All Topics / Hotch Potch / Rick Otton’s wrap pack

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  • Profile photo of mjak

    I went to Rick’s wrap seminar in Brisbane a few weeks ago and impulsively purchased his wrap pack.
    I have since started a new business and am not interested in wrap finance.I have not read the books or listened to the cd’s.
    I paid $2,500 for it, does anybody want it?

    Profile photo of milkmanjr

    I’ll have it if you don’t want it….


    Profile photo of manofactionmanofaction
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 80

    If it’s still “unopened”/unused, why not contact Rick’s office and enquire about their returns policy.

    Profile photo of milkmanjr

    PM me with a price and I will consider buying it.


    Profile photo of brendan_middleton21253brendan_middleton21253
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    I would be interested if you are thinking of selling it? Let me know how much you would like for it.

    Profile photo of Rebecca1Rebecca1
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 100

    You could always flog it off on ebay. The last wrap pack of his that went for auction there sold for around $500, I think.

    That’s only an 80 per cent drop in value,<edited>

    Just write it off to a learning experience.


    Profile photo of mjak

    from what I have read about your posts, we know you dont like wrapping, <<edited>>!

    Profile photo of milkmanjr

    Looks like Steves new pack has everything needed, and is a lot cheaper.


    Profile photo of mjak

    roisin boyle,
    thanks for your e-mail, I replied but it was sent back saying e-mail address invalid, could you send again please.
    regards mike

    Profile photo of jb_roisinjb_roisin
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 2

    Hi Mike, don,t know if you got my e-mail but Im interested in knowing more about the wrap pack you have, what are you wanting in return for it

    All the best

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