All Topics / General Property / Sydney Property Expo- invitation to Forum members!

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  • Profile photo of RugbyfanRugbyfan
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 683

    I picked up the SMH today that has a Property Expo insert in it and on page 6 of the actual paper, there is a $5 off token for the expo. For penny pinching people like me (really Kay), it is a nice gift.

    I’m sure there will be copies of todays paper still at newsagents tomorrow morning.

    ‘Eat rich food, barbeque a yuppie’ [greedy]

    Profile photo of kay henry


    Let’s meet upon Sunday morning (sorry folks who could come only on Saturday- maybe next time, but Sunday seems a goer. We can meet up when it starts and at a place that we can find.

    For those who are coming at 1pm, we can choose a place to meet up too- or I can meet ya at 1pm and introduce you to the others.

    I’m disorganised (you should see my office- hideous!). Can anyone tell me what timethe thing starts and maybe a good place to meet?

    kay henry

    Profile photo of PropertyGuru
    Originally posted by kay henry:

    Yes Chan- I am too :o) PG may have changed his plan- he may now be going on Friday with sis, according to the above post.

    On sunday, will be Rugby, Teacherk6, MortgageHunter, Melbear (this good for you, miss mel?), MiniMogul and you Chan. And me :)

    I’m hoping elves can come on Sunday too? *pokes elves* I know PG will be overseas by then *sob*, but I think Sunday is a better day for most folks, and I think that’s the day we can do it :)

    kay henry

    I was thinking of going on friday with SIS and saturday with Kay and other guys but as you have changed the plan to sunday so I will just go on friday.
    Have fun![cap]


    Profile photo of elves

    I must have BO!
    was it the scatching of the head?
    I didnt even get there and I cleared you all out for saturday>LOL

    Profile photo of Still in SchoolStill in School
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,844

    c’mon guys,

    change your mind, all come friday… tomorrow… guru and me will be there and will be running a muck…. [baaa]


    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
    over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million

    Profile photo of kay henry


    I would love to have seen you and PG. But tomorrow, I just cannot do- godda werk. And elves, you know you wanna come on sunday- come with us- it’ll be a hoot!

    Didn;t mean to change too many plans. My initial post was to find out what time was best for people. And really, for the majority, it was sunday, so it means I can sit and stare on saturday, like this: [eh] and then I can see you all and be fresh- like this [hmm] on sunday.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of elves

    I cant chuck a sickie in case anyone from work sees me, or I might win somethig, then what would I saY?

    ugh! work, sorry no friday.
    ( i have managed to post to only three topics all night I think….what have I been doing!

    Profile photo of JetDollarsJetDollars
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,435

    PG & SIS,

    Friday I need to work, Saturday Baby sit!
    Sunday morning Baby Sit so only Sunday afternoon!

    Kind regards

    Chan Dollars
    [Retire Young, Retire Rich] [strum]

    Profile photo of PropertyGuru
    Originally posted by Still in School:

    c’mon guys,

    change your mind, all come friday… tomorrow… guru and me will be there and will be running a muck…. [baaa]


    People 4get that by saving just $3 a day & investing it sensibly
    over a working life, you’ll end up with around $1 million

    Couple of pretty girls also coming tomorrow with us guys! so bad luck if you are not coming![biggrin]


    Profile photo of kay henry

    PG said:

    “Couple of pretty girls also coming tomorrow with us guys! so bad luck if you are not coming!”


    I think most of the blokes who are coming are married- and what are Mel, Mini, and me?? Chopped liver?

    Will miss you when you go OS, PG- I will have bought up half of sydney by the time you come back!

    kay henry

    Profile photo of Julian

    Hi Big Brothers,
    Kay Henry, thank you for your pm[party][party], Surely I will be the Sydney Property Expo on tomorrow, ie 26th, afternoon. I will attend a seminar at 12:00 noon in Central Baptist Church, at George St. near the Hay Market, the topic is “How to protect your personal assets” the seminar is conducted by a solicitor firm, Free of charge. after finishing the seminars, I will go to the Franchise Business first, because I am looking for business[glum].then is Property Expo[rolleyesanim], I am glad to see sis and Proprty Guru there, [tongue][tongue]




    Profile photo of Julian

    BUT how can i meet sis, & PG, &…..Girls [lmao] [lmao]

    Julian [worried]


    Profile photo of PropertyGuru

    Kay we went to one of the shopping center and met couple of girls and invited them to expo so we are meeting them there. difference is these girls are thinking this is sexpo not property expo lol.. [;)]


    Profile photo of Julian

    Hi Chan$,
    I lost the SIG’s contacts, Could you email to me again?[strum][strum][strum][strum] due to My computer has been crashed and the Virus problems[wacko][wacko][wacko][wacko]


    Julian [worried]


    Profile photo of kay henry

    So you said “ya wanna come to this expo on the weekend?” and they thought they heard “the sexpo” right?

    Gee, they’re not gonna be disappointed or anything when they get there! [biggrin]

    kay henry

    Profile photo of PropertyGuru

    Hi Guys,

    That free ticket site didn’t send me free ticket. In case you want discount tickets you can print this.

    Enjoy! 10% put in my account! [biggrin]


    Profile photo of PropertyGuru
    Originally posted by kay henry:

    So you said “ya wanna come to this expo on the weekend?” and they thought they heard “the sexpo” right?

    Gee, they’re not gonna be disappointed or anything when they get there! [biggrin]

    kay henry

    lol you are right Kay no disappointment for them and for us also! [cap]


    Profile photo of Julian

    Thanks PG,
    I no need to print your discount, they already sent me two.(by post) [strum][strum][strum]

    Julian [worried]


    Profile photo of elves

    hmmm yeah me too, discount tickets, but me thinks that should be the normal price,they are just making us feel good by saying ot cost more, but here ya go!….

    The only thing constant is change

    The only difference between a weed and a flower is a judgement

    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    ” going dressed as a hippee…no shoes, no bag, no pens, scratch the head a lot, blow the nose, cough, clear the place out pretty quick eh? good tactics?”

    elves, that won;t work, because people will mistake you for me… hee hee…

    Does anyone wanna (kay?) email me your mobile number on the day? I was gonna come on Sunday, but now, I am torn, because my love-of-life is arriving back from a tour, and we’ve only seen eachother for 2 days in the last 27 and love-of-life just SOOOOOO WON”T want to come to the expo, I very much doubt. But let me work on it. I may be able to have my cake and eat it too, so to speak….


    might be a last minute thing,

    Might have to get a quick ‘MiniMogul’ t-shirt made up at the Paddo markets on Saturday, just in case…

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