All Topics / Help Needed! / Perth – where to invest?

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  • Profile photo of ActToday

    There is almost nothing available for purchase at a decent price in Toodyay and rentals are just about non existent. We have over 8000 sq mts and will be building units over the next several years hoping to sell as many as possible off the plan. We had anticipated a $130,000 price tag but have been told that they will now sell for more like $160,000. The 5 services minimum a day fast track train is coming as is a swimming pool which will make it very attractive to commuters and yuppy weekenders wanting to attend the many festivals held throughout the year.

    If I knew then what I know now……….you know how it goes

    Profile photo of DramDram
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 82

    Hello all, it’s been some time since I’ve visited.

    Ellenbrook and the Swan Valley have not been mentioned here much. I’ve done some basic research on the Ellenbrook region and it appears that it is growing rapidly, new town centre, shopping malls, schools, and so on.

    Any locals have any thoughts on the area? Distance/time to the city? Availability of public transport?


    Profile photo of ScreminScremin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 448

    Dram, you’ve also got that new estate “The Vale” starting. Happened to drive past a few months ago on way back up to Gero, and they were having the opening ceremony and there was only 1 house there. Drove past there a couple of weeks ago and there are now 7 or 8 houses there!!!

    Amazing!! I still remember taking our cars out to the pine plantation on Gnangara Rd and thrashing them on the tracks!! Also used to be a good place for a little bit of nookie when there was no where else available… Not anymore!! All those bloody houses popping up now… Hee hee… Funnily enough, the bloke I used to go out there with, he actually built a house in that area!!! HAHAHAHAH!!!!

    Hmmm funny…

    Profile photo of jsandsojsandso
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 44

    I just looked at Vale last weekend. It is Multiplexes first residential project and they are trying to get it right the first time. Lots of recreation facilities like parks, lakes, playgrounds, sports oval, tennis, outdoor theatres, hike and bike trails.

    The expected completion is 2016, No. of homes 4500, No. residents 12000

    Blocks from 300-2000sqm but at the moment only a handful available between 600 and 700sqm from $119500-$132000. Titles are available in about 9-12 month.

    One of the Special Condition is that the buyer must construct a single dwelling house and construction must be completed 18month after settlement. Another condition is that a buyer must not sell before building completion. They don’t want to see empty and weeds overgrown investor blocks. So I guess it is more for owner occupier.

    I think it will be upmarket from Ellenbrook close to the Swan Valley Winery’s, The Vines Golf Resort and hills. It will be a nice area to live if you don’t care about the distance to city and the beaches. Not to far from Midland also not to far to Landsdale and the Wangara industrial areas. Don’t know about availability of public transport but if there is any then it is only a bus service.


    Profile photo of LizardKingLizardKing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 8


    We put an offer on a house in Ellenbrook before the one in Mindarie, 4 odd weeks ago. Beautiful house in the Bridges Estate. The bid was cheeky because I found out that a new road was going to be built from Gnangara Road into the estate and it was going to be 100 odd mtrs behind this house. No, the RE Agent did not hide this (it is illegal), but kept saying the impact was negligible. I thought otherwise.

    Rents in EB are around the $220-$250 mark with a lot of people building in Vale.

    EB is about 20 Km to the City along Lord St, which is a +ve. I think it gets kinda hot, though as it is in a valley and the air gets trapped there.[confused2]

    Another estate or development sprouting in no mean way in EB is further up inland at Charlotes (sp) Vineyard. Good homes, but heck, far from Gnangara Rd.

    Hope this helps. My two bits.

    More later


    Profile photo of sallyeathorne23407sallyeathorne23407
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2

    Hi have you had a good look at Mandurah?Gold mine territory when infrastructure in.

    Profile photo of MTR

    For those interested in Mandurah.

    There was an interesting article in Sunday’s paper regarding Madora Bay.

    As part of ongoing Coastal Planning for Mandurah, Madora Bay has been earmarked as a Regional Beach for the area. This plan has actually been endorsed and potentially means values in this area should soar.

    Proposal includes 500 parking bay, Surf Club, commerical complexes. Description given by Hegney was that it would be similar to South Cottesloe foreshore.
    If you want more info you should contact Mandurah Council.

    Profile photo of ActToday

    Anywhere along the Madora Bay area pay attention to the brickwork. Strong salty winds erode the mortar right out of the joints particularly if the wrong type of mortar has been used. There is one brick fence that you can see right through as there is so much missing mortar. There is also a particular grade of roofing steel that must be used close to the sea. Always obtain proof that this has been used.

    If I knew then what I know now……….you know how it goes

    Profile photo of iansharoniansharon
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1

    what do people think of rockingham as a place to invest –
    is the rental house price a ratio any better than other areas – have heard it is due fro lots of expansion ?

    Profile photo of MTR

    Hi there, I have researched area for a while now:

    The only advice I can offer is stick to pockets which are desirable, such as – Port Kennedy, St Claire, St Michele, Pt Kennedy Park.

    Old Warnbro – get as close to beach as possible

    Anchorage is very well located, but pricey.

    Rents are poor, for example, $250,000 4×2 depending on age, size and location you may possibly get $200 – 220 pw.

    Also check stats of various areas over a 10 year period, some areas in Rockingham have not achieved great returns. Concentrate on the sought after areas as mentioned above and do your homework.

    PS -only my opinion.

    Profile photo of the.jthe.j
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 37

    Hi Marisa,

    Thoughts on the underappreciation of Waikiki / Cooloongup / Warnbro / Safety Bay (anything but SwingingPig) ?

