All Topics / General Property / net worth growth in past 12 months

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  • Profile photo of richmond

    Well yack, Chan used a few choice words towards me over the last week (which he has apologised for) so I don’t think it’s too harsh…

    The point is (made by a friend [wink]) that it’s good to ask questions and look for proof… too many people blindly accept whatever they’re told as being fact… why do we think people who bought OTP at Docklands have been caught short? Why did Henry Kaye and others like him have so much success? I’m not calling people liars, just pleading that people maintain a healthy scepticism about anything they’re told or have heard (even with the media [wink])


    Profile photo of richmond

    by the way, go Tigers!!

    Profile photo of yackyack
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,206

    I agree totally with your comments about

    pleading that people maintain a healthy scepticism about anything they’re told or have heard (even with the media )

    Thats probably why I am a little wary of expensive seminars, rural properties and wrapping.

    For the record – go sainters……..

    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    “But Kay, the story would be short, because so much of it revolves around “secrets”.

    Richmond, you crack me up!!!
    SIS, I know you feel like we ‘get at you’ with doubt, but why shouldn’t we?

    Others with spectacular results (steve, brenda irwin, etc) have been happy to share their stories. You KIND of do, but always short-circuit with ‘secrets’.

    things are secret, in my opinion, because they are illegal, immoral, or just wouldn’t work if everyone did them.

    that’s fine, I guess, you don’t have to tell and your life and your decisions are your own, but it does make me want to….take you with a generous pinch of salt, because no matter what you say, you could be just completely making it up. or omitting a few salient facts like how much capital you had, how much help you had, and how you got the capital in the first place.

    I don’t think (domino effect, the licorice allsort principal, or whatever you ‘call’ your secrets) that there is a property investing strategy that between us all we don’t already know about. but I sure as hell know that you *want* us to think there is…

    Profile photo of Still in School

    Hi Guys,

    back from expo, expo was really good, lots of free information packs like videos and dvds and some property expo stands were giving out free books, and chocolate lollies and all…

    ….actually i really want to go there again tomorrow… though dont think i will be able to…. grrr….

    but truthfully their are few other strategies on this board that no one has ever talked about, and many different strategies im still learning all the time…

    ….and with the “domino effect” this is real, but one of those strategies that arent told or kept secret…


    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
    over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million

    Profile photo of richmond


    With all due respect, until you add some “meat” to your posts, I’ll be retaining my healthy scepticism. And I mean that in the nicest possible way. [exhappy]


    Profile photo of Still in School

    Hi Richmond,

    thats fine with your view, and do understand for many on here to be sceptical, but honestly, if i said… i can tell you right now at least 12 different ways off the top of my head to buy property with no money down…

    … would you guys believe me?

    honestly there are so many things that arent talked on here about no money down deals and all, other issues, on how to make sure the bank wont knock you back for further finance…

    … these questions are hardly or never brought up on forum…

    but honestly guys, try to compile a list of at least 5 different ways to purchase property with no money down and im sure, only a few will even be able to think of some different strategies that are available…


    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
    over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million

    Profile photo of richmond

    Fair enough SIS, I’m not foolish enough to not let myself be corrected…


    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737

    sis, would you mind responding to my questions i asked before- that’s about how you got finance etc. Because it is VERY hard for a part-time young person to be able to get such loans withough a guarantor.

    Thanks (can’t wait to eat free lollies on sunday sis!!)

    kay henry

    Profile photo of lifeX

    So if we (new to investing) can get 80% easily financed with no worries, (feel free to jump in and finish this sentence), we could 1.ask vendor for second mortgage?, 2.Offer an investor a good rate to loan you deposit cash? 3.wrap 4. Busk Clown tricks on Bourke ST. 5…Rob bank (I hear you can average about $15k each run)

    If you had full integrity, would you even need to know the word “secret”


    Profile photo of lifeX

    sorry K I jumped in, Oh yeah how do we do what K asked?????


