All Topics / Help Needed! / subdividing

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  • Profile photo of Milly

    In my last topic I explained that the equity in my two IPs would cause problems with my centerlink single parents payment. Someone suggested I be more creative in my thinking and get off centrelink. Well I have come up with an idea.

    I have decided to sell my back yard! I have a quarter acrea block. Spoke to a RE agent who says I should get $300k for it. Almost fainted on the spot. But this money would mean I could pay out the loans on my IP’s.

    I have spoken to the council who have agreed I can go ahead. But what happens now? Do i get a surveyor in to draw it up and then submit it to council? Has anyone done this? WHat sort of costs are involved? ANd are there any other costs involved when selling? (im in qld)

    If anyone has done this kind of thing and can offer some advise I’d be grateful.

    OH and also Im looking for a new boyfriend. Er I kinda fancy a surveryor or praps a clever accountant around june.

    cheers and thanks in advance for any assistance

    Profile photo of Milly

    Oh I have just noticed the ‘search’ option and have seen another post about this topic which answers most of my questions cept the one about cost. Anyone have any idea wot sorta cost I’m looking at to divide my block into two titles?

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024


    Feel free to email us and i would be happy to provide you with some help.

    Cheers Richard
    richard at

    There is no such thing as a problem.
    Just a solution waiting to be found

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of RussHRussH
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 342

    Dont think they have a dating area on here but best of luck.
    How much did you say you were worth?????$$$$$$$$

    Profile photo of strataplanstrataplan
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1

    Hi Milly,

    I,m a Surveyor.

    Be careful of costs.Could involve building a driveway, relocation of services etc.allow at least $50K

    Also, if you subdivide, Capital gains tax may affect the sale.

    Again, be careful, seek advice from your local Surveyors!

    Profile photo of gatsbygatsby
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 708

    Hi Milly,
    I’m sorry that I’m not an accountant, nor am I a surveyor. I do however have a month off in June and ‘I make love like I make deals – with an iron fist!’
    Kind regards,

    Profile photo of Milly

    Thanks STrataplan. Yes I have come to understand there are a lot more costs involved than I originally guessed. However it is still worth my while going ahead with the plan.

    An iron fist you say Gatsby? ……you must have the women….er….swooning ?

    Tell you one thing tho, when you start obtaining assets you have to be wary of who you let into your life. [fear] Men my age are usually divorced and broke. In any cse its probably not good manners to ask some potentional beau about the size of his er…….. property portfolio. [tongue]

    Profile photo of wrappack

    Good to see you are thinking laterally with regards to centrelink.

    Couple o’ thoughts

    Try to think about what you should do disregarding centrelink. So often people do something ‘because of centrelink’ or ‘to save tax’ that just loses them money.

    Thus, do all of your sums, ask centrelink AND a qualified accountant PRIOR to actually doing something.

    I dont know much about centrelink, but I think that your ppor doesnt count as an asset, but your ips do. Thus, if you sell your backyard and pay off your home loan, centrelink payments would probably not have changed (of course, you would be out of debt and able to borrow heaps more!)

    Can anyone answer this question- would it make any difference to Millys situation if her properties/future properties were in a company or trust? Or would CL be interested in this as well?

    If it came down to selling, if an ip was sold, then that loan would be cancelled, and your loan on ppor would also decrease, and CL benefits would not decrease.

    Can you just put a granny flat on the backyard, instead of going to all of the hassle of subdividing?

    Profile photo of Milly

    Thanks Wrappack for your comments.

    Im not thrilled about selling off my backyard but there is no alternative if I wish to obtain financial independance. Borrowing money to build a grannyflat would give me another debt. I need to be able to live off the rents. Paying off the two IPS would give me income to live on and more borrowing power.

    I will get proper financial advice tho. I can already feel procrastination creeping when i think of some monstrosity built out my backdoor.

    Profile photo of OutbackJackOutbackJack
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 11


    Just thought you may like to know that is probably a better forum for making new contacts.[blush2]

    All the best with your ventures in both fields.


    Too big it is not. Think, you must not.Want, you must not. Do you must. (Yoda)

    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    Millie, may I suggest you consider applying for an ABN as you need that when you go for a No Doc loan.


