All Topics / Opinionated! / How stupid and irresponsible can one get ?

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  • Profile photo of Administrator

    It took just one day for five people suspected of being involved in the Spanish train bomb attacks to be arrested.

    What disturbs me a great deal are two things :

    1. that some blabbermouth in the government or the policeforce couldn’t help himself to blabber out how these suspects were traced and caught (via information found on a mobile phone)

    2. even if some idit talks too much that still doesn’t absolve newspapers and newsservices from blame for publicising such facts.

    The media have some responsibility towards the people by not publicising such type of news.

    They all stand condemned.

    There is big upheaval in the world today and we can do well without one’s country being undermined from within by loose lips.

    As far as I am concerned these people are traitors to their nation and deserve to be dealt with as such.

    The same goes for those news services who aren’t really reporters so much as politically motivated trouble makers.

    Elsewhere, someone wrote about some statistics like 90% of the Spanish people were against sending troops to Iraq.

    Some poll that was. A poll which isn’t a properly conducted poll is fraud. Again the media appears to have been the source of such vital albeit unreliable statistics.

    Please note that I am not trying to open up the thread about Spain which Simon, rightly so, has seen fit to close down.

    On the contrary I am drawing attention to the hype put out by irresponsible media.

    If I need to give another example, this time a bit closer to home, here it is.

    Several years ago there was a petrol drought in Australia and newspapers soon carried reports of
    people hammering a nail in someone else’s petrol tank in order to siphon off the petrol.

    Well the media ran a big story and as a consequence there were several copy cats perpetrating the very same kind of thefts.

    The point I am making is that we are undermined and misled from within.

    What has all that got to do with real estate ?

    Well we get similarly misleading stories about real estate and I am suggesting that having a section which deals with misleading reports wouldn’t be such a bad idea.

    It means we all need to become a lot more critial and analytical about anything which we see in the media.


    Profile photo of richmond


    It appears it doesn’t take much for you to get disturbed, since you so often describe things as “disturbing” you.

    Speaking for Channel 9 only, would you like a Goebbels-type person sitting over my shoulder telling me what stories we should run, how they should be written and what pictures to use? Something tells me that perhaps you think that might be the way to go… The moment media and government jump into bed together is the moment we all become blind.

    By all means be critical and analytical of what you see in the media, but don’t verge on hysterical and immediately label anything you don’t agree with as lies or sensationalism.

    Answer me one question, what possible interest could the media have in publishing “misleading” reports about real estate? And give me some examples too. In a past argument you tried to tell me how newsrooms were run, when you had absolutely no inside knowledge of them… I hope you are a bit better informed this time.

    Show me proof and I will stand corrected, and one more thing, let’s keep this thread on topic, if it gets personal, I’ll be deleting it straight away.


    (for those who don’t know, Goebbels was the minister of propaganda for the Nazis)

    Profile photo of JetDollars

    There’re different people in this world, so you better get use to it, otherwise you will be alone by yourself.

    Kind regards

    Chan Dollars
    [Retire Young, Retire Rich] [strum]

    Profile photo of richmond


    I welcome differing opinions, I deal with them every day, I don’t welcome personal insults, which often infiltrate debates on this forum. In my previous post I’m trying to head off insults before they crank up.


    Profile photo of aussierogue

    pisces – you scare me!!! take a chill pill

    Profile photo of Administrator

    Aussierogue, I scare you you say ?

    Well my country was invaded by the Germans so I perhaps speak from experience about horrible stories like a young boy being shot in the street and left to rot all because he stole some food.

    No offense, but from (what looks to me) an armchair view perhaps things don’t look as bleak.

    I in essence say that we have to do more than hope not to get blown up during a train journey.

    You suggest to take a chill pill.

    In tbis country is is called (or used to be called) ‘Take a Bex and a good lie down’.

    Unfortunately neither of these remove the actual dangers.


    Profile photo of JetDollars
    Originally posted by richmond:


    I welcome differing opinions, I deal with them every day, I don’t welcome personal insults, which often infiltrate debates on this forum. In my previous post I’m trying to head off insults before they crank up.



    what I meant is that there are so much people in this world. Like terrorism in which no one like them accept their group.

    many people doing things in many different way.

