All Topics / Heads Up! / Hans Jakobi’s Super Secrets to Real Estate Wealth

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  • Profile photo of Captain_Picard

    As promised in an earlier post, I will let everyone know what I think of the Super Secrets to Real Estate Wealth package which I’ve had for a couple of weeks now. I found lots of people on this forum wanting to know if it was worth the money, that it sounded interesting, etc, but were not prepared to fork out the money themselves. I therefore decided to buy the pack myself and let everyone know what it is like.

    I found it very indepth, informative and well organised. However, a lot of the information I already knew, from the plethora of books I had read and websites I had explored. I believe it is a great resource for someone who knows nothing about real estate, but for someone who has a lot of theoretical knowledge like me, it is not much more than an inspirational tool. By all means, buy it yourself, as Hans Jakobi himself suggests that you study it for a year, and if you dont feel it is worthwhile, then you can get a full refund. I will probably send it back and get a refund, but that is just me. It is full of great information, much of which I already know, but I dont think it is worth the $3800 price tag. However, since there is a money back guarantee, order it, take a look and decide whether or not to keep it.


    Profile photo of JustAllanJustAllan
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 168

    It’s been my experience, that “money back guarantees” are rarely given – in anything – not only RE courses.

    First, they rely on the assumption you’ll not actually bother to return it even if you are not satisfied. Second, you usually have to keep the product for some set time period – and then when you return it, they either say you returned it early – or late – or ask you many detailed questions about if you made the effort to use the product – or they claim it’s been damaged by you in some way and so not resaleable, and on that basis refuse your refund AND may even charge you again a second time to mail it back to you (“if you would like us to return your product to you”).

    The only exception I have found to this (so far) is those (pathetic) upright GMC electric lawn edgers selling for about $90-$100 at BigW. (It says on the box, “1 month satisfaction refund” (or similar). I took it back after two weeks – used – and they actually gave my money back!)

    So please come back and let us all know if the refund actually comes through… If you return it. [rolleyesanim]

    Those reading… Please understand… I’m not saying to purchase it with the purpose of returning it. What I *am* saying is, if such an offer is made – it should be honored without all the hoopla mentioned above. That’s all.


    Profile photo of Captain_Picard

    Well, I actually talked to Hans Jakobi himself on the phone when I rang “Super Secrets to Real Estate Wealth” recently, which was unexpected. There was no problem with the refund; I got it fine. I had one payment of $1000, which was refunded as soon as they received the returned package, and further payments were cancelled. He is on the level; seems like a nice guy, and down to earth.


    Profile photo of JetDollars


    What other information does he teach in the package beside property?

    Kind regards

    Chan Dollars
    [Retire Young, Retire Rich] [strum]

    Profile photo of redwing


    From his cA$h cow book, which i personally thought was ‘cheaply done’ ( check out the cartoons ) and some other info, it looks to me like a lot of USA info re-hashed, however, his web-site and Ad’s look a lot like R.Allens, very appealing and tempting..

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    Profile photo of redwing

    One of Han’s sites..


    Have a look [blush2]Some interesting Info.. Captain-Picard, did you learn anything ??

    Thanks for the post, glad Hans was approachable and down to earth, i see he even mentions Steve’s name on his site as one of the many people he’s still learning from..


    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
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    Profile photo of Captain_Picard

    In the pack, there are 6 CDs devoted to real estate that is meant to be used with the handbook, and 15 DVDs that feature Hans interviewing professionals in real estate, real estate agents, tax professionals and many others. Apart from real estate, he talks about superannuation, tax breaks and how to protect your assets from lawyers and litigators through trusts. The CDs were informative, but unfortunately on many occasions when someone asked him a question, I could hardly hear what was asked, and could only hear Hans’ response. I did learn some stuff from the pack, but about 70% I already knew.


    Profile photo of JetDollars

    Thank you Daniel and Redwing, much appreciated.

    Kind regards

    Chan Dollars
    [Retire Young, Retire Rich] [strum]

    Profile photo of melbearmelbear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,429

    Daniel, learning 30% from one of those courses I would have thought was really quite valuable, and possibly worth the price…

    Unless you just picked a figure, and perhaps you only learnt a couple of things, and obviously they weren’t enough for you to keep the package and pay the dough[biggrin]


    Profile photo of wezwazwezwaz
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 192

    Captain Picard

    It’s great in a forum like this to be able to get feedback on courses/seminars, so that we can make a judgement on whether to purchase or not. Otherwise we have to take a leap of faith.

    The issue of seminar costs has been discussed at length in this forum. To give a bit more perspective re the cost in relation to personal assets: if you are a millionaire, blowing a few thousand on a seminar that turns out to be useless wouldn’t worry you too much. However, if you need this week’s pay to put food on the table, forking out a few thousand for a seminar is a very big deal for you! Based on this, it’s not difficult to understand people reluctant to part with their money when they don’t know what the real value of the course/seminar will be.

    So, thanks to all the people who provide useful feedback on course and seminars they have paid for.


    Profile photo of redwing

    Agreed [thumbsupanim]

    Money begets money Huh..


    If you can recoup the Money in a reasonable time ‘plus’ extra, the course was worth It..[thumbsupanim]

    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
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    Profile photo of redwing

    Hi guy’s, just throwing this one up for debate as i came across Hans DVD the other day.

    has anyone else had any dealings with Hans?

    ..any thoughts?

    Are his methods still relevant as + CF properties as prefered by Hans in Large Towns and Capital Cities (as he prefers) now a myth?


    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
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    Profile photo of gamaygamay
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 41

    I had this course for a few months, paid $2980 for it. Video’s are of poor quality, conversations are very hard to hear. Books are ok, but you can buy them separately without paying through the nose. Many investment success stories, but all purchased pre-boom cf+.

    Nothing I would call a Super Secret in this course, so it is probably misleading.



    I sent it back two weeks ago, received a full refund, no questions asked

    Profile photo of MarvinMarvin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 24

    Thanks for taking the big step to get us a review Captain Picard. I guess its no secret but a collection of intellegent sources for those of us who are more lazy to find it ourselves.


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    So Danial what was the 30% u didn’t know?

    I think that it is getting extreemly difficult 4 these guys to sell $4,000 programs when we can get soooooo much info from the web!!

    The cost of producing his kit would come in at about $100.00.

    I can print and burn a cd including a plastic sleeve in my office with over 4000 pages of information 4 $00.53cents so go figure!!!


    Profile photo of redwing

    Some great books he advocates such as some of Dale GG’s stuff

    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
    Count The Currency With This Online Positive Cashflow Calculator

    Profile photo of Robbie BRobbie B
    Join Date: 2004
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    There is no such thing as a ‘SECRET’ to wealth. There are just different strategies.

    Robert Bou-Hamdan
    Mortgage Adviser

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    Robert, how about the SECRET to keeping the bl…y stuff, when i count up my looses … i can’t go on toooo emotional!!

    Profile photo of Liz2005Liz2005
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 29

    If you return the course of Hans Jakobi does anyone have any experience how long it takes him to refund your account


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