All Topics / General Property / Good news for Geelong investors
finally it looks like Avalon will begin the development as a 2nd airport for Melbourne. this should be a huge bonus for the Gellong area.
bye westan
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Kendell tried to operate out of Avalon for quite a while and couldn’t manage to fill a Beech 1900. Not sure how much luck Jetstar will have filling an A320. Sure you will get people from Geelong and the coast but how many people will travel to Avalon to catch a flight from the rest of Melbourne/Victoria? The big advantage I see at the moment is free parking – but will that last? The other thing is it is possibly a political thing with the unions as Qantas/Jetstar management have assured Qantas workers that Jetstar wont compete with the mainline (Qantas) trunk routes (ie Syd-Mel). Now they can offer Avalon-Syd. Dont know but it will be interesting to see further announcements today and in the near future.
PS. I should add that I actually work for Qantas in the flying section.
I tend to agree. I dont really think long term Avalon will succeed. I would have thought that there was still plenty of room for Tullamarine to expand.
The free parking is maybe the only thing that appeals to me. We live in aspendale and Avalon and Tullamarine are similar distances.
I also have my doubts that jetstar will last in the long term.
There was a test done this morning on the radio in Melbourne about the time and cost difference coming from South Melbourne to the respective airports.
I think Tullamarine took 29 minutes and cost $46 whilst Avalon took 46 minutes and cost $74.
It’ll be interesting to see how successful the Avalon flights are. Hazelton tried some flights from there about 3-4 years ago without much success. It might be a bit better now that the Geelong road is finished, and with a fast train to Geelong/Lara on the way.
Our perceptions of distance change over time anyway. 20 years ago, places like Cranbourne, Carloine Springs even Bundoora were seen as far outposts of Melbourne. As long as the business case is their for Jetstar to exist and run profitbaly, then in 5-10 years, Avalon is not going to be that ‘out of the way’.
Rod makes a good point that transport infrastructure will help this perception/reality.
Malachii, I know a guy who works for Qantas also. He mentions that the Qantas staff refer to Jetstar as ‘Porn Star’, and that the expectation is that Jet Star will in fact become the ‘domestic’ airline, and Qantas will be an ‘international’ only carrier. He says many of his co workers expect to be out of jobs because of this change…..
You know – it’s funny – I was in a meeting with senior management when the announcement was made about the name and within 30 seconds it had been changed to(“christened”???) pornstar and it seems to have stuck – maybe we should have passed it on to marketing.
In regards to it becoming the “domestic” operation this rumour has been going around for a while – prommulgated by the unions!! I don’t know – I work with a number of guys who have been involved in the planning/running of low cost airlines in Europe and they seem to think that we can run both. There will always be people who just want the bare bones and others who would rather pay a bit extra for the convenience/service etc. Having said that I think the future growth (domestically) of Qantas will be thru Jetstar and yes – I would say that some jobs are in danger no matter what management is currently saying. But I also think that it wont be mass sackings or anything – more like natural attrition. But having working in aviation since turning 16 the one thing I have learnt is that tommorow the whole world will change. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve turned up to work to find the company I worked for yesterday had simply disappeared, never to be heard of again. Not saying Qantas is going to do that but it only takes another Sep 11 type thing and who knows!!!
I look at it this way:
wouldn’t an Avalon base be more attractive to those living in the Western Suburbs? – low income earners = low flights.
So areas such as Geelong, Footscray, Hoppers Crossing, Werribee would prosper.I look at it this way:
wouldn’t an Avalon base be more attractive to those living in the Western Suburbs? – low income earners = low flights.
So areas such as Geelong, Footscray, Hoppers Crossing, Werribee would prosper.
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