All Topics / General Property / What Have You Learned in the Last 24 Hours?

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  • Profile photo of JetDollars

    Dear All,

    It will be interesting if we all just share one idea of what you have learned in the last 24 hours regarding investing?

    Let me start first. This morning I read one of the topic called ‘Help – Mortgage Stamp Duty on loc increase’ in ‘Finance’ Forum link below:
    I learned that if you cross-colleteralise your property security in different state you will pay double stamp duty. Therefore, to avoid paying double stamp duty, if I have enough equity then I will just use one security instead of two or set up a LOC draw out as 20% cash for deposit and borrow 80% using the security that I am going to buy.

    What about you, what have you learned in the last 24 hours?

    Kind regards

    Chan Dollars
    [Retire Young, Retire Rich] [strum]

    Profile photo of yack

    Nothing really. I have taken the opportunity to spend this time with my wife, kids and family.

    Profile photo of SalubriousSalubrious
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 252

    I just spoke to my mate in Dublin, and it is bloody expensive to purchase IP’s over there!

    “Dont be looking in your back yard for a four leaf clover when the opportunity of a lifetime could be knocking on your front door….”

    Profile photo of RussHRussH
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 342

    I have learnt that drinking too much alcohol over the Easter break can make you feel like S***.

    So many +CF properties in Western Australia.Let me help you. And we can achieve a win win situation.Russ.0438 659 411

    Profile photo of fjficmfjficm
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 88

    i’ve learned that there no point being an @$$h*!e but at the same time not to get stepped over

    Profile photo of CeliviaCelivia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 886
    Originally posted by Chan$:

    Dear All,

    It will be interesting if we all just share one idea of what you have learned in the last 24 hours regarding investing?

    Let me start first. This morning I read one of the topic called ‘Help – Mortgage Stamp Duty on loc increase’ in ‘Finance’ Forum link below:
    I learned that if you cross-colleteralise your property security in different state you will pay double stamp duty. Therefore, to avoid paying double stamp duty, if I have enough equity then I will just use one security instead of two or set up a LOC draw out as 20% cash for deposit and borrow 80% using the security that I am going to buy.

    What about you, what have you learned in the last 24 hours?

    Kind regards

    Chan Dollars
    [Retire Young, Retire Rich] [strum]

    I have just learned from you, Chan, that if you cross-colleteralise your property security in different state you will pay double stamp duty. Hehe Thanks for that![thumbsupanim]

    For the rest, like Yack, I have spent the day with husband&kids playing games and overeating [sick3]

    Profile photo of RugbyfanRugbyfan
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 683

    You pay extra stamp duty on your mortgage not on the property. There is a HUGE difference.

    I have learnt that there is only so much exercise my body will take in 4 days before it shuts down on me!

    Me this afternoon>>>>>[sleepyanim]

    ‘Eat rich food, barbeque a yuppie’ [greedy]

    Profile photo of elveselves
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 507

    I have learned that 24 hours can last indefinitely!

    I learnt how to copy photos to a new program and straight to cd’s for my family. Been scanning old black and white (as the family historian) and have now organised it all, oh goodie, better save before the comp crashes.

    I learnt that I can sleep past 6am
    I am even learning to like NRL….oh did I say that?

    And with each post on here by other members, I have learnt to scan quickly, to ignore a few, to consider the knowledge of others, even when I don’t agree, and to know we all come from different times, places and backgrounds. I still got a lot to learn.

    I also learnt that weekends dont last forever! Boo hoo! Work tomorrow!

    ” a blind man may see what a sighted man may not”

    Profile photo of ScreminScremin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 448

    I learned the other day that it pays to look after your teeth!

    After having a saw jaw adn a headache for close to a week, I finally rang a dentist on Thrusday and was squeezed in. Iwas lucky coz there was no dentist on, on the weekend…

    Tooth was fixed and hence a great weekend. Go to the dentist if you haven’t already been lately!! It was my first visit in 4 years. Now just gotta coax that husband of mine to go…. Oh yeah keeping positive about things helps too…


    Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

    Profile photo of Tim_3Tim_3
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 35

    I learnt that the Democrats in Tas are urging the state govt to reconsider Stamp duty like NSW has:

    I also learnt from a dream last night that I don’t want to work full time anymore – funny that – still working full time (but not till after the next 2 weeks holidays……..)

