon [cap] It comes out each 2 months (the last one was april/may edition), and it costs about $8. I have hear a fabby rumour that it might be coming out monthly soon? That would be good :)

    Ask your local newsagent to get one in for you if they don’t stock it. Check out for what’s in the current edition :)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of melbear

    Kay, it’s definitely about to become a monthly mag – starting next month.

    I just hope now that they’ve got more space to fill, they’ll put some info on the ‘rural town’ of Canberra![baaa]


    Profile photo of DDDD
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 508

    Canberra, cold, planned, antiseptic. Great to invest if wanting negative cashflow. HMMMMM Canberra!!


    Don’t sweat the small stuff,and it’s all small stuff!!

    Profile photo of melbear

    Negative cashflow – yes now thanks to the boom. Beforehand very possible to get positive cashflow. I had 3 until I started buying OTP monsters that had massive CG but not so the rents…


    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225
    Originally posted by melbear:

    Negative cashflow – yes now thanks to the boom. Beforehand very possible to get positive cashflow. I had 3 until I started buying OTP monsters that had massive CG but not so the rents…
    Cheers Mel

    Hi Mel

    Help a newbie out, pretty please. What does OTP mean?



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