All Topics / General Property / Brad Sugars on ABC

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  • Profile photo of bigben

    Did anyone else happen to watch the Brad Sugars documentry on ABC last night running through a one week course of brads that costs $8000.
    My god he is raking in the chips!!
    The progamme also stated that Brad has 900 students booked in for this year in mentoring courses.
    Let me see …900* $8000= $7.2 Million.
    Road to wealth here we come!

    I really wish i was as smart as him maybe you could all come to the BIG BEN Wealth Creation seminar and i will only charge $5000 to be competitive!!![biggrin]

    Sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can

    Profile photo of yack

    Thats why guys like steve mcknight and others are now making a living out of seminars etc. Not as much money in RE now. More cash to be made from people who have seen others do it and want to learn how and would rather spend $000’s than doing a bit of reading etc themselves.

    How about the Big Ben/Yack Property investment course. A 5 study study in ve+ and ve- and renos and dual occupancy and money habits and tax and acctg and finance Course.

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 69

    I saw the program too – more power to them. You seem to view making money by this means as distasteful – yet in the next breath your ready to join them. Was that your greed glan taking over? There are heaps of ways of making money and just because someone got off their backside and took action and is making money, how about applauding it and taking notes and using them instead of constantly bagging them. [blush2]

    Profile photo of yack

    Good Point. I do applaud those out there trying to educate others. I just done know how much its worth $8,000 or $20,000 or $2,000.

    I come from an accounting background where we charge so much per hour for personal attention or work done. Not a fixed amount for a seminar and having heaps in the same room.

    If I was to pay $8,000 i would expect personal attention for the whole week. And I would expect a few follow up hours of consultation for a few hours a month for 6 months.

    So my beef or misunderstanding is what are seminars worth.

    I think $7.2m means its highly overpriced. Therfore there are opportunities for others to offer similar services at a more competitive price. However if there is a market then so be it. I am not in that market.

    Profile photo of bigben

    Firstly i dont see anywher in my post where i said anything bagging Brad. I rekopn he is a really smart businessman. It was so obvious what he was trying to teach and he even said himself that wealth is not hard just follow well worn paths and you will make it! Trouble is people want a quick fix and he used diets as an example. Making money is easy just be commited SIMPLE!! Not bagging brad at all i hop he makes $7 million andenjoys it cause if people need to pay $8000 to be told how to save and invest then there is a market.
    I am totally agreeing with Yack that there is a huge profit to be made and that $8000 is too much when he is mentoring 100 people but when people pay the money SUPPLY =DEMAND.

    Yack we will have to start up this seminar in your garage cause my garage is full of sportscars and boats ….have you put that 16 car garage in your mansion yet??
    By the way i have got a few ideas for the seminar….A seminar on how to avoid being ripped of at seminars !!!![strum][strum]

    Sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can

    Profile photo of CeliviaCelivia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 886

    I watched it and hated it so much, that I wouldn’t even go if it was free!

    Profile photo of Still in School

    its funny,

    how people pay seminars and all just to get motivated…

    …i have never payed for any seminar before, but have attended free ones, just done lots of reading, listen to other peoples experience and from my own exposure and trial and error… gained the knoweledge, through simple basic learning curves…


    though… for $8000, thats a cash deposit for a cheap +ve cashflow property, or the starting of a small share portfolio..

    … or even, for a much better cause… you childs education…

    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
    over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million

    Profile photo of yack

    SIS – I am self taught as well. I grew up in a family in the building industry and studied to be an accountant.

    To complement this I read a few books, a few free seminars, a few web sites and did the rest myself.

    Sure we all make mistakes but $8k is alot of money in anyones language. That was my deposit for my PPOR.

    Profile photo of thefirstbrucethefirstbruce
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 133

    I had mixed feelings about Brad Sugars.
    I know the power of group behaviour as he outlined…getting like mindeds with intent together can be really powerful.

    However, I wonder how Brad derives the $8000 value of the week.

    At the end of the day, making money is a simple concept. You find a way to supply demands at a price that allows you to make a profit, in quick time, while not going to an early grave with the effort.

    I got the impression Brad Sugars sells nothing more than 2 things:
    – +ve cash flow property investing.
    – buying underrealized businesses, increasing turnover, then selling.

    Personally, I think the +ve cash flow investment message isn’t relative post property boom. To make gains as easily as Brad or Steve did pre 2004 cannot be done in 2004, at least not as passively. I doubt Brad would tell you that.

    Further, if Brad’s best foot forward re building businesses is the example of the chinese takeaway featured on ABC, then I am not impressed. There is nothing smart about 2 people working 80 hours a week each for 16 weeks to make a goal profit of $80k, (minus in, out and operating costs, and capital purchases). This little example would have been lucky to net the 2 owners $20 an hour for their labour. The two could have gone out and got full time jobs working for others, and faired better time and energy wise, plus they wouldn’t have the stress of holding a business difficult to sell.

