All Topics / Opinionated! / Shaghai – China…
Im interested in the position Shanghai will eventually take as the Financial centre of the world….apparently. I know all the big dogs are already there i.e BMW, General Motors, Toyota, PriceWaterhouse etc etc.
Does anyone know anything more…
Whats the outlook for property investing in Shanghai??Cheers, big ears…[baaa]
Ni Hao
A friend of mine purchased an new apartment in Shanghai city a few years ago. She is Chinese, but no longer a citizen, but was still able to get 70% finance. It was positively geared from the start, and has since more than doubled in value.
I think China is good value, but maybe you have missed the boat? Beijing is also booming because of the olympics (and other reasons). And the laws have also been changed recently regarding property ownership, making it more stable.
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Unfortunately property prices in Shanghai, have already rocketed ahead…
If you are interested in Shanghai, I’d be VERY careful……There are also restrictions to where Foreigners can buy property.
Shanghai is a great place, with further potential….. but… suggest you REALLY DO A LOT OF HOMEWORK………..
Tycoon u forgot Mcdonalds [jerry] also Hongkong sells more hamburgers than any other maccas store, now theres some trivia [specool]Realestate prices in Hong kong are beyond most peoples reach as is Japan.
If you want the rainbow youve got to put up with the rain!
heihei … me local shanghainese…
a 3 room flat costs u more than 2000000 rmb in the city(it’s the cheapest price). with no park(have to buy seperately).
i cannot stand seeing poor ppl living arround me everyday, so i want to move from shanghai to oz. somebody help me?
i will attend a tafe college in sydney next year. should i buy a flat just arrive oz????
g’day mate!
i remember reading sumwhere that the maccas in moscow was the one that sold the most burgers???
then again i could be wrong…..
ill ask google, google knows everything!
Hello jdchcn
If I where you I would first go into student accomodation instead of buying something straight away.
This is for 2 reasons.
Firstly because this would be a good way to make friends quickly with students from all over.
Secondly it would give you time to find out where you would like to live in Sydney and how much you should have to pay for it.
Good luck next year at Tafe. [smiling]
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