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  • Profile photo of HHH

    Hi Everyone

    Anyone heard of or got any comments about Gordon Green. I just went to one of his seminars and signed up for a workshop. He seems like a genuine guy and his line of thinking and beliefs are very similar to my own.

    Any info appreciated.



    Profile photo of melbear

    Never heard of him Dan.

    What does he teach, how long is the workshop, and what’s it cost?


    Profile photo of HHH

    He is basically a real estate investor (see involved with a large network of other similar minded professionals.

    I went to his introduction seminar and he is pro +cf properties and has some real good ideas. Sort of like an Aussie version of Rich Dad I guess, but I am not sure of his wealth. He claims to have built his wealth in the last 4 years, so he does’t waste any time.

    I am paying $1395.00 for my partner and I to attend his 2 day workshop. He only takes a maximum of 50 people per workshop.

    I have a good feeling about him.

    Happy to hear your thoughts.


    Profile photo of melbear

    I like the fact it’s a small number for the workshop. that will mean more learning, and presumably some group get togethers?

    It looks like you get a 12 month program as well?

    A bit concerned that he built his wealth in the last 4. Anybody that bought property 4 years ago (and as much as they could) would really be sitting pretty right now.

    That said, he probably has learnt a lot along the way (like Steve) and can teach you what to look for.

    Would be very interested in your feedback once you have attended the workshop.

    I’ll be doing the ‘Relay for Life’ here in Canberra – hope it’s not too cold![biggrin]


    Profile photo of HHH

    Thats a good point about the 4 years.

    Anway, I am ready to give it my best shot.

    That 12 month membership is extra again – about $4,000 I think – they only allow 50 members at any one time. You have to wait for people to go out on their own. He says people are normally experienced after a short time with the group where they don’t need them anymore, but are welcome to come back for adhoc advise. You can still be apart of the group without joining, you just have to pay for individual workshops and seminars.

    I will be sure to let you know how it goes, it is in the first week of April.



    Profile photo of JetDollarsJetDollars
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,435

    I just take a look at his website, it’s quite interesting because if the seminar has a small number of people attend then you can ask a lot of question.

    Kind regards

    Chan Dollars
    [Retire Young, Retire Rich] [strum]

    Profile photo of Rebecca1Rebecca1
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 100

    Listen, I don’t wanna spoil the party, folks, but there is a question you should think about.

    This fella has been going for 4 years.

    Well, he is 58 years old.

    The question is obvious. So, ask it, and save yourselves some money.


    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737


    What is “Relay for Life?”

    kay henry

    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733


    Cancer fund raising Relay..think it’s over a 24hr period, lot of fun as well, dressing up etc etc..


    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”

    Profile photo of melbear

    What Redwing said!

    Our teamname is ‘caffeine dependent’. Latest suggestion for our relay baton is a giant coffee mug, a rolled up newspaper, or a big blow up hammer to take out the other walkers!!


    Profile photo of bonemanboneman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 10

    I think Gordon Green is/was one of Brad Sugars ‘Business Coaches’.

    Profile photo of dl79dl79
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 5

    This post goes back a long time.  But let me save any future readers some pain. 

    Gordon Green has cost his investors millions of dollars.  He cost us a quarter of a million.  One of his last companies, PBC Constructions went into liquidation in 2008.  PBC Realty, a real estate sales, buyers agency & property management company which Gordon has a part ownership in has changed it's name to Metro Rentals for the property management & Metro something else for the sales & buyer's agency.  His apprentice, Ambrose Ng, has the other share of the business.  He will structure deals in such a way that he carries no risk nor responisibility but has all of the control.  When things go bad he abdicates all responisibility & leaves it up to investors & scapegoats that he has put in place to be company directors for him to sort the mess out with banks & liquidators.

    I you are reading this, please save yourself a world of hurt by staying away from this individual & his associates.  I don't believe that he is running seminars anymore, but just in case he gets back into it, please do your research first.

    Profile photo of WorkingOnItWorkingOnIt
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 16

    For a bit of 2005 nostalgia, below is an email I sent to Neil J back in mid 2005 with my suspicions.

    It was free and I was suspicious before I turned up and it turned out I was right.

    I apologise for the formatting but I don't know how to make it look better on here.

    **I recently went to what was billed as an advanced training session for some budget software.
    The owner of the budget software company spoke for 1 hour about his software, which is legitimate and a good product also.
    Also in the email invitation he stated that he had "arranged for a couple of well qualified and experienced financial mentors to speak and give some great advice"
    stating also that "if you were to see either of these gentlemen yourself you would be paying over $300 per hour"
    One man spoke for the remaining 2 hours, (Gordon Green) about his own history, various motivational tidbits and glanced over a few financial ideas.
    Eventually seminars were mentioned:-A 2 day real estate workshop worth $2000,   A 5 day Wealth Empowerment workshop  worth $8500
    He also mentioned he owned a building company.
    The larger of the 2 seminars, the 5 day wealth empowerment seminar has 6 speakers involved, these are
    Tim Stokes –  billed as Top Performance coach
    Gordon Green – billed as Australia's Real Estate Guru
    Margaret Braunack -billed as National Values Trainer
    Ray Armitage –  billed as One of Australia's Top Financial planner's
    Justin Paul Kelly -billed as leading reasearcher in healthy lifestyle techniques
    Simon Treselyan – billed as Persuasion and Peak Performance Trainer.
    All this and more is put forward by a company called Profitable Business Concepts and comes with a glossy colour brochure and smells of scam scenarios as they more or less indicated that they didn't want to see anyone about financial planning scenarios until after they had been to the seminar (thats the way i understood it).
    they appear to be on the surface a one stop financial shop mostly to do with property, shares and seminars and financial planning, also have real estate people acting as buyers agents but never sell anything and have there owns solicitors lined up etc.
    They have a half renovated office at 12/97 Castlemaine St, Milton, Brisbane, QLD 4064
    Please let us know if you have heard of anything to do with the above people and the company.
    Profile photo of JeremyVJeremyV
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 6

    Wow- shed's some light….

    Queenbury Investments

    Profile photo of Marko66Marko66
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 1

    Avoid Queensbury Investments at all costs.  We provided services to them at their previous Knox office.  There is now a bill outstanding for our services there.  There are refusing to give us the managers contact details, accounts contact details and no-one will return our calls or letters promising legal action.  They deliberately employed our services with the intention of not paying us a red cent.  Do not do business with this company as they are dishonest and deceitful.

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