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  • Profile photo of ShusharShushar
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 190

    You go to a party and you see an attractive boy/girl across the room. You go up to him/her and say, “Hi, I’m great in bed, how about it?”.
    That’s Direct Marketing.

    You go to a party and you see an attractive boy/girl across the room. You give your friend a tenner. She goes up and says “Hi, my friend over there is great in bed, how about it?”.
    That’s Advertising.

    You go to a party and you see an attractive boy/girl across the room. You somehow get his/her mobile number. You call and chat him/her up a while and then say “Hi, I am great in bed, how about it?”
    That’s Tele-Marketing.

    You go to a party and you see an attractive boy/girl across the room. You give two of your friends a tenner each to stand within earshot of Him/her and talk about how great you are in bed and what a hottie you are.
    This is an example of PR.

    You go to a party and you see an attractive boy/girl across the room. You recognize him. You walk up to him, refresh his memory and get him to laugh and then suggest, “Hi, I am great in bed, how about it?”.
    That’s Customer Relationship Management.

    You go to a party and you see an attractive boy/girl across the room. You put on your spring boots and walk around playing Miss Busy. You put on your best smile and walk around being Miss Congenial. You fresh all the Thesaurus links in your memory and play Miss Polished. You stand straight, you talk softly and smoothly, you smile like a dream, you set an aura around you playing the lady and then you move up to the boy and say, “Hi, I am great in bed, how about it?”.
    That’s Hard Selling.

    You go to a party, you see an attractive boy/girl across the room. HE COMES OVER and says, “Hi, I hear you’re great in bed, how about it?”
    Now THAT is the power of Branding.

    Profile photo of Administrator

    You go to a party, you see an attractive boy/girl across the room. HE/SHE COMES OVER and says, “Hi, I hear you’re great in bed”.

    Whereupon you sell him/her a blow up doll of yourself.

    That is marketing.

    Profile photo of Administrator

    >>You go to a party, you see an attractive boy/girl across the room. HE/SHE COMES OVER and says, “Hi, I hear you’re great in bed”.

    Whereupon you sell him/her a blow up doll of yourself.<<

    In addititon to selling the doll you also sell him/her two dozen of different colour and shapes condoms.

    That is multi marketing

    Profile photo of Administrator

    >>You go to a party, you see an attractive boy/girl across the room. HE/SHE COMES OVER and says, “Hi, I hear you’re great in bed”.

    Whereupon you pull out the blow up doll from your bag and say “$ 10-00 a week and in two years time you can exercise your option to buy”.

    That is lease/purchase marketing.

    Profile photo of Administrator

    >>You go to a party, you see an attractive boy/girl across the room. HE/SHE COMES OVER and says, “Hi, I hear you’re great in bed”.

    Whereupon you pull a blow up doll of yourself out of your bag and say “$ 10 a quickie”.

    That is short term rental marketing.

    Profile photo of Administrator

    >>You go to a party, you see an attractive boy/girl across the room. HE/SHE COMES OVER and says, “Hi, I hear you’re great in bed”.<<

    Whereupon you pull a blow up doll of yourself out of your bag and say “$ 10 down and $ 5-00 a week”.

    That is hire purchase marketing

    Profile photo of Administrator

    Chan of course with all his clones will, without a shadow of doubt, out earn anyone else in this business.

    That is called Multi Level marketing


    Profile photo of JetDollarsJetDollars
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,435
    Originally posted by Pisces:

    Chan of course with all his clones will, without a shadow of doubt, out earn anyone else in this business.

    That is called Multi Level marketing



    Warm Regards

    [Keep going, you’re on your way to financial freedom]

    Profile photo of Still in SchoolStill in School
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,844
    Profile photo of PropertyGuruPropertyGuru
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,502

    Good one :)


    Profile photo of Matt PMatt P
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 645

    rofl, well done [^]

    Cheers Matt

    “If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always had.”

    “Isn’t it time for a change?”

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