All Topics / General Property / $8000 to own a property!

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  • Profile photo of kay henry

    Or so the ad says [:)

    Tell me, wiser folks than me, what kind of yield do you think these little boxes on the pavement would bring?

    Think they´d be big enough to live in? [:I]

    kay henry

    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733

    Why the pictures of the waterspouts and the people at the tables ?? the view from the box ??

    Hey, as the numbers are consecutive, can you smash down the dividing walls and get enough room for an inner city unit… HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM $ *kaaachiing* $

    Actually, why not buy as storage units and rent to a legal firm or such…??


    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”

    Profile photo of woodsmanwoodsman
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 714


    Don’t know how big these are, however, there are storage units available for rent in other residential apartment blocks in Southbank/South Melbourne and currently rent between $15-$30 per week. These are generally, wire mesh cages. (body corporate is almost negligable)

    Similar for car parks in those buildings, but they are being sold for $35k!!

    Don’t know about outgoings in this Lonsdale Street building and of course access may be an issue. ie 5 or 6 days a week between certain times. Of course, finding parking to out your goods may also be an issue.


    Profile photo of kay henry

    Thanks guys! And my, you´re up early! Only 9.20pm here and awaiting for the lass to return from a meeting to take me out :)

    As to the boxes… yes, paying rates would be a bummer. Perhaps you could just pick it up and take it home of a night [:)

    I reckon once one starts seeking a $10 return per week on an investment, it´s a bit sad.

    The boxes have their own body corporate?? God, it gets stranger…

    kay henry

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