All Topics / General Property / Rent to brothers girlfriend!!!!!!
Good on u 4 persisting! Dont we,the do-gooders, get sick to death of rip-off scumbags & users- gutless ones at that.[angry2] Does it sound like i’m becoming bitter & twisted???….I would also REALLY like to know how to black list someone that owes one money.Any chance you could send me the details on that ??
Cheers.[smiling]The Property manager does it. Thats why I use a property manager because as part of the service they access and add people to these lists.
I dont know if individuals have access or can add people to these lists.
Unfortunate mistache 4 sure! I have been fortunate that my parents have always had this ‘thing’ about money. To quote my dad:”Son, where money starts, friendship/family stops”. In other wordsdon’t do what you just did (sorry for the ‘I told you so’). It may go weel one time and possibly the next, but it realy depends on the character of your friend/ relative. I used to be my sisters banker (ages 8 to 19, until she got her own job) but unfortunately my recod keeping skill were very poor and I lost an estimated $450 (a lot of money for students!).
I believe local voting enrolment forms are public property, as in you have the right to view them. I just haven’t found out how to do that, and do it over the internet would be far more convenient. If true, this may be the way for you to find her faster?! Might be worth a look into….
best of luck
C@T[wink]you actually have to add her to the Credit reference association who everyone checks credit history with. Unless oyu are a bank this usually costs a $1500 fee for a years membership. I queried the fact I had details of a dodgy person and why wouldnt they want to know and they said pay the money or go away.
let Karma do the work for you. They usually come unstuck in the end.
Good luck with your next totally un associated to you tenant.
Don’t sweat the small stuff,and it’s all small stuff!!
I have now registered the VCAT (residential tribunal Order) with a collection agency.
I will keep you all posted. She not be easy – we dont have a forwarding address as they did a runner. ie they are no longer at the address given to the Property Manager.
I contracted a collection agency. They were no help. They have moved to Qld with no forwarding address. They sent letters to her mother but they have gone unanswered.
I spoke to my solicitor. Now all i need to do is register the judgement with the Administrative tribunal. I am in the process of doing this.
This should at least come up in any credit check.
Hi Yack
Just reading your posts over the past few months about your tenant.
Debt Recovery is my profession. Just to clarify a couple of points (for yourself and others)
1) You cannot just “give someone a black mark” against their credit record. This only happens 2 ways.
First if you default on a finance arrangement (usually with a bank or a credit provider such as GE or AGC ) as they are members of-CRAA (now Baycorp)
(you can order a credit check on yourself from here as well for those interested)and secondly by getting a court judgment. A tribunal finding is not a judgment but can usually be regsitered as one if there is a monetary debt owing. That is uusally just filling out a form at the court (in Qld anyway)
If you want to chase her in Qld (when you find her) that judgment has to be registered in a Qld court (costs about $80-$100)and then you can get an order to have her examined as to her ability to pay the debt (about $130).
The only real public access information to enable you to locate her is the Electoral Commission but she has to be on the electoral roll to do so. As a result of the recent election these are updated but she stil has to have registered to vote.
My suggestion is to make sure your tribunal order is a registered court judgment (just registering with a collection agent doesn’t automatically achieve that) then go to the Electoral Commission and do a search. It’s free. I don’t believe you can do internet searches yet with them.
Happy Hunting
Happy Hunting
http://www.kentscollections.comTake an invoice to the local court house and have a judgement set on her cost is about 30-50 bucks, it cheap and easy … [biggrin]
Just went to the local Magistrates Court. They would not accept my application till I had a certified copy of the order. The Order i have was a faxed copy from the real estate agents.
So I went home and rang VCAT – residential tribunal. Now I have to wait for the certified copy.
The joys of Beaucracy (spelling)?????
Just had a notice of order made at the Magistrate Court.
Now it should appear on their credit record or something like that.
A question for the mortgage brokers – to get this removed from a credit record – what do these people need to do to pay the outstanding rent to me.
Do they need to contact me to pay outstanding rent?
Just a question for Debtdog if you have taken someone to court and the court has ordered them to pay you the outstanding amount can you get these funds out of the person?? Even if they never have any money etc?
Hi Yack
To get the judgement marked as paid or the equivalent requires them to pay you, then for you to provide them with receipt and letter of discontinuance which can then be lodged with the court that issued the judgement in the first place. It will then be updated, not removed.
Judgements will be automatically removed at 5 years after the date of the judgement. They may be removed in certain circumstances before that but only after the matter has been discontinued (which includes them paying you in full including any interest allowed by the court and all fees and charges).
Margaret Wilson when a credit report is generated for a Bank does the credit report refer to judgments made in that persons name?
So therefore a landlord who registers the judgement does not need to do anything further unless they want to contact a debt collector.
Yack, Yes it will appear on her credit report and that will cause problems when getting finance. Especially if unpaid. Most will not touch it, some will want it to be paid before approving finance.
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Originally posted by summer:Just a question for Debtdog if you have taken someone to court and the court has ordered them to pay you the outstanding amount can you get these funds out of the person?? Even if they never have any money etc?
Hi Summer
Sure there are cases where the debtor has no money and seems hopeless but we usually carry out an enforcement hearing. It orders them to appear in court (or they are arrested) and produce bank statements, tax returns etc for 2 years. We usually find a source to garnishee. Sometimes the sheer embarressment is enough to get them to sort it out before they go to courtIf the debt warrants it (and they own real estate) register a warrant and threaten to sell the property. Works wonders!
Happy Hunting
http://www.kentscollections.comso if she is added to the database does that mean she can never rent another place again.???
What database? If it is added to a tenant database, then only those agents with access would know about it. Not every agent subscribes to these databases and not everybody would check, so she probably could rent another place without too much trouble.
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