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All Topics / Forum Frolic / Webber Scores 1 point !
Mark Webber made it to 8th place in Bahrain….
Yay… he gets a point, and Jaguar move up on the constructors table…
Must say, a dismal showing by McLaren & Williams…..
GO MARK GO !!!! [biggrin]
Pelican Investments
Even though I have a 10mo old baby who I new would wake up around 6am, I stayed up and watched the race.
Go Mark Go. He is a shoe in for Williams next year. I seriously doubt Jensen will want to leave BAR after two podiums.
He drove so aggresively, something we have not seen him do for ages. It seems now he has a faster car, he can cut it with the bigger boys. Should make for some more intersting races where there is less downforce required.
‘Eat rich food, barbeque a yuppie’ [greedy]
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