    I never try to point finger to you. Sorry if you feel that.

    Be happy.

    Kind regards

    Chan Dollars
    [Retire Young, Retire Rich] [strum]

    Profile photo of JetDollars
    Originally posted by Pisces:

    Aussierogue, I scare you you say ?

    Well my country was invaded by the Germans so I perhaps speak from experience about horrible stories like a young boy being shot in the street and left to rot all because he stole some food.

    No offense, but from (what looks to me) an armchair view perhaps things don’t look as bleak.

    I in essence say that we have to do more than hope not to get blown up during a train journey.

    You suggest to take a chill pill.

    In tbis country is is called (or used to be called) ‘Take a Bex and a good lie down’.

    Unfortunately neither of these remove the actual dangers.


    I take your point! Just enjoy life, Pisces. Don’t worry too much! [juggle]

    Kind regards

    Chan Dollars
    [Retire Young, Retire Rich] [strum]

    Profile photo of aussierogue

    pisces – the fact that you think you have seen things and know things others havent is interesting. why do you assume that the rest of us sit in armchairs..

    my family is no stranger to the ravages of war, poverty etc

    Profile photo of richmond

    So what’s the answer to “doing more” then Pisces? Walk around looking over our shoulders all the time? I don’t know the answer myself…

    And what relevance does this have to the discussion?: horrible stories like a young boy being shot in the street and left to rot all because he stole some food.

    A lot of us have our stories Pisces, as aussierogue said, don’t assume we’re all sitting in armchairs.


    Profile photo of pelican


    The media put out the stories they think will get the most ratings…..

    And yes they do tend to bend the truth on many occassions….

    I guess the hard part is trying to get some balance in it all.

    In Singapore, the Media is owned by a government investment corp…. Whilst they always say, we are not govt controlled….anyone with a brain knows better…..

    I get my news from the web thanks very much….. I don’t need to have my news sanitised like the rest of the sheep…..

    How do we get balance…. well that’s one for all of us to think about I guess….

    Pisces. We all respect everyone’s opinions, but you need to calm down a little… Many of us have experienced things 1st hand…. and we all have a contribution to make….


    Profile photo of Administrator

    Richmond it is clear that, as far as criticism of the media is concerned, you appear to be (to put it mildly) on the touchy side.

    Let us address what exactly it was that I said. I simply said that certain things are sensitive information and that the media has a responsibility to watch what they say.

    It does mean that it isn’t unreasonable that the media industry uses self regulation measures. Just a bit of common sense and decency is all that is required.

    That sounds worth repeating so here goes : “Just a bit of common sense and decency is all that is required.“

    Seeing that you Richmond bring up the subject of getting personal, there is absolutely no reason to hang a label onto someone (i.e. the word ‘disturbed’), it is a very common trick in a debate to sidetrack and attack the man rather than the ball.

    In fact hanging a label onto someone does look like qualifying under the definition of making personal remarks.

    I hope that everyone keeps in mind that we should have an honest discussion, not a contest of ‘he who uses the best trick wins’ situation.

    Now coming back to the word ‘disturbing’ : Are you actually saying that young (or old for that matter) Australians being blown up in Bali isn’t disturbing ?

    Should I feel bad about feeling sad, concerned, shocked and angry ?

    Are you saying that I shouldn’t get upset when I read that a 10 year old boy is hoodwinked into smuggling a bomb in his backpack (the ultimately unavoidable outcome being that both ‘the enemy’ and the boy himself gets blown up ?

    Perhaps it is because you haven’t got any children yet that it is hard to imagine that the 10 year old boy story is reality (rather than a mere story or a film.

    Personally, yes it is true that I do get very upset reading such nasty stories but that is me.

    You said : “Answer me one question, what possible interest could the media have in publishing “misleading” reports about real estate?”.

    >> And give me some examples too.<<

    I think you are an educated person Richmond so I would hope that just one example would be sufficient to prove my point.

