All Topics / Help Needed! / Positive Cashflow Calculator

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  • Profile photo of js2

    I thought I’d dig this thread up. The Calculator has settled.

    How have you been going with it? Have you been able to store the results?

    I have made a downloadable LapPack package to download and install in a Laptop.

    Click here on, ‘The Download LapPack Package’ to download the package and install it! You can put it on a floppy disk and use it on another computer that doesn’t have Internet connection, burn it to a CD or send it as an e-mail attachment, so that somebody else can use it.

    I wish I had a Laptop; I can only rely on you telling me how it goes. I hope you get some sort of use out of it. And good luck.

    It’s made for the purpose of being able to use it offline anywhere anytime!

    You need WinZip to put the LapPack on your laptop and or computer! Click here to download WinZip.

    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733

    Thanks Jaffasoft for that.. will do when i get new laptop..[thumbsupanim]


    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
    Count The Currency With This Online Positive Cashflow Calculator

    Profile photo of js2

    Did you have any problems with it? It seems you’ve got it alright.

    I forgot to put in the instructions link. So here’s instructions if you don’t know how to unpack it or instal it on you Laptop, with WinZip. Click on this link!!

    Once ya throw it in your Laptop you can use it anywhere.

    Profile photo of waylettewaylette
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1

    Thank you very much for the information. Really valuable to a beginner like me!


    Profile photo of MyydralMyydral
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 259

    Hi there Jaffasoft. Great calculator, makes my Excel spreadsheet look a bit dull [blush2]. A couple of things I’d like to suggest ( very minor, petty things )

    With me personally being pedantic about spelling etc, you might want to run a spell checker over the main page ( miscellaneous, amongst some others ).

    With me being from the NT, we spell NT with both N and T as capitals.

    And the other fact that I didn’t like was that after all the calculations, my current IP gives me $0.26 Cashflow Positive Weekly [grrr].

    Not your fault, but explains my puzzlement (?) over the less than impresseive results of the IP.

    Thanks again, it is now on my laptop ( a great do-dad ) and working wonderfully.


    “Looking forward to the day when I can tell the boss where to go”

    Profile photo of js2

    <<Makes my Excel spreadsheet look a bit dull [blush2].>>
    A spreadsheets not to be discarded though.

    <<With me personally being pedantic about spelling etc, you might want to run a spell checker over the main page (miscellaneous, amongst some others).>>
    Curtainly, pedantics to strick my mind, as pedantic as i try and be during the process of designing, the onset of people looking at the site usaully find mistakes that I need to change. Which is the good thing about other bystanders helping. The changes have been made but the updates won’t be visible until an upload done in a few days.

    Trying to find your other spelling mistakes noticed, can you pin point me that. I believe this “miscellaneous” is spelt right.

    <<With me being from the NT, we spell NT with both N and T as capitals.>>
    Sorry sir. I do apologies.

    <<And the other fact that I didn’t like was that after all the calculations, my current IP gives me $0.26 Cashflow Positive Weekly [grrr].>>
    I guess coming out even on a CPW of 0.26c, is not such a bad thing. Even just paying off a property is a good thing (I recon).

    <<Thanks again, it is now on my laptop ( a great do-dad ) and working wonderfully.>>
    It’s good to hear this, from a “Pedantic” mind [biggrin].


    <<“Looking forward to the day when I can tell the boss where to go”>>

    Yeah go jump.

    I had a good boss that I didn’t want to leave once! But a great boss was hard to come by.

    The online calculator has advanced to an offline, ‘LapPack’ package for laptops! Downloadable Package ‘Click Here’.

    Profile photo of fsatfsat
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 6

    jaffasoft, just downloaded your calculator – it’s one neat tool ! Thanks a lot ! [biggrin]

    Profile photo of FFCommFFComm
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 627

    I just wanted to say (along with everyone else it seems!) fantastic Calculator!


    Profile photo of Fixit

    Hi Jaffa,
    just a couple of thoughts.

    1)percentage you estimate vacant per year” – The percentage shows occupancy rather than vacany, ie 3 weeks vacany/year equals 94.23% occupancy. should that line read “percentage occupancy per year”[biggrin]

    2)there’s a grammatical error in the banner near the top of the page – “You’re five steps away from you’re (this one should be “your”)…..[ohno2]

    Damn, there’s no smiley face to insert for me being a “smart-a…!

    Apart from those two minor items, the caculator looks great. Thanks for putting in the effort to develop it and give everyone access.[thumbsup2][thumbsup2]


    Profile photo of js2

    <<1) “Percentage you estimate vacant per year” – The percentage shows occupancy rather than vacany, ie 3 weeks vacany/year equals 94.23% occupancy. should that line read “percentage occupancy per year”.>>

    I’d rather change the occupancy then the vacancy figures in all the mathmatics. Thanks for the literacy. I made the changes. See if that reads right now! I’ve taken on your suggestions!!! You might need to refresh the browser.

    I’ve been told to use “You’re” but I changed it in both. It’s changed now.

    <<Damn, there’s no smiley face to insert for me being a “smart-a…!>>
    Be a smart-a. That’s alright!