    And the idea to franchise the pastry products is Mickey Mouse stuff too. Franchises are passe. It is extremely difficult to find a capable person willing to buy into an unproven franchise. I know people who were with Brumbies Bakeries from the beginning, and saw that chain go through a full life cycle in a very short time span. Franchises can too easily become a pyramid selling scam, with the last in being the ones who do their dough. Even Macca’s restaurants aren’t the cash cows they used to be.

    I would personally rather spend $8000 with a good business mentor, who is familiar with accounting, general management, and feasibility studies. Their experience is invaluable, and my bet is that they would offer more bang for buck than Brad…

    In saying all that, I am not bagging people trying to do what Brad is. I would dearly love to be mentored by the truly intelligent and ethical and experienced. If a guy or girl comes along who has those traits, then I’ll be in the front row.

    Mooloolaba, Qld

    Profile photo of Still in School

    Hi Yack,

    it really does show, doing things yourself and getting out there, than trying to pay for it all in a course and expect to be either rich or wealthy, and that, getting back to basic is all it takes to be successful, and at the same time be able to control your success,

    not only when yourself taught, your mind also becomes creative, but also you gain that first hand experience, that many miss… when they pay for a seminar… or course…

    …which is very vital, if you want to know how success begins…


    ps..thanks for giving us some insider and wish you more the success in your investing…

    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
    over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million

    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737

    Well folks,

    It’s Rick Otton <edited to provide full name> next week, so that should be interesting.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of AUSPROPAUSPROP
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 953

    one of his self reminder slogans I saw was “I am surrounded by abundance”. Seeing his lifestyle was testimony to that. I am both amused that people fork out this sort of cash to hear this stuff and inspired that we live in a society that can allow you to get so fabulously wealthy so easily

    Profile photo of gmh454gmh454
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 537

    He sells happiness. Tells people they can be wealthy and for weeks months or years they get to belive it.
    Then reality hits. But for a while they felt they could be millionaires.
    Agree on the “Noodle Bar”, that amount of effort for around $30,000 to $40,000…..????

    Profile photo of AceyduceyAceyducey
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 651

    I would NEVER go to a seminar run by someone who runs seminars for a living….

    The presenter’s priorities and focus are not aligned with my own as an investor.

    I’d go to a seminar to learn to be a better presenter however :)



    Profile photo of Brenda IrwinBrenda Irwin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 119

    I can see there must be lots of people who just need an ego buildup, some financial education and a little push to get them going.

    However, I am not keen on the method used to go about it. Three or four hours of sleep every night for a week? At the end of that you would say or do anything wouldn’t you?

    Wasn’t ‘sleep deprivation’ some form of torture to obtain strategic information during wartime?[worried]

    If you want to get out of a hole, first stop digging.

    Profile photo of Administrator

    >>Agree on the “Noodle Bar”, that amount of effort for around $30,000 to $40,000…..????

    GMH, there are many many people, mostly immigrants I would say, who aren’t employable and the only way they can get off the dole is to start a business.

    People who run a small cornershop (or take away shop) don’t make a lot of money and work long hours.

    To us it sounds ridiculous having to work for
    $ 500 a week and having to work 70 to 80 hours a week, spread out over seven days a week.

    These people have no alternative so they just do it.

    I feel sorry for them, all of them. I also admire them because they haven’t given up and keep plodding along just to (barely) stay afloat.


    Profile photo of Administrator

    >>He sells happiness. Tells people they can be wealthy and for weeks months or years they get to believe it.<<

    No, he sells HOPE.

    There are many people out there (and here ?) who haven’t got the faintest idea as to how to go about accumulating assets.

    They have scratched together a few lousy dollars
    and spend it on an outrageously priced seminar.

    Are they doing the wrong thing by themselves ?

    I am not so sure either way. (we have to start somewhere).

    It is oh so easy for us to condemn foolish behaviour.

    But I reckon that most of us (including myself) do not produce anywhere near the most of our potential.

    So we too may well be self sabotaging our case.


    Profile photo of RussHRussH
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 342

    these guys who do these seminars are good showmen.
    a lot of people get something out of it.But I think this guys a bit over the top.
    Sleep deprivation is a tool for brainwashing.
    Mixed thoughts about this guy.
    Personally I agree with the others,if you got what it takes then you can do it on your own.
    Books are cheaper and you can keep refering back to them.

    So many +CF properties in Western Australia.Let me help you. And we can achieve a win win situation.Russ.0438 659 411

    Profile photo of secretgnomesecretgnome
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 33

    I have a friend who went to one of Robert Kiyosaki’s 3-day seminars that cost around 6k or so. When he came back he told me that a lot of the stuff they learnt was just what was in his books – which cost around $25 each [glum2]

    Mind you though, he went on to start a business which is doing extreemly well atm. Maybe it’s like a placebo – some people need to spend stupid amounts of money for a seminar in order to feel the information they’re receiving is worth it?

    Profile photo of SiboSibo
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 126

    I think seminars are generally worthwhile. while $8000 is a lot of money, the chance to learn from a multi-millionaire is extremely valuable and perhaps just one snippet of information from a seminar like that would make a world of difference. Having said all that, I’d much rather put that money into a property or shares. Often, when the seminar finishes so do the feelings of invincibility.

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