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Hello to all on this web site.
I have just found this web site and I am glad that I did. There is a wealth of information here and I hope that in some way I may be able to contribute in the future.
I need help in that the web page only fills half of my laptop screen. The left half to be precise. Can anyone explain why and how do I remedy this?Kind regards, getahead.[weird]
Hi getahead
Best guess – I think your laptop may have a huge screen resolution.
Right-click on your desktop and go to Properties.
Click on the Setting tab up the top of the window which pops up.Where it says “Screen Resolution”, shift the bar to 1024 x 768. Click OK.
This should solve the problem
Thanks for the reply Brent but unfortunatly the result didn’t work. When I did as you suggested I got a warning to say that some programs may not run correctly with this setting and also the image on the screen only filled about to thirds of the laptops screen.
Regards getahead
Getahead – in the top right corner of the window is an icon of a rectangle (right next to the red cross). Click on this to maximise the window to the screen.
The page may not extend all the way across – as the forum has been designed to support a certain screen resolution (800×600) so that people with smaller screens can view it correctly. It’s also left-justified (the norm for sites is centre justified as you’ve probably noticed) which is why the entire site appears to the left of the screen.
The solution is to REDUCE the screen resolution to 800×600, but frankly I wouldn’t suggest you do this for the ramifications on the ability to effectively use the screen within other software you use.
Thanks for the reply Aceyducey. I have come to same conlusion that you have mentioned and will have to put up with the leftsided screen. As you say there are certain ramifications that will crop up if I go down to a resolution size of 800×600
Regards getahead[biggrin]
This site is built to look about 95% right to someone who has a 800X600 screen. Now mine is a 19″ running 1280X1024 and I have a stack of room left over on the right, as do you, by the sounds of it.
One solution is just to shrink your window so it looks a bit tighter.
One day we’ll change things when the great majority of people are up at 1024X768 but that’s not for a while!
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