    There’s a header top section banner that has “Real Eastate where your house and land counts” sloggon , I made that 7 months ago but i can’t change it because I can’t edit it, because it’s made in Photoshop! I have left the editable PSD but i have to find it somewhere in the site I’ve uploaded it too [happy3].

    The online calculator has advanced to an offline, ‘LapPack’ package for laptops! Downloadable Package ‘Click Here’.

    Profile photo of Fixit

    G’day Jaffa,
    I just looked at the changes. In the words of a famous fruiterer “BEWDIFUL”

    Thanks for taking the changes on board.The use of “your” relates to possession as in “on your way” whereas “You’re” is a contraction of “you are on your way.

    So there’s no need to change the header section banner ” where your house and land counts” That one is correct.

    So much for the English lesson, lets get back to making some money!!![thumbsup2]

    Best regards and thanks again for the [specool]calculator


    Profile photo of js2

    Narrrr it’s the “Real Eastate” real estate.

    Did ya miss out on pick’en up on it!

    Online Positive Cashflow Financial Analysis Calculator.

    Profile photo of Fixit

    Hi Jaffa,

    Nope Didn’t miss it but you said you can’t edit it so what’s the point of picking on it?

    HOWEVER try these two. At the bottom of the calculator, just above Steve’s pretty face (depends on your fancies, I guess!) “press on the banner to take you too (should be “to”) the Property Investing forum Board.” and just above that in the line of text below the arrows “Links take you directly too (Should be “to”)

    I’ll leave you alone now,
    Have a great one

    Profile photo of learaylearay
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 27

    Hi Jaffa,

    I know this post is becoming a bit old now but only a “new arrival”.

    Have just downloaded your calculator and without having chance yet to really play it looks very impressive – great job.

    I’ve only received “Buyer Beware” yesterday and this is a comment /suggestion I have for Steve re that as well; there is no provision where calculating loan repayments, etc for inclusion of the cost of the equity funds if for example you use equity from PPOR. By using such funds they incur interest charges, etc which could turn + to – outcome.

    I have no idea how difficult this might be to incorporate. I appreciate that it could even be that I just might not understand the analysis process sufficiently yet.

    Anyway, as said earlier great job



    To begin and not succeed is not to fail
    To never try is to fail

    Profile photo of SilverSilver
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 16

    I just want to say Jaffasoft that you have outdone yourself with this calculator. I have seen other people selling their calculators online for people to use yet you offer yours free of charge. i am very impressed with the layout. A+++

    Profile photo of KnucklesKnuckles
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 11

    Hi Jaffasoft this is my first post, the calculater is great i have 1 property producing similar figures to what your after.I live in Adelaide and i’m in search of another deal, would love to start running lease options to try and increase my cashflow.Would like to purchase any helpful info on the topic of lease options anyone now anything about the Australian lease option handbook?[strum]

    Yours sincerly


    Profile photo of pumpkinpumpkin
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 14

    Hi Jaffa,

    Thanks so much for the calculator. It is very impressive. Awesome that you are willing to share your knowledge! Could you please explain to me (a novice) why you times the rent by 500? and also what you mean by risk free return? Thanks heaps.

    Profile photo of hudson66hudson66
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 26

    Hi Jaffa,
    On behalf of all the future users, thank you SO MUCH for the time & effort you’ve put into this calculator.

    [offtopic]I got to say, reading the thread was a crack up for me…. I was almost in tears with some of the lines..Must have hit my funny bone..doesn’t sound so in the re-run.

    That sounds good doesn’t it, a web designer that can’t spell.

    Thinking of all those with a melancholy disposition who just can’t abide bad spellin’.

    . Now a bit , i have been having a play, I’ve come up with this as being the type of criteria i want my first investment. I’m think it will be hard to find but if i look long and hard enough i hope to fit this investment criteria the same as the below example results. ….
    11 Second Solution:
    Rent = 120
    Occupancy rate ‘3 Weeks’ = 94.23%
    Solution = $56540.00
    Asking price = $35000.00

    Wouldn’t we all like this one??? I dream about this deal.

    With me being from the NT, we spell NT with both N and T as capitals.

    NT is always a bit like texas…Everything is always bigger, including the initials.. Ha Ha..

    Because were from the bush and were a bit slower i’ve just changed it to five minute online solution

    As a bush kid I can relate, mine would be a half hour job.
    But the one that really finished me off was this …

    1). You can select your state/territory or Tasmania to factor in the current Stamp Duty as at 17/04/2004.

    No doubt you’ve just confirmed what our Tasmanian cousins have always suspected… Tasmania really doesn’t count as either a state or a territory to most.:-) It is just always an after thought. (No disrespect meant).
    I guess if your IT boss fires you for spellin’ bad, you could take up comedy instead; cause you are one FUNNY package…Reckon there might be a few offers from Tas.
    To ra for now. You are just awesome[inlove].

    Profile photo of Barnsey

    Hi Jaffa,
    I’d like to say how great your calculator is – but I can’t get it to run on my laptop! I followed the prompts & downloaded the extra stuff but it still doesn’t work.
    What do I do now?[confused2][eh]



    The dumbest question is the one you don’t ask.

    Profile photo of Barnsey

    Ah ha!!
    Don’t know what I did wrong last night or did right this morning, but it now works & its great!!



    The dumbest question is the one you don’t ask.

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