    However, the last time we had some posts about how callous the media is when they publish a biased unbalanced story I graceously backed off of pursuing the matter because I felt sorry for you trying to defend the undefensible.

    Do you really want me to go into details ?


    Profile photo of pelican

    Oh Brother….. !!

    Calm down folks….. lets try and discuss the issues rationally…..

    And, please no attacks against each other…

    This IS a topic that should be talked about, but without the anger….

    PEACE GUYS <=> Calm down…………….

    Profile photo of Administrator

    Pelican I am quite enjoying myself.

    I just cannot let people get away with saying that the media is lilywhite when clearly they are not.

    Anyone who takes the opposite point of view is truly defending the indefensible.

    BTW, I am going away for a few days so I cannot respond until Saturday.



    Profile photo of richmond

    Now coming back to the word ‘disturbing’ : Are you actually saying that young (or old for that matter) Australians being blown up in Bali isn’t disturbing ?

    Yes of course that’s disturbing… but you’ve changed the goalposts… You yourself said these following two points are disturbing…

    What disturbs me a great deal are two things :

    1. that some blabbermouth in the government or the policeforce couldn’t help himself to blabber out how these suspects were traced and caught (via information found on a mobile phone)

    2. even if some idit talks too much that still doesn’t absolve newspapers and newsservices from blame for publicising such facts.

    In regards to this:

    Just a bit of common sense and decency is all that is required.

    Believe it or not, we try our best in the 9 newsroom here in Melbourne…


    1. I don’t need you to be gracious, as I said, I’ll stand corrected if you can show me some examples…

    2. I didn’t call you disturbed, merely pointed out that you often say things are disturbing to you. There is a difference.

    I’m not annoyed, I like a good debate, and I don’t suffer from tunnel vision… just give me some examples, and I’ll respond to them.

    Also, when did I say the media was lilywhite? There are good and bad reporters, like any field of endeavour. But there is not some puppeteer pulling any sort of strings…


    Profile photo of richmond

    Also, just so there’s no doubt on where I stand on this issue, I will make the following statements… newsrooms across all media have different producers, reporters and news directors. That means different beliefs, ethics, interpretations, levels of intelligence etc.

    I work for National Nine News. We report day to day events and we do it as accurately and objectively as we can. The person in charge is the news director, and no, we don’t do stories to keep the advertising dept or Kerry Packer happy.

    As I have stated on these boards previously I have issues with the likes of A Current Affair and Today Tonight, who are into sensationalising. To call many of their stories journalism is an insult to journalists.

    My main beef with Pisces is sweeping statements and criticisms of the media, because it’s too big to be covered by such comments. Like the oft repeated mantra here that there’s no such thing as THE real estate market, it’s made up of lots of different markets.

    That’s all for now.

    Profile photo of pelican


    Originally posted by Pisces:

    Pelican I am quite enjoying myself.

    I just cannot let people get away with saying that the media is lilywhite when clearly they are not.

    Anyone who takes the opposite point of view is truly defending the indefensible.

    BTW, I am going away for a few days so I cannot respond until Saturday.



    Think you also are taking things out of context here……

    1. Enjoying this ? the debate or the attacking ?? [confused2]

    2. Media being lilywhite – only one I have seen mentioning this so far is you….. ??? [eh]

    Step back, and look at what everyone is saying.

    Yes, SOME media outlets are sensationalist…. but not all….

    Just as there are good and bad “apples” in ALL industries…..

    By tarring people with the same brush, you are no better than some of our other overzealous forum members. And I hope you aren’t…

    Please balance your comments.. We all have differing opionions. Yours aren’t “the gospel” requiring strict adherance………..

    Calm down, accept others views… You don’t have to agree with them, but carpet bombing them ain’t gonna work…..



    Pelican Investments

    Profile photo of BlackJackBlackJack
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 111


    People… [love]

    Chill [smoking]

    Profile photo of richmond

    hey y’all

    Rest assured there’s plenty of love in the room down south in Melbourne. [cigar]

    Profile photo of pelican

    Welcome to the Jerry Springer Show…. Aussie edition……




    Pelican Investments

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