All Topics / Opinionated! / A Lesson in psychocology in the market…

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  • Profile photo of Billfromoz

    G’day Forum Members….

    Every action we take in life is for One of Two reasons only…. anyone who has studied psychcology will understand what I am about to share with you.

    All our actions are to either, make us feel better or to avoid pain….. nothing else enters the equation. And that is a Fact!

    To make us feel better we continue investing in R.E for fear of missing out, or to hopefully make a profit that will give us all ” that good feeling”.

    On the other hand some of us (me included) hold back to avoid pain from a wrong descision.

    Combine the two and you have a Market.

    However, if we read a balanced article we tend to read/interperet what sits in line with our beliefs/hopes/thinking.

    To those that feel it is all emotional are dead right.

    Being Privy to more than 1200 emails from Forum Members since last September I feel that I have a good handle on Forum Members expectationns… Hopes/Fears.

    The Forunm is more cautious today. But still fear missing out in attempts to avoid pain. Others that continue in the hope that after a 7 year cycle will continue, to read into rerports what they wish to hear/read.

    Like “our city, town is different”. From Adelaide to Sydney, Qld and Melbourne the story is the same…”Where different” That is your emotions protecting you.Or at the very least… hopeful thinking.

    It is all about perception… and perception is “everything”…. Your Perception.


    Bill O’Mara

    Profile photo of markpatric

    Bill you said “All our actions are to either, make us feel better or to avoid pain”.
    Maybe you could add to that “or to make others feel better or avoid pain.
    It could also be said that “perception is worthless, reality is priceless”.[^]

    Profile photo of Administrator

    >>Maybe you could add to that “or to make others feel better or avoid pain<<

    A very good case indeed can be made out for the fact that an altruistic person (i.e. someone who appears to display unselfish concern for the welfare of others) ultimately is acting in the way he is acting because it makes him feel good.

    So, in effect he is doing it for himself.

    Now one can argue this point until one is black and blue in the face but all of that is verbiage which doesn’t mean a thing, doesn’t p-r-o-v-e anything.

    One’s opinion is just that, one’s opinion, perhaps right, perhaps wrong.

    The only way to determine whether what Bill said is correct is to start observing one’s action (a rather long and difficult task).

    BTW, Bill said something very significant there which in essence is a model which can be used to explain, to understand one’s behaviour.

    *** deleted *** (Pisces, give it a rest, it’s getting boring – mods)


    Profile photo of Administrator

    For heavens sake Richmond, I responded to Markpatric’s post in a rational manner.

    I am genuinely very interested in the subject and the last paragraph, which you Richmond has seen fit to partly delete, was included by me because I wanted to make it clear to Markpatric that I am not hounding him, sending him up, or criticising him (at least not in this thread).

    And here come you galloping along Richmond, displaying paranoia when it isn’t warranted. (Pisces, I’m not paranoid, just tired of your spats with markpatric, r)

    The twist you have given to my post by deleting part of the last paragraph, anyone would get the (wrong) impression that I have said something terrible when that isn’t the case at all. (For all who care, Pisces didn’t say anything terrible, but I felt it would start up a silly personal tit for tat, cheers r)

    The way you have handled the matter, Richmond, is very disturbing to me. (That doesn’t really worry me, I’m more concerned about the tone of overall discussion, cheers r)

    The very least you now can do to undo the damage is by at least deleting the whole paragraph so as to remove the false impression you are sowing about me with your opinion. (Pisces, I’m not trying to sow anything, but I’ll delete the whole paragraph if it worries you, cheers r)

    You can even go a step further and delete the whole of my post (or all of my posts for all I care). (Why would I do that? I find most of your posts interesting, except for the ones where you appear to get personal, cheers r)


    Profile photo of Billfromoz

    G’day again…

    A few months ago I offered to mentor/help people with
    Investment issues etc.

    Why did I make the offer? Because I have the experience to do so and it may make a difference in thier life…which makes me feel good…. so at the end of the day I do it for me, even if they may have benefited.

    Perception ? People on this Forum and those I have had business dealings with over 30 odd years form their opinion of me (as they do of you and I of them) based on our perception of one another.

    I agree that reality is priceless, but peoples perception of us (even a product or a business)is so real to us and it may very well be the opposite to the reality.

    Avoiding pain ? Why do people stay in a job they have hated for years and then finally leave? Because the pain of staying is now greater than the pain in leaving security and regular income. And they stayed as long as they did to avoid their perception of the pain caused by no job or security if they were to leave.

    Would be interested in others views on this topic.



    Bill O’Mara

    Profile photo of aussierogue

    bill – i agree. there are some theological basis to what you say aswell. budhists for example blve that the path to understanding is about coping with and avoiding pain. because the world is a painful place.

    i think once you undertand why we do things, it allows one make better more sound judgements because we know what is motivating us….

    maybe the more developed person can make decisions based on a wider range if emotions other than avoiding pain or seeking pleasure.

    Profile photo of Administrator

    Having endeavoured for many years to ‘get to know’ myself better I can attest that it is a very hard task.

    Our emotions come into play so quickly that it is virtually an impossible task to make changes in one’s behaviour.