    Profile photo of Still in School

    Hi Kay,

    sis, would you mind responding to my questions i asked before- that’s about how you got finance etc. Because it is VERY hard for a part-time young person to be able to get such loans withough a guarantor.

    before i first started property investing, i had been working since 13 and had an excellent record with the bank for savings and income coming through and that i could also prove, hours of work, how long been working in job and all…

    … but, when it did come time for me to acquire the loans, i produce the capital needed but also had my mother go guarantor for me, in the extra funds needed, so i could get the loan needed and required, though once the property went up in value, i had the properties re-evaluated and they were able to fully secure themselves and release her from being guarantor…

    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
    over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million

    Profile photo of Still in School

    … but i did need my mother to go guarantor against the extra funds needed in which i couldnt produce enough deposit.

    …then soon after that, the rest was really history, worked 2 jobs fulltime for 6 months, and just waited for the market and equity to go up, before slowly cutting back my working hours…

    and kinda went really serious from that point on….


    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
    over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million

    Profile photo of lifeX

    SIS, So its “EQUITY MATE!”. Why would anyone work for more than a few years if ya can retire and be done in 6 months. [thumbsupanim]
    You seem to have done what I plan to do over next 6 months, got any suggestions for the many many people that want FREEEEEDOM?


    Profile photo of markpatricmarkpatric
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 127

    I wholeheartedly agree with Richmond, a healthy scepticism is essential imo, if you are to become truly financially independant.
    It could be said that sceptics are negative, but to me it is exercising your mind and your right to use it, if you believe everything you read you will be stoney cold broke in no time!.
    I envy SIS having that sort of equity at such a young age, with that my life would have been completely different, I`ve had to work long and hard to get to where I am right now and find it hard to believe anyone could start from 0 at such a young age and make so much in such a short time, I`m certainly not saying it`s impossible.
    I`ve read books for many years and tried different techniques in getting ahead right from the start, but guess what, they didn`t work for me, did I quit no but it developed a healthy scepticism when at a young age I saw more than a few people gain and lose a fortune overnight and never recover.[cigar]

    Go the blues!.[blush2]

    Profile photo of lifeX

    Reality can be what you let the skeptics make it, Nice reality!
    OR What If you can have everything you wan’t. Cover the downside and aim for the heavens. Are you all telling me that there is no way to insure against the worst.
    Point noted that some people are gambling but isn’t investing covering your risk and aiming for the big pay offs.


    Profile photo of elves

    was it sis? who said think of 5 ways?
    Tongue in cheek

    1) mug the local shop owner for their week takings- for your deposit
    2) run a profitable gang and use the takings for your deposit
    3)get your money from your ‘cultural group’ NO bank policy. eg Italians I know use their own families money, mama and pappa help em out, some asian countries get massive dollars at weddings!
    4)dont pay the taxman!

    The only thing constant is change

    The only difference between a weed and a flower is a judgement

    Profile photo of elves

    oops 5)hold a seminar for 300 people at 1000 a pop?
    not aimed at anyone!

    The only thing constant is change

    The only difference between a weed and a flower is a judgement

    Profile photo of Still in School

    Hey Guys,

    alright here is some advice i will give, doesnt have to be all to do with investing but it does all help…

    heres what i think is probably important for me, but could be different for everyone

    – touch typing
    – computer skills
    – telephone skills
    – demand and supply (equilbrium)
    – accounting
    – taxation and business law
    – peers you can network with
    – understanding business and economics fundamentals
    – business ethics
    – negotiating skills
    – risk managment
    – listening to other people (and that includes everyone)
    – having a small understanding of as many different types of investment vehicles and investment lingo…

    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
    over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million

    Profile photo of Still in School

    these arent all things you have to know, but they do help quite a lot.. and probably most likley you all know something about each of those, nothing to special, but its just basic things that really do help…

    though the most important skill probably and i feel the most is touch typing and i mean typing really fast and being able to talk on the phone or have a convesation at the same time yet abe able to type away… is the number one skill of all… i guess for me… (though again this could be different for everyone…)


    ps… im not sure if this is what you were all looking for, but these things are important for me… i guess

    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
    over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million

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