All Topics / Opinionated! / Why is the ‘Tell Us What You Think’ Forum closed?

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  • Profile photo of Rugbyfan

    Kay and Cel,

    This is going so [offtopic] it’s not [laughing] anymore.

    Everyone stop [B)

    ‘Eat rich food, barbeque a yuppie’ [greedy]

    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737

    Ohh, it’s ok Ruggy. Acey’s got a sense of [lmao] I am sure he would appreciate the [whip] references even if they are [offtopic]. Sorry for [B)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Rugbyfan

    OK. well I’ll see your [whip] and raise you a [smash]!

    I’m off to bed now. Gotta get my ugly sleep![sleepyanim]

    ‘Eat rich food, barbeque a yuppie’ [greedy]

    Profile photo of CeliviaCelivia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 886

    I”m sure Acey is not [worried] about it, he probably thinks we’re just [wacko].
    To make up you can have all my stars Acey!
    Honestly, this is the last thing I say about it, not funny anymore.
    Then why am I still[laughing]??

    Profile photo of Aceyducey

    Thanks Celivia for the offer of the stars – but frankly I have no idea what they are for either :)

    Rugbyfan – think about your own response – did you over-reactive to what is a constructive suggestion :)

    Kay – I don’t care about my own ‘status’. I write what I think & people read into it what they want :)

    Leigh, I can’t see where I took a gibe at moderators, must be how you read it. However if you reckon being a moderator sucks then you should probably quit. Being a moderator is a huge responsibility & if you don’t want it, why do it? Deciding to stop being a moderator doesn’t reflect on your abilities in any way.

    Back on topic – I’m surprised at the level of controversy from various members – to think that raising two simple points could threaten so many people!

    I’ll reiterate the points again:

    1) The closed forum (and any other closed forums) needs to have a sticky message that is always visible so that people know why it’s closed & alternate means of responding.

    2) Calling people ‘Newbie’, ‘Junior’, ‘Silver’ etal Members imply a level of expertise in property investing that may not be correct. Why not change the titles to something that doesn’t confuse new investors – after all we’re here both to learn AND to help others learn! Aren’t we?

    Stars – I have no idea how they work, will check them out now…



    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763


    Your point about making the post a sticky is well made and I have added that change.

    FYI, the ability to make posts sticky only came into existence about a month ago.

    Re: stars. Perhaps, to reduce any confusion, we’ll rename the ‘status’ to more directly reflect number of posts.

    Personally, I like the starts etc. as I can check whether someone has flown in, or whether someone is actually part of the community and posts on a regular basis.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of ANUBISANUBIS
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 559

    Acey – While I couldn’t give a tinkers cuss about stars etc I fail to see the difference between the stars this forum uses and Somersoft’s preference for Top 5,10,50 etc. They also imply experience or knowledge that is not always appropriate.

    Profile photo of Rugbyfan
    Originally posted by Aceyducey:

    Rugbyfan – think about your own response – did you over-reactive to what is a constructive suggestion :)



    Umm…Well Acey, below is what you wrote in the opening post word for word. Exactly what part of it is constructive suggestion?

    Why is the ‘Tell Us What You Think’ Forum closed?

    Don’t want to know what people think about these forums anymore?

    My comments were to be – the ‘Member’ level for posters is not only amusing, but downright misleading.

    The number of posts is a very poor judge of expertise and frankly I find there’s a number of frequent posters who exhibit a very limited understanding of property investing.

    I’ll be interested to see if the moderators choose to stifle this debate rather than foster self-improvement of the medium.



    Perhaps your jibe at the moderators/administrators is what got my goat.

    They do a great job on here to make sure people post correct information where possible and don’t get too big for their boots. That is probably why we don’t have a top5 or 10 or whatever. That reeks of elitism in my books. At least this site does not have a monopoly on how many people can reach each status.

    ‘Eat rich food, barbeque a yuppie’ [greedy]

    Profile photo of Aceyducey
    Originally posted by Rugbyfan:

    Umm…Well Acey, below is what you wrote in the opening post word for word. Exactly what part of it is constructive suggestion?

    All of it Rugbyfan :)

    It could be my own biases, but ‘Top # Poster’ is merely a comment about posting level…not skill level – and it was the discussion of much debate by the community before the moderators selected the terms now used.

    I don’t get why you’re so hostile towards another forum though – if you have an issue with the terms used on Somersoft you’re welcome to post the issue in those forums.

    As to my comment about whether the post would be left – it has to do with what I was told about the forum by longer-term users of PI. I’m sorry if it was seen as a gibe towards moderators & if I have by my comments upset any of the moderators.



    Profile photo of BEAR1964
    Originally posted by milkmanjr:

    Let us know when he makes his move!!
    Any hints on who it is?


    sorry milk its noone on this forum

    Regards Bear

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    Profile photo of BEAR1964

    Elves your post reminds me of a little story in my life that taught me a lot.

    When I was about a 2nd year apprentice as a fitter a very heavy duty press in the blacksmith shop was chattering on the way down and every fitter in the place had looked at it and couldn’t work out why this was happening.

    I was then asked to go fix it (not knowing the history so in no way psychologically disadvantaged). Every one was laughing as I wheeled my tool trolley across to work on the press. 1st thing I did was take the top of the oil reservoir to watch the oil being sucked out while in operation. It worked fine, np’s at all. Put the lid back on and it started to chatter again. This went on a few times then had a look under the lid, it has a gasket there that was preventing to let air in to replace the oil being pumped out. I removed the gasket and the press worked as good as new, job done in about 5 minutes.

    When I returned every one was laughing and made comments like “did you give up already?” Obviously I had no idea what the big deal was, I just said it’s fixed and went on to my next job. Every one still laughing walks off to check it out and sure enough it was working as good as new. They all come back with confused looks on their faces and asked what I had done. I told them some one had made up a gasket for the lid preventing air to replace the oil. As it turns out it was one of the most experienced and with out debt the fitter with the most respect in the place for his job that had done it, and every one else had overlooked it. He said his reason for doing it was to keep dust out, so I suggested we just put an air filter on it and that way we can replace the oil with clean air and return the gasket.

    The moral of the story it was the most inexperienced that found the problem, why? Possibly because alot of knowledge sometimes gets us looking at things in a more complicated way and have us overlooking the simple things.

    Regards Bear

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    Profile photo of blondie_becblondie_bec
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 91
    Originally posted by SteveMcKnight:


    Re: stars. Perhaps, to reduce any confusion, we’ll rename the ‘status’ to more directly reflect number of posts.

    Personally, I like the starts etc. as I can check whether someone has flown in, or whether someone is actually part of the community and posts on a regular basis.


    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    I have to agree with Steve on this one. As I was a newbie only bout a month ago having the number of posts up the top allowed me to know who has been around for a while and is interactive with the site.
    We may have professionals on here too but some of them may not reply or give advice, where as the number of posts gives you some idea of whos been around the forum lots and is someone who may be willing to help no matter how much they know…every bit of information helps!
    I know some people post A LOT and only two or three words…. not mentioning any names….. Chan[whistle] LOL but at least when I post something I know I’m gonna get some sort of respose.

    As far as the stars go…..I want some more!!!!![wail]
    No, to be blatently honest I couldn’t give a toss!! [aacool]

    All in all I think this site is great and I have got a lot out of it…. thanks all!


    You’ll never know if you don’t give it a go!

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