All Topics / General Property / Which investment market

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    My question to the forum is this … what is the best market to invest in and why

    Eg; 1-2-3 bedroom units, townhouses, houses, country areas, farms, renovating, duplexes, waterfrond, Syd-Mel-Bne-Qld-NZ etc

    [email protected]

    Profile photo of crjcrj
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 618

    Best in what context.
    What is best for one investor might not be best for another eg renovating might make sense for someone with some skills and time as they are converting these into an asset, but it might not make much sense for someone who lives a long distance from the property.
    Do you mean best from capital gain or cash flow
    What would be a good investment in one place might not be good in another
    You need to work out what’s best for you. This will depend on many factors eg borrowing capacity, level of comfort with debt

    Profile photo of brucegrahambrucegraham
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 17

    G’day residentialwealth,
    In my opinion, never, never invest in home units. Cheaper to purchase and easier to maintain. But those bloody strata levies, they average out at about two thousand dollars a year.
    The laws are changing to allow tenants to have pets.
    Nothing you can do to stop this.Just another pain in the bum!!

    Winners make it happen.
    Losers let it happen.

    Profile photo of judijudi
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 119

    Hi Phillip
    Too many variables. I agree with what’s been said so far. I would stay away from anything with a strata title unless you’re buying the lot. In my experience, duplexes can often show a better return than houses and can have similar potential for CG. I suppose waterfront is always good as long as you’re not paying inflated prices for it. Houses can be better than units for CG as it is the land that appreciates in value and you tend to get more land with a house. Country areas – depends a lot on the town. Does it have an increasing population? etc. Is it big enough that you can get a loan? Farms: Hmmmm. Maybe if you’ve got a creative idea up your sleeve. Which area/city: Possibly NZ for +ve cash flow, maybe QLD for CG because of increasing population due to migration from south and from overseas. Maybe nowhere at the moment? Maybe anywhere you find a deal where the numbers stack up?

    What’s “residentialwealth”?


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    Thanks Judi good answers, maybe my question is a little open, should I have asked if people have a preference over one investment type more than another and why, residentialwealth is the name of my development company, new web site (soooon) and the name of two books I am about to release … Phil

    [email protected]

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