    Profile photo of wrappack

    It sounded from your last post that when you sell (either ip/backyard), you will pay down your ip loans. Dont do this!

    Pay any extra money off your ppor, as this is not tax deductable

    Profile photo of Rags2RichesRags2Riches
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 28
    Originally posted by OutbackJack:


    Just thought you may like to know that is probably a better forum for making new contacts.[blush2]



    Hey I can garantee that it works, met my missus there 5 years ago, still together.

    Profile photo of 1Winner

    Milly, if you are on PPS, you can be tested on asset or income, according to the test that allows for the lower payment.

    Asset test for homeowner, single, for full pension is $149.500. Assets over thise amounts reduce pension by $3 perf/n for every $1000 over the limit.
    This is the net asset, so if you owe money on the IP this is taken off.

    Income test for single pensioner: full pension payable if income below $120 + $24.60 per child under 16, per f/n.
    Income over this amount reduces the rate of pension by 40 cents in the dollar.

    Some considerations:
    Pay your own home off, leave all the debt on your IP, since asset is net, any money owing is taken off the value of the asset.
    By subdividing you are increasing your assets, something that may preclude you from recieving any payments at all.
    Subdividing is a very expensive exercise and for that you may need to borrow against your own home. This action will make that part of your home will now be asessed as asset, or part of your purchse will be considered an asset even if you owe the whole ammount to the bank.

    For example: If you have your own home paid off, it is worth $300,000, and you purchase an IP for $240,000 using your home equity as security, Centrelink will apply this formula.
    Mortgage $250,000
    IP Value $240,000
    Home Value $300,000

    _______________ x 240,000 = 111,111

    This means that the mortgage of 250,000 from the new IP will be considered only 111,111 so your new assessable asset is now 240,000 – 111,111 = 128,889 as opposed to zero.

    I suggest that you get an accountant to do the sums for you and that you then visit your local Centrelink and make an appointment with your FISO, financial information service officer for some further clarifications.

    May God bless you
    and prosper you.

    Profile photo of Milly

    Thanks Marc for the interesting figures. I really believe I need to take the opportunity to get off Centrelink altogether.

    I only owe about 20k on my PPOR. I have IO loans on the 2 IPS of 270k (which are now valued at about 420k) By selling the backyard I will reduce my debt substancially and can live off the rents.

    This also means I can borrow again to build a duplex on some land of my fathers. These will be +geared.

    I was lucky enough to be left with a valuable PPOR (the advantage of bein widowed instead of divorced…..ya get to keep all the assets). I just have to figure the best way to use it to achieve financial independance.

    oh and thanks guys for the rsvp link. I believe I will concentrate on property investment for the time being tho. [biggrin]

    Profile photo of 1Winner
    OH and also Im looking for a new boyfriend. Er I kinda fancy a surveryor or praps a clever accountant around june.

    and then

    the advantage of bein widowed instead of divorced…..ya get to keep all the assets

    [confused2]I have seen Freudian slips before but this tops them all[blink]


    Profile photo of Milly

    Now marc what on earth are you implying?
    hehehehe (evil laugh) [evil4]

    Profile photo of magpie_2magpie_2
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 5

    Another option is to build a nice new home in the backyard for yourself, and sell the front one. NSW will allow you to build after getting approval for dual occupancy, so you get a construction loan which is interest only until completion of construction, then you get a tenant in for 6 month lease on your old home, and during that period organise to subdivide and sell. My local council were very helpful and came up with approximate figures for subdivision cost. Magpie

    Profile photo of melbearmelbear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,429

    Good call magpie.

    Milly, the advantage in magpie’s suggestion is that if you sell off your current house and move into the new one in the ‘backyard’ it will be CGT free. You might be able to sell it and lease it back from the owner for 6-12 months while building the new house if you need the money to do so.

    Re Marc’s comments – I’m assuming your ‘advantage’ of being widowed was said somewhat tongue in cheek?


    Profile photo of Milly

    mmm thanks for the idea mel and magpie. It sounds very sensible. However shifting from my home is out of the question. I get a terrible pain at the very thought.

    and er yeah mel i do have a nasty black humour which is hard for some people in real life, let alone in print![blush2]

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