    I understand that one way to (eventually) bring a change about is not by trying to do so but by
    constantly observing oneself. ( a very big task to do as mostly people go though life in a constant dreamstate).
    (you may note that I ‘haven’t arrived as yet, haven’t become ‘Master’ of my life and body yet).

    Sometimes a big shock, a trauma, will automatically bring about changes in one’s behaviour.

    For example, my brother was pretty well a (weekend) alcoholic.

    One day he had a glass of beer in his hands as a message came that one of his sons had been killed in an accident.

    He hasn’t had a drop since. The taste, the smell makes him violently ill.

    So what Bill is talking about (our emotions control us
    and therefore we have to somehow establish control over our behaviour ourselves) is very much hypothetical, an intellectual exercise, an impossible task).


    Profile photo of markpatric

    It comes down to your own motivation for what you do….simple, but people CAN change.
    This is difficult but not complicated imo.
    As far as all people avoiding pain it is a false perception imo.

    In fact, it is often said the measure in your acheivment is said to directly commesurate with your ability to walk through pain, or to endure hardship to find your own answers.[;)]
    Do you think all heroes save others so they can get a pat on the back?, I have never saved anyone but I doubt someone would risk certain death for the addulation, people do things sometimes simply because they care about others regardless, in fact everyone does!, in small ways.

    Profile photo of aussierogue

    markatric – the problem is that 95 pct of people dont know what motivates them. an if they do they only know 5 pct of the time.

    so all of a sudden its not so simple….

    as far as the its often said – by who??? tommy hafey.

    alot of people actions are merely reactions to a situation. if you are a firefighter you cant turn away from a fire. you have certain fears etc that brought you along a crtain path wch finds you in a certain situation at a certain time.

    how many heroes do you know who say – i just did what i thought was right – you wld have done the same if you were in the same situation!! its true for most of us.

    Profile photo of markpatric

    If Tom Hafey said it, it`s probably worth listening to!.
    But seriously, Napoleon Hill among others.

    Profile photo of Administrator

    Napoleon Hill makes interesting reading but the question remains ‘How many people are actually able to make themselves do the exercises ?

    If some people succeed it is because of a process over a long time.

    To make a change there and then ? Virtually impossible.

    75% of the population is overweight. Most are very aware that the main cause is that they either (or both) overeat or eat the wrong type of foods.

    Don’t tell me that they prefer to stay the way they are. No, it is because, despite knowing what to do, depite wishing they were taut, svelte and slim they are unable to.

    Their body, their habits, their
    brainwashed mind, won’t let them.

    So much for being in charge.

    Unless there is a more compelling reason (motivation) they cannot do it.

    Even people who damn well know that they are hastening their death still cannot change their habits to save their life.

    It is virtually as if they are programmed doomed robots who cannot think.

    If a drastic change does take place it is usually by accident not because they planned.


    Profile photo of markpatric

    Napoleon Hill makes interesting reading but the question remains ‘How many people are actually able to make themselves do the exercises ?

    If some people succeed it is because of a process over a long time.



    Profile photo of salacioussalacious
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 373

    Holy mackeral anybody wasting their time by reading and writing this crap must have nothing better to do i am glad all of this stays in this section of the forum.[jerry]

    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737


    My only concern is the name of the topic:

    [shades] “Psycho-cology” [shades]

    I think some of the replies reflect the topic.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of pelican

    now where is that sleepy smile ??[dozey]

    Profile photo of Administrator

    Now one can argue this point until one is black and blue in the face but all of that is verbiage which doesn’t mean a thing, doesn’t p-r-o-v-e anything.

    One’s opinion is just that, one’s opinion, perhaps right, perhaps wrong.

    The only way to determine whether what Bill said is correct is to start observing one’s action (a rather long and difficult task).

    It is clear that not too many people appear to have grasped what the above few lines actually mean.


    Profile photo of pelican


    Having re-read your original post, just wanted to say THANKS, for sharing your wisdom..

    I see where you are coming from so to speak, and, tend to agree with you !!

    We are on a continuos journey of learning about ourselves, and, emotion plays a big part in the decisions we make…. ( to please ourselves / avoid pain )

    Personally I make it a point of trying NOT to avoid the pain from time to time, and get out of the “comfort zone”….. And when I do, I feel so alive !!

    Thanks again….


    Profile photo of Administrator

    Hi Scott,

    Just had another look at your personal information.

    You do indeed live outside Australia. Yet, you are selling houses in Victoria.

    How do you manage that from so afar ?


    Profile photo of Administrator

    Good to see that at least one person (Pelican – Scott) appears to have some idea what Bill is talking about.

    The problem with many people is that they have fallen into the habit of speaking without thinking.

    The inevitable result is that mostly what comes out of one’s mouth is garbage, shit, meaningless clutter.

    And of course, virtually we all are at one time or other guilty of jumping to conclusions rather than trying to understand what (in this case) Bill is talking about.

    It is a pity isn’t, as a closed mind stops one from further learning, learning both what others are trying to convey and learning about ourselves.


    Profile photo of pelican


    Thanks for the comments… Well, I guess we all sometimes let fly before we think…

    I like to challenge myself where I can’t….. I ain’t no sheep……

    Yes, I currently live in Singapore. I have a VERY understanding biz partner who does most of the work at the moment on the housing front. I do what I can from here… I’m coming back to Australia at the end of the year….. can’t wait !!![biggrin]



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