All Topics / Forum Frolic / Humour NZ Style – NZ Floods

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  • Profile photo of Shushar

    A major Flood in the Hutt Valley Region hit in the early hours of Sunday 15th February 2004. Worst hit Area: Lower Hutt, Wellington.

    The Flood decimated the area causing approximately $30.00 worth of damage. Several priceless collections of mementos from the $2.00 Shop were damaged beyond repair. Three areas of historic burnt out cars were disturbed. Many locals were woken well before their benefit arrived.

    More FM News (Radio Station) reported that hundreds of residents were confused and bewildered, still trying to come to terms with the fact that something interesting had happened in Lower Hutt.

    One resident – Tracy Sharon Smith, a 15-year-old mother of 5 said “It was such a shock, my little Chardonnay Mercedes came running into my bedroom crying. My youngest two, Tyler-Morgan and Megan-Storm slept through it all. I was still shaking when I was watching Rikki Lake the next morning.” Apparently though, looting, muggings and car crime did carry on as normal.

    The New Zealand Red Cross has so far managed to ship 4,000 crates of Raro to the area to help the stricken locals. Rescue workers are still searching through the Flood damaged area and have found large quantities
    of personal belongings, which include benefit books, jewelry from Cash Convertors and Bone China from The Warehouse.


    This appeal is to raise money for food and clothing, parcels for those unfortunate to be caught up in this disaster.

    Clothing is most sought after, items most needed include:
    – Body Glove or Warehouse own baseball caps
    – Kappa tracksuit tops (his and hers)
    – Shell suits (female)
    – White sport socks
    – Rockport boots
    – and any other items usually sold in K Mart.

    Food parcels may be harder to come by, but are needed all the same.
    Required foodstuffs include Microwave meals, tins of baked beans, ice cream and cans of Lion Red or Speights. 22c buys a pen for filling in the compensation forms, $2.00 buys chips, crisps and blue fizzy drinks for a family of 9, $10.00 will pay for a packet of Holiday Ciggies and a lighter to calm the nerves of those affected.

    Please do not send tents for shelter, as the sight of posh housing is unfair on the population of neighbouring areas of Silverstream, Naenae and Avalon.

    Profile photo of CastleDreamerCastleDreamer
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 288

    Somewhat funny, but maybe a bit tacky!!!! – anyone out there actually suffer property damage from the storms, many forumites own property in the storm areas

    Besides, you forgot to mention sheepskin boots and new jandals for all of those poor Kiwis (I know, I have kiwi in me too!!) who lost their stuff!!!

    Profile photo of muppet

    Hi Guys

    First storm followed by second storm.

    Estimate of damage is already over $100,000,000.

    Some farmers lost most of their cow herds as the Manawatu is a dairy farming area.


    Profile photo of Shushar

    My apologies if I offended anyone.

    This was sent to me by a NZ ex-pat, who received it from their sister in NZ. When I commented on the tackiness, I was told the NZers have a great ability to laugh at themselves.

    Profile photo of muppet

    Hi Sushar

    Not a problem. I had already seen it on Propertytalk before you had posted it.


    Profile photo of jancrowsjancrows
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 122

    Ok I am prob the one on here yet to be tested on humour. I thought it a laugh but having gone through the despair of the Katherine floods in 1998 NT and how it upturned peoples lives, I guess jokes about “long grassers” losing their blankets 200 ft high [:X] ( in assimulation) would not sit well with many. Floods are devastating and the emotional & financial trauma will sit with many. ( and the stench that comes with subsidance just will never leave with me.) There are many who havent recovered from Cyclone “Tracy” and I am aware that many in the SE states are suffering too…


    “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Profile photo of JetDollarsJetDollars
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,435
    Originally posted by CastleDreamer:

    Somewhat funny, but maybe a bit tacky!!!! – anyone out there actually suffer property damage from the storms, many forumites own property in the storm areas

    Besides, you forgot to mention sheepskin boots and new jandals for all of those poor Kiwis (I know, I have kiwi in me too!!) who lost their stuff!!!

    May be Mini can answer that.

    Still LOL
    can’t stop….LOL

    Warm Regards

    [Keep going, you’re on your way to financial freedom]

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