    Sometime ago, I used to live in Waikiki – when the Wanbro Fair, Waikiki shops seemed to pop up and thought what a great place.

    So now, the area has,
    – Murdoch Uni annexe
    – A heck of a lot of Schools
    – Plenty of commercial/retail areas
    – Hospitals both public and private
    – Enhanced freeway accesability
    – Imminent railway stations
    – IMO good employment opportunities
    – Central to Perth and Mandurah
    Lastly everywhere is maximum 5 kms from the beach..


    Profile photo of alfamick

    Hi j,

    I bought an IP in Waikiki a few years back for all the reasons you listed, so I’m hoping other people think “what a great place” too :-)


    Profile photo of zenzen
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 74

    I took my children to safety bay for a swin on Saturday. It’s a nice spot and easy to get there.
    I also been thinking about the suburb in the last month or so. I don’t have an IP so it will be my first one. Like someone mentioned the rents don’t seem very good.
    Alfamick, do you mind me asking if your IP has gone up a lot? Is it near the beach? The have few properties for sale around penguin island.

    Profile photo of alfamick


    My place is on the beach side of the main road, but I guess still a reasonable way from the beach. I’ve only been to Waikiki once, so my memory of it all is a bit vague :-)

    First 2 years it didn’t really go up; last 2 years it has gone up a lot, but the rents haven’t followed yet.

    It will be interesting to see how things go in the coming years, but I’d think it has to be at least OK. Neg cashflow could be a problem if you were buying now though.

    Cheers, Mick

    Profile photo of easymoneyeasymoney
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 53

    Hi guys,

    I can’t believe the response this post has received.
    I just had to post this reply as I want to be a part of history.
    This must be without a doubt the most responded post in’s history


    Profile photo of FeastFeast
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 8

    [ears]Me too! I wanna be a part of the Perth goss!

    I was just talking last night about how the Swan Valley would be a great place to invest and thought we’d get some info ASAP. Pretty cool actually seings as though we live in London (Perth Originally!)

    Friends have bought and sold in the area twice and made a nice profit in the upgrade. And other friends are building there as we speak. And… my brother-in-law was married there in January. We’ve only been there a couple of times, years ago… but can’t believe how much action there is now!

    As far as public transport goes… does anyone actually use it in Perth?[tired]

    Anyone got any good websites on property/developments in Swan Valley or Mandurah?


    Profile photo of BonnieBonnie
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 69

    Hi All,
    We live in Ellenbrook and have just this last couple of days sold our property to build in Vale. I think Vale’s going to be fantastic once it gets going. There are already plenty of houses being built there and it looks like it’s going to be beautiful. A new anglican school is also being built and will be ready for 2006 with a performing arts centre and swimming pool.
    We have only put $1,000 deposit down on our land and already in one release (2-3months) blocks of the same size have gone up $16-18K. Not bad for $1,000 deposit.
    The properties in Ellenbrook are also continuing to climb, especially with the new shops that have been built plus the proposed new high school, library, movie theatres commercial developments etc on the near horizon.
    I love it out here and wouldn’t move back closer to the city for anything.
    We were lucky as investors bought our propery so we can rent back from them for 18 months – 2 years until our new home is built, so we don’t have to move anywhere.
    As for public transport – I find there are adequate buses that go to Morley and Midland and I’m sure as the population increases so will the public transport.

    Profile photo of enchantressblueenchantressblue
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1

    On the strain of Armadale (Cheaper properties)….Girrawheen is the ‘New Balga’ – it’s the current focus of the ‘New North’ project and prices in the last 10 months have jumped considerably IMO
    They are removing most of the state housing tenants and are about to begin the demolition of a group of units spanning a few kms, creating approx 60 blocks many of which are duplex and triplex sites.
    Its close to the Warwick Train Station, many schools and probably the closest area to the beach for this price range…actually I would also say it’s the closest in the price range to the city too?

    Profile photo of dabiddsdabidds
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    Medina and surrounds I beleive is a place to invest in, but it is a long term investment. There is the new development Windsor Hills from Satterleys and as stated the train line.
    The Industrial area that is situated to the west along the coast will go due to pressure from Locals, investors, developers and Council.
    Also if the Mariner gets the Environmental go ahead in Rockingham all systems go.

    Also previously in this forum Exmouth was mentioned. The reason the Indigenous People do not go out to the Peninsula is because in the Dream Time a large Tsunami washed all living creatures from it. And yes development has stated on the Mariners and if I had the cash I would buy and run it as short stay accomodation. It is beautiful there.

    Profile photo of RellieRellie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 28

    Hello All

    This is my first time on hear & I’ve found it interesting to read what people’s thoughts are on Perth’s real estate.

    I’m just starting to invest in Perth property market and agree with people on Rockingham being the way to go. I’m building a house down there on one of the new estates. I decided to go for capital growth instead of cash flow. With all the new developments and train stations going on I believe the prices will continue to rise steadily for the next few years & hopefully make me some money.

    My other choices are Thornlie – again the new rail stations, its close to all amenities and prices are still relatively cheap. I also think Armadale as it’s being developed by the govt and as people have said it has good rental return.

    My final choice is Carlisle. I’ve just bought a commercial property there. This was more based on cash flow as it can be positive geared. They’re developing the industrial area there. It’s pretty central – only a few mins drive to the Graham Farmer, close to other major industrial areas and the airport.

    All suburbs have their pros & cons at the end of the day. I’ve mainly chosen areas that I know well & have lived in previously and kept an eye. Rockingham is my one leap of faith.

    Good luck on where ever you choose.


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