The two most valuable things that I’ve learned from the forum…um here goes – remember you asked for it! []
1. People are at all different levels in their investing career, but they are all appreciative of a bit of moral support and encouragement. I never try to critisize others as it can really be taken personally. If I disagree, I TRY to see their point of view, and I often learn a lot more about a subject.
2. When I first joined the forum, I used to be frightened to post questions, or even answers, fearing that many would think that I was dumb, but now I know that there are no real dumb questions or answers. (except maybe where to find +ve cashflow properties.. ha ha)
Now, I make an effort to try to help the new members (not newbies).
Thanks for taking the time to think about that.The stuff I learn on the forum from you and others is really just invaluable. People don’t seem to mind what you ask as long as you are genuine, (and not asking for locations of +ve CF Props!) Just about everyone seems to get encouraging and frank replies. It’s great to get feedback from every side of a the multi-sided fence.
Not only am I new to investing but also to the whole email forum/chat thing. I just don’t have the lingo down yet. There’s something I am missing. Del, in the light of your Words of Wisdom about asking questions and at the considerable risk of looking completely dumb, I just have to ask this question!! Could someone please tell me what LOL means! It’s driving me crazy!
Lots of Laughs?
Lots Of Luck?
Long Ostrich Legs?
Leotards On Leopards?
Limited Orange Lipstick?
Lost Our Leader?
Lunch of Lager?
Legs of Licorice?
Loitering Oldies Legal?
Lizards on Lounges?
Lick Our Lollipop?
Lobsters Only Laundromat?