All Topics / General Property / Melton Victoria

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  • Profile photo of fjficm

    I am thinking of buying to stay in Melton. Anyone knows this area? Any info would be welcomed about what i would expect to pay for a standard 3 bedroom house and possibilty of future would be like

    Thanks FJFICM

    Profile photo of aussierogueaussierogue
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 983

    you might be on a winner in melton. new govt report talking about huge population growth in the next 10 years. currently you can get a half decent 3 bedroom house for 200-220 k.

    wont be positive cashflow but i reckon its still a good investment..

    Profile photo of pelicanpelican
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 454


    If you do your homework and are patient, there is property there in the 160+ range…. that is, if you take yr time…..

    Melton is a nice place to live, and, yes, it should be a good area in the future….

    I used to live in Sydenham 25 years ago, and all we had around us were cows….. now the place is surburbia….. :p



    Pelican Investments

    Profile photo of MinxiiMinxii
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 18

    I just bought my first home in Melton South for $180k, 3 bedroom, split level with ducted heating. I was persuaded by all my workmates, most of whom live there. Its got a great V-line train service, Victoria University, shopping malls and pretty much everything you’d need. Its got a good country feel to it too (for the moment at least) [:)]


    Profile photo of fjficm

    thanks for the tip
    i bought in melton
    about 700 m2 of flat land
    3 bedrooms ensuite and semi-ensuite
    15 square house
    19 yo
    5 mins walk to Vic Uni
    Rented by good tennants for 2 years – no problems watsoever, house is 2X cleaner/more immaculate than mine(definately better carpets)
    all for just $156000
    probably will live there after 15 years or so to enjoy some rural respite
    so thanks for advice, i love this place……..for now

    Profile photo of Rob28Rob28
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 4

    I would be a bit concerned regarding the capital growth in the area. There is plenty of flat land available for development and this will limit the growth in property values.
    I think that this is a problem with Melbourne generally – developments in North, West and South East.

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