I just thought I would start a new thread of new ideas of ways to invest, from real estate to anything else. New ways preferably, Wild idea’s thrown around.
Lets call it a Brain storming session.[buz2]
Lets just throw heaps of ideas around and see if we can connect the dots and come up with new ways that have real potential.
So no matter how weird or how silly you think it is, lets just throw it up in the air and see how it all lands.
Maybe a story about your kids making money.
Here one about my 14 yo son when he was 5. He took heaps of wool from his mother’s wool bag, (with out asking) and collected heaps of ice cream sticks, and made dream catchers out of them. Went door to door to the neighbours selling them for 50cents ea. Made himself a pretty some of money. Once he run out of wool, and sticks he then decided to collect pebbles from his mothers landscaped front yard, and tried selling them to the same people as crystals, needless to say that venture died real quick. But he certainly didn’t let it stop him he then went on to pick oranges from 1st of all his mothers tree’s in her back yard then from friends and family and went door to door selling them. His mother didn’t like it and put a stop to his ventures.
So what stories or ideas have you guys got?
Regards Bear
POSITVE CASHFLOW properties and Joint Ventures available!
For the BEST deals register via E-mail RPTrust@hotmail.com
Once upon a time long ago in a galaxy far far away…….sorry, just drifting back to my youth!
When we were 10, we used to go down to the local fruit market and buy toffee apples for 20c a pop, set up the kitchen table on the corner just up from were I lived when the folks were out, and sell them to the motorists for 60c a pop.
We expanded from there to include fruit, cakes etc but steered away from hot foods because of cash flow problems for capital purchase.
Then we had the illegle trading issues but even the local police would buy from us.
(The lemonade was a flop)[blink]
“Dont be looking in your back yard for a four leaf clover when the opportunity of a lifetime could be knocking on your front door….”
I have a method, I call it Mikes golden theory.[biggrin] I can’t reveal it though, it’s a secret. Iv’e told a few people, but the rest of you will have to guess!
This should be a smart sounding comment but it isn’t!
Just imagine getting home from work after a gruelling day and having a BATHTIME BABE meet you at the door
You show her in and while you are having a coldie she is running your bath.
The rest is up to your own imagination.
Could be a good money spinner.
So many +CF properties in Western Australia.Let me help you. And we can achieve a win win situation.Russ.0438 659 411
One thing I rekon you could do maybe in the future is make a computer program to invest in property. That way you wouldn’t be limited to your own time to analyse deals & do the work.
It could tap into numerous abs & other data on the internet to identify the most likely growth areas, while also accessing numerous real estate data to put together possible deals. Using this sorta program, you could simplify the process so much that you could employ secretaries or whatever to do the necessary phone calls & all, while you just sit back and watch the money pile grow .
Below is not my idea, but I like to share with you guys.
If you buy -CF property then you will need money to support your IPs which is from your own pocket. One way to turn -cf property to neutral is to buy shares and write a covered call against it (Peter Spann). You will get a monthly premium and use it to pay your -cf property. To do this then you need a large capital in which I don’t have at the moment.
One more idea is to contact Steve McKnight for permission and compile all the informations in this forum as questions and answers and publish it as books and sale it in the book stores.
To show off my bad marketing skills:
On a very hot day, when I was about 5 I made a little stall of lemon cordial and stood in a busy street swapping cups of cordial for a song or kiss.
Hey guys just my tip, i invest in money aswell.
coins fresh off the press, people buy then prices go up!
just a thought.BTW the program and selling tips to novice investors is good aswell!
Maybee a franchise. It wouldn’t take to much to run, i never buy them potatos, but they are really nice and i always drive past them and say and think there too dear. I serender to temptation sometimes and indulge and stuf your face full of a big hot potata.
I know they get there potatoes buy the bag and there is no way people should pay $8 for one big potato.
I just think if you charged a good price, alot more people would come and it could kick on.
Another One:
The local pub here is way cheap he has been trying to sell for 9 years. It a big two storey blue stone with deteriating room up stairs. It’s nothing new for any of the locals to say, “boy i wish nashy would sell the pub so someone could comein and fix it up again”. It would need to be picked up.
I would apply a manager to it, other wise it would be too time consuming for me. Fantastic great function room and dance area lounge-room going to waste.
Maybee a franchise. It wouldn’t take to much to run, i never buy them potatos, but they are really nice and i always drive past them and say and think there too dear. I serender to temptation sometimes and indulge and stuf your face full of a big hot potata.
I know they get there potatoes buy the bag and there is no way people should pay $8 for one big potato.
I just think if you charged a good price, alot more people would come and it could kick on.
Another One:
The local pub here is way cheap he has been trying to sell for 9 years. It a big two storey blue stone with deteriating room up stairs. It’s nothing new for any of the locals to say, “boy i wish nashy would sell the pub so someone could comein and fix it up again”. It would need to be picked up.
I would apply a manager to it, other wise it would be too time consuming for me. Fantastic great function room and dance area lounge-room going to waste.
How much? How many pokies?
“Dont be looking in your back yard for a four leaf clover when the opportunity of a lifetime could be knocking on your front door….”
Just imagine getting home from work after a gruelling day and having a BATHTIME BABE meet you at the door
You show her in and while you are having a coldie she is running your bath.
The rest is up to your own imagination.
Could be a good money spinner.
– That is why I make my husband the luckiest man in Oz!!
do the ‘strata titling car parks’ thing in NZ. When i first heard about it in Aus (you could buy a single carpark as a mini-commerical property, leased back to the operator, for 7 percent return or whatever-) I thought how crazy, but I guess it’s the future. So AFAIK nobody’s done this in NZ, so the first person to do it in NZ I reckon would have a stampede. hmm? Maybe. then again i don’t know anything about car parks.
Or, do the Cathyjayne.com.au thing and buy blocks of flats, reno each, sell as separate title. to do that in NZ.
Some great ideas and sories here, Lets keep them coming. Lets not worry about top secret stuff, keep that to yourself if u wish, as said previously lets just look at this as a brainstorming exercise.
Regards Bear
POSITVE CASHFLOW properties and Joint Ventures available!
For the BEST deals register via E-mail RPTrust@hotmail.com