    Profile photo of JulianJulian
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 232

    I learned how install a Anti- spy software in computer. More thinking what’s is the next step for investment.[blush2]



    Profile photo of thefirstbrucethefirstbruce
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 133

    I rediscovered the joy of not touching a computer for 4 days, and getting back into the bush. Walked morn and afternoon through native scrub, spotted over 20 different types of bird, one echidna, and only one snake, which was under the wheelie bin when I moved it when leaving the bush house this morning. Also learnt that bush pigs are ok to eat even when they have a gut full of parasites, and that a horse can kick you with its hind leg even when you are standing in front of the hind leg. Also that a wolf hound is a better pig hunting dog than a terrier, because they are only interested in pinning the pig down, not ripping it to pieces. Also learnt how to clad a house with corrugated iron. Beats sitting on an everincreasing butt, doing coffee and diddly squat in urban cafes huh?

    Mooloolaba, Qld

    Profile photo of PurpleKissPurpleKiss
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 580

    I have learnt that the b?#?#? scanner won’t work if the cord has fallen out. I have also learnt that it’s the first thing I should have checked instead of cursing the thing while trying to reload software that was still there.

    Profile photo of JetDollars

    Very interesting learning experienced. Thanks for sharing.

    I have learnt 8 hours per day at work is very long when I can’t access this forum from work.

    I also learnt that time go very quick in the evening when I am on the forum.

    Kind regards

    Chan Dollars
    [Retire Young, Retire Rich] [strum]

    Profile photo of lifeX

    Chan, you can have my job when I retire (soon hopes).
    I work in the evenings waiting for breakdowns and get a lot of time surfing win win

    Great thread by the way [specool]


    Profile photo of JetDollars


    I am waiting for it, so when are you retire? I will take over.

    Kind regards

    Chan Dollars
    [Retire Young, Retire Rich] [strum]

    Profile photo of jancrows

    Morning all
    I am renovating a bathroom that meets the new Building Certification requirements in an elevated House. It is quite complicated. So many differing opinions on what is required. !! Including Building Inspector Collegues & tradesman that know it all. [whistle]
    Have been delayed by the Builder and hes now on another job. So told him to not bother coming back. Maybe a blessing as the Certifyer states the wet seal (Fibroglass seal )must go all along the floor area up to 100mm and the entire cubicle area (which builder wasnt planning to do)as well. This is complicated as the shower area has glass bricks in it !!![confused2]
    Cant also get matching wall tiles. Tried to get another tiler all busy and may have another months delay.
    Lesson learnt : Get in the certifyer first up to agree on scope required.


    “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Profile photo of yack

    Jancrows –

    What state are you in?

    Profile photo of jancrows

    Yack – Good Ol NT. Missed out by five months on the 10 year certification rule to register a “failure” to the House Builder.[grrr]

    Nevermind !!

    Also thought of some more things I have learnt over the last well 48 hours………..not 24.

    If your dishwasher doesnt turn on…seemingly electrical. Apart from checking the power point is turned on ..check the dial knob… it was broken !!! and got the electrician out for that !!![withstupid]

    Same as Gas ovens the knobs wear out…. think it a thermo !!! but the worn knob actually is on 150 Deg not 220 Deg as you think youve turned the dial to !! Switch the knobs around from the least used one.

    and most importantly dont put anything in the foam trays like the supermarket meat pack trays……….liquids eat thru it [withstupid]
    Partner popped some sealer on it to do under the kitchen bench…….since had to scub tiles !!

    The next 48 hours will be better.


    “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Profile photo of lifeX

    You can have my job now!! small print reads LifeX will receive 50% royalties from pay

    “But c’mon y-know, that it’s hard to complain about the way you live, way you live”
    quote unquote Powderfinger Lyrics.

    I know you will find a way Chan[thumbsup2]


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